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Alia Dec 2019
The heat outside burns the world today
The sun above scorns the earth below
And watching children running out to play
I wonder what has happened to the snow

The sun above scorns the earth below
Sweltering heat created by its rage
I wonder what has happened to the snow
As a world once in eternal ice age

Sweltering heat created by its rage
I wonder which is better, snow or fire?
As a world once in eternal ice age
We welcome any change from cold so dire

I wonder which is better, snow or fire?
Ice is so familiar and fire’s new
We welcome any change from cold so dire
If this is rebirth, we will make it through

Ice is so familiar and fire’s new
And watching children running out to play
If this is rebirth we will make it through
The heat outside burns the world today
Alia Dec 2019
Death doesn’t hit you right away
It hits you in waves
First, disconnection
Oh, they’re dead
Mark it down in your mind
Think, cry, and stop

Then you think of them in the present tense
And reality hits again
You cry again. You stop.

It only really sinks in when you see others in mourning
Black-clothed figures around a casket
Speeches, about who they were and the potential lost
Then you cry. Properly cry.
And you never really stop.
Alia Dec 2019
No one ever asked how I felt

When the box was open
And all the demons flooded out
No one ever asks how that felt

I’ll answer anyway
I felt stupid
I had allowed my curiosity to get the better of me

Remember, though, that I was created for this
The gods made me
My curiosity engineered
So they could release evil into the world through me
And condemn me for the very act they orchestrated

Sure, my hand pulled the lid off the box
But the God's created the box and my hand
My will and the evil inside that box
All beyond my control

I was created as a weapon
And so I will be one
I force against the very gods
Tricked me
Betrayed me
Created me

Who I am now is my own and I scream to the Gods
“I am nobody's creation.”

— The End —