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2.5k · Mar 2016
Honesty hiding disrespect
horandement Mar 2016
You think I left, tears in my eyes
When I just needed fresh air
To keep my nerves quiet, my soul pure

People like you need a heart,
Can't feel humanity streaming in their veins
And now I am the prisonner of your words

Oh little princess ! Don't you think it's time to throw your plastic crown away ?
And see what you have destroyed all around you

Selfish mind, ***** words blind you
Everyone around got hurt
Everything but your mean smile

Eyes full of admiration, eyes full of hate
You pretend to speak true words
When everyting you have done was being nasty

Because honesty is NOT a synonym of disrespect.
620 · Aug 2015
worth loving
horandement Aug 2015
I used to think about us and how I fell deeply for you,
then I figured it all out. I didn't fall in love, I just fell. Because deep down, I knew I wasn't worth it. I wasn't enough. I still don't deserve you and never will.

The thing is that I don't think anyone deserves those two blue oceans you have for eyes. Nobody deserves a soul like yours.

Every part of you needs its protection walls and guards, so no one would ever hurt or damage you. Maybe I'm just a desperate girl who found a fascinating masterpiece when she got lost. But then, she doesn't want anybody to found out what she discovered.

I wish you were not that worth loving, so it wouldn't hurt that much.

Because unfortunately after all this pain, I still do adore you blondie.
This is really bad I know, but forgive me I'm just trying to express myself as prettily as I can
469 · Aug 2015
Last night dream
horandement Aug 2015
You were sleeping when I've found you lying down on the cold ground. Homeless and hopeless.
You didn't seem to trust anyone but you let me held your suave hand in mine. I took you under my wing but you were still afraid. You didn't want to tell me your story. So I have waited for a long time. And when I knew, I've loved you even more. I didn't fall in love with your qualities and beauty at all. I was in love with your imperfections, the mistakes that made you unique, but most of all I fell for your broken heart. I had a mission. I had to fix all the pieces together. So when I did, when I saw a smile painting on your face and heard the beautiful melody of your laugh, I wanted to keep you by my side forever and never told to anyone about your existence so no one would ever be in love with you, as well.

Everybody needs you.
Everybody needs inspiration.
Everybody needs a ball of sunshine.

I've found mine and if I could I would have took him far away from any sort of individuals capable of loving.

But I woke up. You and all we've been through desappeared. Reality caught me up.

Back to lonelyness and the sweet sound of silence...
407 · Aug 2015
2 a.m
horandement Aug 2015
When the light turns to dark and the moon rises,

I think of you. It's 2 a.m and I'm thinking about you.

I think about the t-shirt you're sleepling in, your eyes closed, and your messy blonde hair against your pillow.

Oh how I  wish I was yours. Oh how I wish you were mine.

Reality is ruining my life. It's 2 a.m and reality is ruining my life.
260 · Aug 2015
how to love
horandement Aug 2015
She didn't know how to love. So she loved.

She loved

She loved

She loved


Until what allowed her to love split into million pieces...

— The End —