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 Aug 2013 haley
Seán Mac Falls
Moonlit waters creep—
Bare feet, hands held, old crescents,
Lake shores, loneliness.
 Aug 2013 haley
Summer breezes blow
A song of insects fills the Night
With pretty music

Stars twinkle at Night
While the Fairies dance and sing
Beside the still creek

Moonlight fills the sky
It's rays slant across my room
Leaving shadows there

The song of crickets
Hush the silent world to sleep
With a lullaby

 Aug 2013 haley
Jasmine Martin
the ravages of time have gnawed
at the stone wall dividing car park and garden
creating small crevasses
                        those now give shelter to small beings
                                 like the snail that is grateful
to hide
                                                it has found its way
                                                        into the depths of the wall
        unnoticed by predators
                             considering it a tasty meal and
                uncrushed by careless hurried feet
that frequently are
oblivious to the path underneath
many a snail has thus passed away
this one however has found
a transient refuge
its only predator now
is time
for soon it must choose
and either come out and
face the perils of life
or starve hiding in the wall

(You will never know if you lay low)

© Jasmine, Bude, July 2010
 Aug 2013 haley
Wind chimes softly sway in the warm breezes
Flowers grow in the fields with tall grass
Trees and roses bud
Water ripples and flows
Sunshine silently hits the ground
Clouds of fluffy white move across the sky
Birds sing in the tall green trees above
Springtime is here again for all
Little birdies build their nests
Daffodils and tulips waltz
Singing a song of Springtime
Watch the lilies bloom
Crocuses unfurl their petals
Crickets and katydids call
To one another on Spring Nights
Silently the Moon glides across the sky
All Night the beautiful Fairies sing
Waterfalls roar
Singing a glad anthem
Little creeks bubble and flow
'Tis a song of Spring
Sung by all

 Aug 2013 haley
Amanda In Scarlet
I will make it to the end of this evening
Without messaging you
But I will check my phone constantly
Endlessly, hopelessly, pointlessly
Wanting to see
A tiny
I hate the me that this poem reveals
 Aug 2013 haley
Amanda In Scarlet
Your silence
Moves me in ways your words never did
Your silence
Destroys my speech
Paralyses my thoughts
Provokes my tears
Undoes me.

As the days unfold
I forget how we sounded
Your silence
Dements me
Your silence
Makes me question
Makes me wallow in despair.

I make hasty decisions
Say things I shouldn’t
Your silence unwomans me
Makes me violent, makes me rage

You brought me here
Against all reason
Wore me down
Dangled me on a string
Until I broke
And now you abandon me
Silence engulfs me

Far away, where you are
Do you imagine me silent
Or are you clapping your hands over your ears
To block out my screams?
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