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It's never really easy
To put yourself out there
To let go the rung
Where for so long you've clung
But without the chances
Life has no dances
And who wants to live forever
With their feet on the ground

I've stood here waiting
For the bus to my future
I've stood here so long
That the grass no longer grows
In the shadow I'm casting
There only darkness and gravel
At this bus stop to nowhere
Where the buses no longer travel

I need to move on now
I have to get myself moving
Waiting was so much easier
When I had so much more time
Now-while I am still able
It may take some pacing
To find my way forward
Towards the dreams I'm chasing

How long now- have I been waiting
I just can't say for certain
It feels like the third act
Like they will soon pull the curtain
As my audience is waiting
To see what great way I'll be ending
So I must create one that'll be worth
All the time I've wasted and the money they're spending

Its never really ever been easy
To let me put myself out there
With all that time that I've spent
Unaware of all my hesitations
So now-without some chances
Life has no dances....
And who wants to live forever
With their feet on the ground.
 Jul 2016 Heidi Kneip
ajit peter
in the sea of fate a journey to make
a path of life destiny doth take
the soul is a ship that sail
heart a compass never to fail
storms of pain doth try to drown
Its destination awaits a crown
without care tis a race we run
moments do we stop to wonder the life under sun
for every heart hath a destiny to live
If love be gone the heart hath none to give
Right now my days are long and hard
As I plow through these unfurrowed fields
Of my life
Where nothing has grown for so **** long
And as I look back with each turn I make
I see the beginning of growth
In what will be the flowering lush beauty
Of loves boundless bounty
The endless  beauty and ecstasy
I may be the plowman
And the Earth may be our lives
You are the rain that sustains
Those seeds that we plant together
A Living Color portrait
In this future yet to be
I will stand in that rain forever
In order to maintain and sustain
That same life-giving growth
Let it rain let it rain
Let It Rain On Me
as the darkness manifests inside
her heart gives out a cry,
it attempts to erupt,
it attempts to destroy,

the darkness is no joke,
it tears you apart,
you cannot escape,
you cannot hear a voice,
you cannot make a sound,

the darkness has decided to stay,
to corrupt,
to slowly,
ever so slowly,

bring you down on your knees,
to make you bow before it,
to make you kiss the ground,

because the darkness isn't a joke,
because the darkness arrived,
because the darkness decided to manifest it's self inside.

because the darkness took away your voice,
because you cannot hear a cry,

*save me
Caught up in her crossfire
Victim of her desire
Doesn't want to believe me
When I tell her to leave me ....
.... Alone alone alone
Trying to find a place to hide
But she just won't be denied
Keeps finding me with unerring success
Must have fed me something that contained a GPS
Hide hide hide
Wish I had a magic Genie
Or could  disappear like Houdini
I hate what she's put me through
But I don't know what else to do
Fall fall fall
Everytime I hear her knock
I start running like a broken clock
I never make a single sound
But she just keeps on hanging around
Love love love

I guess it's not for everyone
So now I'm done I'm done I'm done
So I guess I'll pack
And let her have....  
... her apartment back
****** !!!
I hate moving!
 Jul 2016 Heidi Kneip
ajit peter

Created in a woman's womb
Carried by a father's arm
Spoiled by grandparents love
Cherished by friendship
Educated by teachers
Experience by work
Passionate to a lover
Fun with siblings
Cared by a wife
Moment's with a treasured friend
Affection of a child
Forgive the past
Forget the loss
Live for tomorrow
Give for today
Death will call one day
Walk to it tall
Remember you have done it all
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