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 Jun 2015 Gabrielle
Rhet Toombs
By the time these eyes grow quiet
They will speak of her concrete lungs
Mistaken sickness
Crumbling forgiveness as we mourn the struggle
Sonnets of such desperation
Pillars of passion melted to liquid silk
Devoured by precious creation
Fathom these damaged voids
With a jagged prose
Hungering breaths
Kidnapped composure
Restless with trembling intention
Collected to a stillborn resonance
Discarded with shadowed reform
 Jun 2015 Gabrielle
Madilyn Kane
I can feel my eyes swelling with tears,
Dropping down like rain,
But all I'm thinking about is you,
You and your charming smile,

You are there for me,
When the word caves in,
And I'm crashing against the waves,
I keep trying to cetch my breath but
I'm drowning in my thoughts and tears,
and all I want is you.
 Jun 2015 Gabrielle
"Irony is as simple as drawing trees on paper."
© Copywrited.
 Jun 2015 Gabrielle
Rhet Toombs
The hollow course our love ran
Our veins
Drenched with rain
A night tower
With weighted scars
In the distance
Gleaming from your notions
Of society and suicide
I thought of you
As the street glistened
The smoke pouring from my mouth
Bent in your direction
Finding you empty
Exhausted logic
With a waking memory
You don't know yourself anymore
I just wanted to hold you
 Jun 2015 Gabrielle
Rhet Toombs
Fist clenched
Arm torn
Head turned
The forest went dark
One or two moments
Your breath leads the way
Ghosts made present
Firework fog
Magnificent display
Tell me once more
What it was like
You held close for the beat
With my heart lead astray
Ashes near the ground
Wondering what became of her
To stop them
In a panic
So sacred
We will meet beneath the lights again
And I'll turn for you
Do anything to understand
This soiled mind
**** your pure intentions
Take everyone alone
Somewhere along
Better chance
But willingly terrified
I lay down
Music bursting through the seams
Smoke near the shadow of your face
The lights illuminated
One last time
Never leave
Let me be what I want

— The End —