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If you get this email or message please turn the other cheek.
It's a ******* scam and who ever the ******* are, your ****'s on blast bud.
You are all over the internet so I suggest you stop being such a ******* Duchebag and get a life.
We here on HP are here to express and live because we have no other way or simply because we love writing.

So stop being a ******* ***** and get a ******* life bro!
If you get a message from this person turn the other cheek and don;t respond or send a real nasty message back like I did. Either one works.
I'm sorry...
That I couldn't be all you wanted me to be.
That I ruined this family, and continue to tear it apart.
That I am this mess, this huge human disaster.
That I am the daughter you never asked for..

And I know that no matter how many times I apologize,
It'll never be enough to replace all the pain I put you through.
I hope you understand, that I never meant for any of this to happen..
And that I never intended to hurt you.

I never asked to be depressed,
I never asked to get addicted,
I never asked to even be born into this world..

I understand I'm a human disaster,
I may even be a mistake to you.
But stop constantly rubbing it in my face,
I understand I ****** up..
I understand I am a **** up..
And I'm sorry, I'm sorry okay?!

You don't understand what I'm going through,
All these emotions that I've been feeling.
Like a failure, like a ******* mistake..
Like your life would be better off if I weren't a part of it.

And the more you keep throwing my own mistakes at me,
The more it replays over in my head,
The more I hear.. "You're a ******* failure, a ******* mistake."
But you don't care do you?

I understand you're hurting,
Because I'm your daughter..
And what I've put you through,
Is something a parent never wants or hopes for.

But please, for once..
Look at it from my perspective,
Feel what I've been feeling,
Ache like I've been aching..

I know there's nothing I can do,
To take back every terrible thing I did to you.
But please understand,
I'm terribly miserably sorry..
 Dec 2014 lost in my mind
 Dec 2014 lost in my mind
I’m empty and I like it
Every now and then
I search my soul
Only to find what I’ve known

I’m prone to feeling alone
It’s not something that I condone
Like a shadow in the dark
I disappear to where
No one can hear

I feel a certain kind of sad
One not for everyone
The mellow entrancement pulls me under
Thunder comes from above
I’m stuck in the slow drizzle of an oncoming storm
But unlike everyone else
I don’t want out

Some call it misery
I prefer to understand it as bliss
No one to bring you down
No one to keep you up
The emptiness inside
Only makes me feel more alive

Im a lost soul with no direction

I look in the mirror but don't recognize my own reflection

Long walks alone in the midnight hour

the voices in my head get louder and louder

No way to escape the evil thoughts in my head

The only way out is if i am DEAD....
Silences stretch
between us
like bridges that
we'll never
"The problem with love these days is that society has taught the human to stare at people with their eyes rather than their souls."
                       -Christopher Poindexter*

See, that's where you are wrong.
I dove right into
that pacific of a soul and knew it had to be.
He let me sail on the deepest, darkest
seas of his mind, as I to him.
I love him, I always will,
but as time moves forward water goes still.
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