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Jan 2015 · 1.9k
L Jan 2015
A trembling heart,
may also cause a calm heart,

That's what I'm trying to avoid.

Not because I don't care.
But I'm afraid,
I might wavered.

It makes me difficult,
to let go.
Jan 2015 · 1.9k
The Melancholy Of Heart
L Jan 2015
You once said that time will change everything.
As I was looking at you from behind,
you're leaving.

It feels just like yesterday,
that we were together.
You're shadow still haunts me.
It's colder than before.

Like Autumn, falling.

It's emptier than before.
Just like Autumn, falling.

I thought that I can move on.
Wishing for an endless summer.
But it was too late.
Because now,
it feels like Autumn, falling.

I tried to wake up.
Sadly, the senses were gone.
It went away with you.
My everything.

I can just hope that someday,
you will come back again for me.

Just like Autumn, falling.

I wish that you will remember me,

Like how the Autumn, falls.
May peace guide your journey.
Jan 2015 · 992
The Goodbye Rain
L Jan 2015
Even the raindrops are blown into the flowers by the wind,
without knowing the name of that trampled flower.
Those teenage dreams of ours,
do you still holding it tightly in your palms?
Or maybe someone just let it go.

Even with the seasons passing by,
tears are evaporated by the flowing time.
The journey of ours along the way,
did any of us got lost?
Or is it some of us founded a new path.

Even though we had to fight against time,
we promised not to leave each other.
Even though the whole world turn its back against us,
must always be together.
We said we would venture into the world together.

Does any of us still remember?
In that night, we made an infinitely large wish.
Hand in hand we were strong, carrying across the river of sadness.
We said that we would not part ways.
Was it just a kid's babble?

Oh, heavy rain.
Please don't erase the warmness of our past.

Oh, the heavy rain.
Please don't floods away the field of memories we left for each other.

This date,
green grasses are thick.
Flowers a beautifully bloomed,
in the infinitely large garden of our memories and promises.
Please take a good care of it.

That solitary cloud will always watch you from the distance.
May the bright moon accompanies you even from a thousand miles away.

— The End —