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A                                         Soul
it has no                        definite shape
but we do know            how it can be found,
Just look behind          our feeling and pain,
It defines our essence, Our most pure self
We carry it around everywhere we go,
It may not take up space, But we
know where it is, We can
not forget it or leave
it at home, It is
always with
us where
we go!
Sitting alone,
Waiting for something,
Time to reflect,
Time for pondering,

The mind wanders,
Back, Back,
Before "it" happened,
When life was "normal"

When the sky was blue,
Before the rivers ran red,
When the fields were green,
And flowers would grow,

The forests were green,
Animals roaming,
Birds singing,
And food could grow,

The skies are purple,
Filled with debris,
From other earths,
And deep underground,

The machines were merciless,
Wholly set to accomplish a goal,
To violate this ****** earth,
And take her seed,

To plant elsewhere,
Grow and nurish,
Then harvest again,
Such is their game,

But earth cannot comprehend,
The powers that be,
Lying behind,
Such extraterrestrial visitors,

Escaping back,
To that wonderful world,
With everything needed,
And more to enjoy,

When people were free,
And bread was cheap,
When pleasure was possible,
When children could play,

For never again,
Will happiness be heard,
For once it is barren,
They destroy the world,
Candles flicker,
Shadows jump and dance,
In the room,
Where a woman stands,

She is beautiful,
By mans standards,
High brows and sculpted cheeks,
A temptress' smile,

She stands,
Still like a stone,
Dressed up,
Perfect make up,

The door shrieks,
and slowly opens,
She squeezes her eyes shut,
A chill from her toes to her nape,

She knows,
No man may pass though,
The door of the dead,
She can guess the spirit,

Her mind cuts back,
To an October day,
She lost everything,
And turned to him,

He gave her wealth,
He gave her looks,
He gave her Fame,
He became her all,

She gave him a promise,
She gave him her heart,
He stole her soul,
And comes to collect,

She recoils at the touch,
Of sharp ice,
And fiery Steel,
She recants,

But it is too late,
She is his,
He will ravage her,
In his eternal fire,
 Apr 2016 Hadrian Veska
What a steep price I pay,
Just to touch your skin
Risking Hells damnation,
For our adulterous sin

Oh the heartbreak!
I know it lies in wait,
But in your eyes, my destiny
I'm bound to you by fate

Perhaps not in this life,
But hopefully, the one hereafter
I'll be the one to lie beside you,
The one to cause your laughter

Though I know that you'll leave me,
And scar me like no other
I give you my heart to carry,
My adulterous, fated lover
Stranded alone on an island,
A man floated among his dreams,
Tried to ignore his coming death,
Tried to silence the inner screams,

His world was shattered,
One fateful day,
When his plane fell down,
Into the bay,

He left his daughters,
And his wife,
Across the sea,
He left his life,

He drempt of home,
And many a night,
Against odds and nature,
He would fight,

For he was strong,
And determined was he,
For again with his family,
He would be,

He fought for months,
And on and on,
But no one would come,
To set eyes upon,

This lonely soul,
And tormented he,
Was tempted to himself,
From suffering free,

As he held the knife,
And scratched his skin,
He could hear the calling,
From deep within,

He knew that if he died,
There was no chance to see,
His daughters again,
Or with his wife to be,

So he pressed on,
And fought harder,
But it seemed from salvation,
He only got farther,

His heart and soul,
Were both shattered,
He could move on no more,
His will was tattered,

Then the chopper,
Flew into his cove,
And into the water,
His salvation dove,

As they moved onto land,
And toward his bed,
They found him lying,
Bitter, cold, and Dead,

Somewhere along,
Beings, fates, or gods,
Are harsh and cruel,
Ne'er sparing the rod

Life is not easy,
And never is fair,
But we must push through,
Even when no hope is there,

If we give up,
And bow our head,
Then we are crawling,
Into deaths bed,

The least we can do,
If fight on and long,
Till every ounce,
Of strength is gone,
I decided to ride the slide sideways

Letting my feet hang over

And one edge guide my neck

I went straight down for a second or two

But with my eyes to sky
I didn't worry

Rather, I just enjoyed the view
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