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330 · Jan 2015
Gigi Tiji Jan 2015
I am a gloriously amorphous glob of tidal identity waxing and waning from unrecognizably dissipated thought systems to cohesively recognizable energetic structures. Behold, I am typing words and as I do so I am dismantling the very foundation of my preexisting paradigm because as it is dismantled it is no longer the existing paradigm but even so the existing paradigm is always the existing paradigm in that it is operating currently. Hurrah!! Onward, to where no one has gone before, to where no now has never evered till this very now! To infinity, and before that!
328 · Aug 2015
It is All Love
Gigi Tiji Aug 2015
I fell asleep and
I woke up dreaming

there is a reunion happening
a reunion to strengthen unions

and there is only
the illusion of fault

it is all love
324 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
(it's not wrong to be blue, however, it won't help you much for long)
Think positive.
Give an animal some love.
Believe in your dreams. Look forward to them.
Sing. Loud!
Know that you're beautiful, loved, and important.
Eat something delicious!
Don't get hung up on being perfect (or having something be perfect)!
Watch a movie you haven't seen in years.
Learn a new skill.
Draw something silly!
Exercise - 100 sit ups. Now! Well, maybe not that many...
Go for a bike ride.
Spend time on yourself.
Say thank you to someone for something you may have taken for granted.
Make something for someone else.
Watch the clouds go by. Try to pick out shapes and animals!
Clean your room up a bit. Or more than a bit, because it probably needs it.
Drink some chamomile tea with honey and milk.
Listen to some smooth jazz or something!
Call a friend :-)
323 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
A snarl of words
Vex my thoughts
322 · Jan 2015
Gigi Tiji Jan 2015
smile smile
pick flick pick
vial file pile
faded amethyst
clear bright
sun sun
silly sun
say sigh sigh
silly pencils
sigh sigh and
writing writing
dies dies
and writing dies dies
and I can't take my eyes
I can't take my eyes eyes
off the living living
off the flying

and I can see them
I can see them falling
I can see them dying dying and
I can see them dying and
I can see them trying trying and
I can see them trying and
prying prying prying
trying trying sighing
trying sighing
dying dying
die die
321 · Jul 2014
Gigi Tiji Jul 2014
I can see the footsteps
on my soul
From where you walked
all over me

And I won't brush
away the dirt left
From the bottom
of your shoes
Because I miss you
and it serves as
A good reminder
of what was
321 · Feb 2016
Gigi Tiji Feb 2016
there is a thing
this thing is not a part of anything
and this thing is not a physical thing either
as such it is not a part of space
and does not take up space

what is the location of this point?
from where did it come?

physical things emerge from space.
from where does this point emerge?

the point emerges from a place that is pointless
what is this pointless place from which this point became?
321 · Nov 2015
new stone
Gigi Tiji Nov 2015
look at that sort of thing
we're a sometime sung lullaby
see how much you mean to me?
knock on the door to my memory
there's a new stone now
that storm has gone
320 · Nov 2014
Feel it all
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
I'm in Love with the World,
Don't Take it personally.
It's not yours to Have,
But it's ours to Feel.
We are the World,
and I'm in Love.
Love is splendid and sharing is caring, so let's bask in love together on the shores of existence.
317 · Dec 2014
Let's Dance 'til We Die
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
Sometimes I'm afraid of the dark...

but I shouldn't exorcise the past.
I won't burn it at the stake.

I should accept its every demon
and make friends with them.

That's all they want.
Some love.

I should really respect them.
They've helped me pave the way
to this very moment.

I'll whistle or sing,
when I can't see in the dark.

I used to throw blind punches.

Turn on the light and
I'd look like a real silly person
fighting with their shadow.

The melodies keep me flowing
through space and time.

I really shouldn't fight with the present.
I should unwrap it forever as an infinite gift.

We should waltz 'til we fall.

The future is an unlit cellar.
I want to run inside to get what I need and split.

But when it comes time...

I will dance
with the darkness
and sing softly
holy matrimony
into its ears.

I will whistle
divine praise
into its mouth.

Let's sing 'til we faint.

I'm just as afraid of the light
as I am of the dark.

Let's dance 'til we die.

I'm just as in love with them both.
316 · Dec 2014
the keys are in the trees
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
the perpetual re-birth/death
wheel of fortune's price is right
just as the bird in the hand
is worth two in the bush.

kiss the reflection in the river
and feel the cold
sloshing down your throat
as thickening liquids
quicken quibbling piglets.

shivering slivers of
saccharine mashugana symphonies
sing slightly slowly as temporal tyrants
tinker totally titillated ties as they sit
at a time in a box paradox paradox.

the keys are in the trees if you please.
patience is a breeze in the leaves,
so slow down and breathe it with ease.
316 · Mar 2015
Gigi Tiji Mar 2015
The wails of the clock are hard to ignore.
Minds melt into neurosis as bodies squirm in uncertainty.
Dance and unleash yourself from suffering!
Dance dance dance!
315 · May 2015
Gigi Tiji May 2015
there's a howl in the darkness
and my muscles are twisting like trees

I'm barking mad, lemme tell ya

they took me for a ride
and I had no idea where I was

there's a coyote on my porch
sniffing around for scraps

it seems the fool is knocking on my door

explode into raven and
I am flying backwards
in a plume of feathers

smoke billows from charred fields
sunflowers grew here once

they were thick enough to hide inside

God, I miss them.
315 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
She's a wounded surgeon.
She's not entirely broken,
There's something lodged
deep inside a dark crevice
of one of her ventricles.
She just needs a little work.

I heard another surgeon opened her up and lost a finger in there.
No one will help her now.

So she has to do it herself.
She thinks if she's numb enough
she'll be able to dig in there and rip it out.

But she'll go too far and
put herself completely under
and all she can do is lie there, catatonic.

A few times she's managed to stay awake,
but she's left bleeding, fumbling with a scalpel.

Deep down she knows
she's going to have to do this one wide awake.
And it's going to ******* hurt.  

But she needs to know if anyone cares enough about her.
Enough for her to even think she's worth her own effort.
Gigi Tiji Jun 2014
Each day is a gallery of empty canvases
Every new face is an opportunity
You will walk past many of them
Leaving them blank and untouched
a passing possibility
You will approach some, and paint a stroke or two
or a few or some more and
It may not be your best creation
but on some you will create beautiful masterpieces
For the most part, though, you will pass them by
but, why?
You are a canvas, too.
You are a possibility.
314 · Sep 2015
Gigi Tiji Sep 2015
love may be infinite,
but your time and energy are limited
so love yourself without limits
because you will be
with yourself
312 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
Oh, sacred skull of
nutritious nectar
Chalice of deep
red wine
Let your answers quench
the thirst of my questions
and your questions fuel
this thirst of mine
312 · Jan 2015
Gigi Tiji Jan 2015
"I love you."
"I love you too!"
"I wanna give you the universe."
"We can share it. With everyone."
311 · Dec 2014
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
we give an ovation
to a piece of art.
the piece of art is life.
the ***** is the creator
of the ****, the egg,
the creator is an artist,
the universe is an ****,
the egg is life.

Therefore, the art is the universe.
We are the artists.
We are the audience.
We are the creators.
311 · Feb 2015
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
Good morning,
great morning,
glorious day,
what can I say
that could possibly convey the true infinitely marvelous potential of this playful day! Let's get up, let's move, and dance! After all what better chance do we have then to bring love to fruition and spring thought to action than right now? Right now! Let's not get bogged down in distraction, let's not wallow in inaction, be a gift, be present! The longer you stay the more you'll gain traction! Mindfulness is an ever present kiss, a constant flow of energy that cradles and balances me. What better time then now? After all, it's all we got!
311 · Feb 2016
Gigi Tiji Feb 2016
when will i stop thinking with my heart and loving with my mind
310 · Jun 2015
Gigi Tiji Jun 2015
It's all welling up inside of me,
'cause I just can't seem to find the right key,
and I'm lyin' on hard floors
behind locked doors,
just waiting here to be set free, I can't see - my soul's as salty as the dead sea and
my heart's buried beneath snowed capped mountains of debris,

but I'm a fruit tree,
and my roots grow deep,
I won't flee -
so I'm flowing up and out
like magma against the gravity,
I'm rising up and out
like the leading tone to middle c,

resolution, start a revolution,
be the queen bee -
stir up the hive -
harmonize the mind -
get 'em on the grind ' to sing
cotrapunctal voices,
leading to find '
the existential keys
to remove the debris,
to remove the roof
in order to find the proof
and deconstruct the paradigms
of the bourgeoisie!

soak in that vitamin D,
that sweet stellar soul honey.

tweet tweet buzz like the
birds and the bees

let's set ourselves free,
let's set ourselves free
309 · Feb 2015
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
Wowowowww, don't have a cow!
Meow meow meow!
The time is now!

It's always time for change and
it's never too late to start!
It can be little stange but
it becomes an art!
309 · Nov 2014
Faces in the window
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
Safe (or so I thought)
in my home, I stand, solemn.
Bodies line my doorways and
faces fill every one of my windows.

Some of them drool, and
some of them snicker.  
Eyeballs undress me,
I feel them groping.

They want to get inside me.
They want to look around.

Every single day,
you stand there, facing me.
A mirror image, another face, staring.
A pair of eyes in the safety of my own home.

Why don't you just rip my insides out?

Dig your nails into me.
Squeeze me until I pop!
Let my guts ooze out on the floor,
and smear them around for everyone to see.

Slice me down the seams,
and take me apart.

Lay my pieces down
in an organized fashion,
easily put together again.

Let 'em look.

I'm outside, drooling in the window, watching.
Face: 'Hehe it's intriguing, isn't it? From the outside looking in?'
Me: 'Yeah...'
Face: 'It's just morbid curiosity — don't feel bad.'

I'm naked,
inside out.

I'd say it's all for you, but
you're just a broken mirror.
300 · Feb 2015
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
Let us be mindful of who we are.
Let us be mindful of love,
our very essence.
Let us open ourselves to love, and
in so doing, open ourselves to ourselves.
Let us open ourselves to each other, our other ourselves.
Let us be mindful of what we choose to identify with.
What we choose not to identify with.
Let us be mindful of who we are.
Who we are not.
Let us know what we want and do not want.
Let us see what others want and do not want.
and let us do not harm.
Let us do love.
300 · Nov 2014
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
I hold my life in the palm of my hand
it is the weight of the universe
mi mano es su mano
all is all my life
the universe is ours to hold
299 · Feb 2015
I was alone
Gigi Tiji Feb 2015
I was alone in
flesh and bone.
Flesh and bone
Flesh and bone bone

I crawled into your ribcage,
I crawled into your cracks,
and never did I stop to think
to think of how I how I act.

What we say and
What we do were
not at one they
were at two and
'You and I' were
meant to die 'cause
we only came to finish.

and all we wanted was some warmth
all we wanted was some warmth
but I gave you
pickled poison
We gave each other
poison poison and
I took your tainted blood I
took your tainted blood

What am I, a needle?

Needle needle
need me please
Roll up your sleeve
Roll up your sleeve!
Cut off your circulation
Stop the flow
Soon you'll know
Soon you'll know
Soft skin blue veins
Red sin steel chains
Penetrate your skin
let the poison in in
let the poison in
I need to have you
I need to HAVE you
You're mine, you're

I was alone in
flesh and bone
I was alone
I was alone
298 · Sep 2015
Gigi Tiji Sep 2015
Like water

A weeping willow swaying in the wind

The reeds waving to the cosmos

I am a fable breaking the fourth wall

Look through my window
and sing it with me

You are telling lies so I can promise you nothing and
You are slithering through the cracks in my mind and

Now I am flying
through the cracks
of your words

See me moving
to the rhythm of my heart

I am dancing
to the pulsations
of the distant stars

Flowing up and out
like the nectar from a honeysuckle

Honey and milk pouring from my throat

Sip the dew from the Broadleaf sage
and breathe in its hearty breath

There are diamonds
glistening from the pine trees

and quartz crystals
dripping from the sky and

These pine cones
are red roses

These nettles
they are black feathers
fanning white clouds

and this lake here is your soul
with your eyes in its reflection

and the ripples on its surface
undulate in loving breath
with the universe
297 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
You are
to me
much like
the ten—
der glow

that em—
out from
the dis—
tant moon

Love like
the sea's
nal breeze
does blow

two hearts
sing notes,
a love—
ly tune
294 · Oct 2015
Gigi Tiji Oct 2015
Sometimes I forget that I can play the harp
Sometimes I forget I can speak
Sometimes I forget that I can be my undoing
Sometimes I remember I'm a freak
293 · Nov 2015
Gigi Tiji Nov 2015
my hands don't even look familiar to me anymore
nothing does
293 · Dec 2014
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
Gods ruling
over dolls and
miniature houses

'I want that.'

'Give me that.'

Change it up
Gigi Tiji Aug 2014
Dear Diary,

I woke up today and I was a single point of darkness floating in space. Light is perpetually born from the orifice of my ego and continues to spiral out in all directions as I spin. I am surrounded by an energetic sphere around which light bends, and through which it spirals into me. Inside this sphere is an interesting mixture of outer and inner light, a balance breathing in flux. This is my own space, this is my reality, my world. And it is through this fish eye lens that I see other orbs of light. I see thousands of them! Millions, no billions and billions! And they're all spinning real fast and they're all orbiting each other... and the closer they get the faster they orbit, and the faster they orbit, the higher their vibration. It's a spectacular sight! So, obviously, I was distracted and I wasn't looking where I was floating... and I crashed into another orb of light for the first time. My point of darkness crossed into their field of light just as theirs crossed into mine. I was illuminated by them, and they by me. It was so blindingly bright... I could see myself in their light, and they in mine. But I hadn't meant to do it! I didn't mean to! I had no idea this would happen. It was so scary. It was weird, alien, out of my world! I pulled away and we spiraled off into new directions. It wasn't until their light was a speck in the distance that I realized how beautiful it all was.

Tomorrow, I'll actually look where I'm going. Maybe I'll share my light with another, but this time with intention!
292 · Nov 2014
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
Love is further than the tip of my tongue,
closer than my fingertips, and
deeper than my fullest breath.
Gigi Tiji Nov 2014
The Second Day of the First Hour
I was with flowing fingertips, breathing
as I enticed the thoughtkin to dance with me.
They're seemingly flimsy
at times, somewhat silly but
they are beautiful in motion.

The Third Week of the Second Minute
I asked them to come fly with me so that
we could swing from the brightest stars and
be little monsters in space to fully embrace
our alien lifeforms

The Fourth Month of the Third Second**
I carved heaven in the road
and walked slowly to
read it's every inch
287 · Aug 2014
Let Go
Gigi Tiji Aug 2014
if you love them
Let them go
if you hate them
Let them go
But don't let them go
for them
Let them go
for you
Free them
and Free yourself
287 · Jan 2014
Time is Fair
Gigi Tiji Jan 2014
Time is fair.
It hurts, and it heals.
It cannot stop us,
and we cant't stop it.
We have it, but
it's not ours to keep.
286 · Apr 2014
Face Painting
Gigi Tiji Apr 2014
Each day is a gallery of empty canvases
Every new face is an opportunity
You will walk past many of them
Leaving them blank and untouched
a passing possibility
You will approach some, and paint a stroke or two
or a few or some more and
It may not be your best creation
but on some you will create beautiful masterpieces
For the most part, though, you will pass them by.
But why?
283 · Dec 2014
Gigi Tiji Dec 2014
one two, cut the apple
three four, eat the core
five six, get the fix
seven eight, it's too late
nine ten, not again
eleven twelve, break my pelvis
thirteen thirteen
six six six
three two
one zip
282 · Oct 2014
Gigi Tiji Oct 2014
A poem is born
and suddenly
I am grateful
for my misfortunes
282 · Oct 2014
Silly, silly
Gigi Tiji Oct 2014
I feel I'm swimming
in a silly skinform, stuck
in a sticky web, grasping
for salvation like deliriously
drifting understandings.
ain't life silly?
279 · Jan 2015
jump, don't fall
Gigi Tiji Jan 2015
fall into love with me
and we'll fall out together
jump into love with me
and we'll fall forever
279 · Jan 2015
Gigi Tiji Jan 2015
wh-why why can't
you try...
why can't you try
to understand?
wh-wh-what's it
that's stopping you
f-from reaching out
and holding their hand?
what's stopping you
what's stopping you
from trying to feel
what they feel?

th-th-that may be
th-th-the only way
you'll get c-close

deny them
and deny yourself
279 · Aug 2015
Free movement
Gigi Tiji Aug 2015
Free movement

unobserved even by my own eyes

I am free in the moment
uncondemned and unconfined

I am flowing
like the vines of a
weeping willow in the wind

like the pines of the
barrens aft the inferno
has licked the cones into opening
277 · May 2015
The Situation
Gigi Tiji May 2015
The present moment
is a medium for us to mold.
Make it meaningful, make it absurd.
Either way, mindless molding gets old.
Be present and listen, love
in order to be heard.
277 · Jun 2015
Fill the void with sunshine
Gigi Tiji Jun 2015
The pen hits the paper and
ink bleeds through the fibres
in the fabric of my world

Where have I been?
Where am I?
The attempt at faith
in which I am
has been tried and tried again

Oh, I've got pride
but there's a limp in my stride
It's high tide and I've been lied to
pried from and I'm black salt
from the bowels of a volcano

Find me spewing magma
from my lips and you'll be burnt
by unkempt fury

It'll take me years to come back
from the years I've been lost
so I'll just keep finding myself
deep in the thickets,
I am catching brambles
in every nook and cranny
of my being,

Open my eyes and
fill the voids with sunshine,
a shimmering coat of stardust
with a bit of moonshine,
seems to be the remedy for
dull smiles and droopy eyes

I've stumbled across the fault lines of your not-so-subtle lies, unwilling quite chilling
and I cry in order to see those thorns wither and die, sizzle from the sighs as I realize with real eyes there's nothing for me to surmise and it'll either be my demise or what finally makes me wise, so

I burst into flames and slither into the sky,
no limits, and in just a minute I'm in a new state of mind.

From unkind to kind I'm a dried up rind bubbling into the scent of fresh pine.

Sometimes you just gotta draw the line,
and let the ink bleed through
Gigi Tiji Aug 2015
I was never afraid of losing you
because I never had you in the first place
because you are not to be had
because you are to be felt with

I was afraid of losing what I felt with you
because what I felt was so sublime
but somehow we lost our selves
somewhere along the way
our selves were no longer our own

and so we had each other
we had each other good
but we lost how we felt
274 · Sep 2015
Gigi Tiji Sep 2015
...and now I know
I am most comfortable
floating with the mystery...

with the ever changing...

I am with the indefinite
and the undefined

where the questions
are answers, and
where the answers
are questions
that lead to more questions...

I am comfortable...
with this ever expanding space,
where each new beginning is an ending,
and each ending is a new beginning...

where there is
only more,
nothing less...
I am comfortable
268 · Sep 2014
Gigi Tiji Sep 2014
drops from the tips
of eyelashes
        and drips
onto quivering lips
265 · Aug 2015
The infinite embrace
Gigi Tiji Aug 2015
A point between two points
is just as much a point outside of other points

And a point outside of two points
is just as much a point between other points

A concept is a being
alive and breathing, giving and receiving
to be born, loved, and nurtured

A being is a concept
an abstract idea, a notion of manifestation
to expand, to contract, and to be brought forth
to the fullest potential

To be actualized

As below so above
As above so below

As within so throughout
As throughout so within

What is inside is outside
And what is outside is inside

In the series of infinite concentric circles
each circle encircles another
and in turn is encircled
by another

The infinite embrace
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