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 Sep 2015 nikolai
Towela Kams
To the boy I met two days ago,
With words designed to suit the solitude I've wanted me heart to cave in.
And the smile that made security no longer appear as a faraway myth but was now as close to me as your inhale and exhale across my neck.
I could feel your heartbeat,
And the way it raced marathons to convince me that it wasn't just oxygen you were taking in, but with each inhale was a piece of me I'll never be able to recover.
And when you held me, I reluctantly allowed the walls of my mind to romp into temporary forevers
But soon I was yet to discover an abstract truth
From what you whispered in my left ear.
You'd given me detailed descriptions of your childhood games that were enough for me to conclude that you liked to play -
With stones
And sticks
And Lego bricks
But never,
Never did I think you were capable of playing a round of hide-and-go-seek with my feelings.
I feel kisses on my cheek,
As I continue reminiscing about the first words you spoke to me,
that night.
If only I'd known your "Hello" was filled with deceit that concealed it's rise to defeat me.
I was under the impression that a fall into an empty ditch of your promises wouldn't leave me scarred.
To the boy I met two days ago,
You asked me why I struggle with trust issues,
Knowing **** well that two days later you'd reaffirm my bitterness for your entire species.
Don't call me stupid.
Don't even mouth the word, "Crazy"
I remember.. that night.
Being oblivious to everything you uttered,
I took all of it to heart.
And everyone knows I usually doubt a guy's intentions at the start
But this time
This time I was just as naive as those girls I tease for believing in guys like you.
Hypocrisy -
That's what I became a product of.
Even now, I'm still trying so desperately to have a little faith in the things you're telling me.
This - This isn't a merry-go-round, right?
You won't take me to Cloud Nine and then tell me to jump off, right?
Tell your girlfriend I said hey.
Go hide the fact that you asked me out that night,
Then made me feel guilty for saying no.
The next time you see her, look deep into her eyes and tell her that she's the only girl you're currently seeing
Be tormented by the clips of dejavu when you realize you that you;ve said those words to me before.
I want you to know that it took a lot for me to actually believe you,
And to have you take that for granted is obscene.
So I've made up my mind:
No more tossing and turning trying to get sleep at night,
No more getting to close to a guy that they can almost smell the vulnerability in me.
No more sweet talks.
No more intimacy that I feel the temptation rising to give in.
No more being another soul ready for your hands to take advantage of.
No words that seem to good to be true that they aren't.
No more smiles and no more laughter will ever have to be seen.
To the boy I met two days ago,
I left out one thing that night:
I'm an artist.
And I've drawn an all-new perception of you now
The old one, wasn't honest enough
And now, neither is your love for me.
I met a boy two days ago that turned out to be deceptive.
 Dec 2012 nikolai
Claire Paradis
Rain pours
Sleep rarely comes
I medicate, intoxicate, debilitate
I'm trapped
Trapped in my own mind
I'll never measure up to my imaginations expectations
I'm a master of my own sabotage
I crave, constantly craving
I want to be painfully in love
I want everyone
I want everything
I'm a black hole
A vortex
Confusing pain for pleasure
Pleasure for pain
I need the pleasure
I want the pain
Sensations paralyzing
The dull ache never ceasing
When did I become this ravenous beast?
Can I be satisfied?
 Dec 2012 nikolai
I missed you
 Dec 2012 nikolai
Sitting at home
I missed you today
Haven't seen you around lately
Are you sure everything's okay?
You finally call,
tell me the news,
break down in tears
what was I meant to do?
Finally hang up
after you're long gone
I'm still put out of words to say
I guess it was all wrong.
 Nov 2012 nikolai
Kyle Purdy
Kill me
 Nov 2012 nikolai
Kyle Purdy
Sweet life
   drifting off the lips of innocence,
   dripping through the leaves
   and splashing on the sidewalk,
      Reflecting the colors of the sun.

Holding hands--
   sinking into iris, I reach
   looking for the delicate;
   the things I want inside of me,
      Showering with love on the run.

Happy thoughts
   trailing through the spider webs,
   frosted dew upon the lawn
   and newspaper on the driveway
      Reminding us to chill; relax.

But darkness hides,
   tickles my morbid fantasies,
   feeding on my misery, I scream
   from inside out and cry away
      My love as it drips into the cracks.

Shining silver melody
   that cracks into my skull
   and eats at my everything,
   killing all inside of me,
      Screaming echoes 'round.

Reach for warmth,
   crying for her so softly,
   asking God and Satan how
   I can try to get along
      But they don't listen to my sound.

The musk,
   it consumes me, caressing me,
   showing me the bleakness of
   rain, sun, and lovers in between;
      **** me with your apathy.

**** my everything;
   **** me softly, let it drain out
   and cover the curb with blood
   to feed the lovers in the sand
      While I cry away my agony,
      Eat away my Sin
      And follow her to Hell.
 Nov 2012 nikolai
TD Rucker
 Nov 2012 nikolai
TD Rucker
Pain that suppresses the soul
is a pain that brings forth reality.
Where can we go when all we want and know
is dangling you over a pit a vipers.
Venom seeps through the veins
of hate as we ingratiate our will
into that of another
a brother
or a lover
the world is as I see it.
For it can be no other way.
To alter that vision is to be you
then individuality is non-existent
We may not agree on everything
and trust may be cracked
But facts are facts.
The less you know
the more you believe.
And receive these words
from a soul lost in a world
Where people are flawed
and perfection doesn't exist.
I accept you encompasses all
When you think I lie
I die inside
But the past can't be changed
I'll be alright as you so gracefully said
and stoicism is eaten on bread
The life ...

 Nov 2012 nikolai
Emily Dickinson

If He dissolve—then—there is nothing—more—
Eclipse—at Midnight—
It was dark—before—
Sunset—at Easter—
Blindness—on the Dawn—
Faint Star of Bethlehem—
Gone down!

Would but some God—inform Him—
Or it be too late!
Say—that the pulse just lisps—
The Chariots wait—

Say—that a little life—for His—
Is leaking—red—
His little Spaniel—tell Him!
Will He heed?
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