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  Feb 2020 Gabriel burnS
Donall Dempsey

All the animals
trundle by

on a conveyor belt.

Adam feels
like a contestant

on a T.V.
Quiz Show.

Can get to keep
the things he names

there’s heaps & heaps.

God beams
like he’s Noel Edmonds.

Adam’s nervous
sweats under the T.V. lights.

no.. .doy…yes…dog! ‘

‘Yes…that’s it! ‘

And so we barely get
man’s best friend.

‘That! ‘ Adam points at cat
and God(being hard of hearing)
gives him that.

Adam really messes up
when it gets to Pegasus, centaur,
unicorn and dragon.

Adam laughs
when he sees his first giraffe.

Couldn’t think
of a proper name


‘Go on…come on! ‘
God prods and prompts.

But all Adam
can do

is laugh…&…laugh.

So between them

they name it
Gir affe

meaning that
which makes one


"Seriously Adam..." God scolds
"Ya gotta take this more seriously!"
  Feb 2020 Gabriel burnS
There's this crazy old Veteran
lives in an attic with his dog
You always see them walking
he loves to stop and talk
His dog will rest upon the ground
while he rambles on aimlessly
He's crazy and he's lonely
Hell! I do believe he's me
Traveler Tim
  Feb 2020 Gabriel burnS
Her words pour like gasoline

And my fist impacts the brick wall in the moonlight
Bone shards splinter like firework sparks
Sets her words alight, they stick to me

My life is approaching its ******

A Gunpowder Crescendo
  Feb 2020 Gabriel burnS
if they say a one-word poem,
i'll write your name...
Gabriel burnS Feb 2020
The wind excites the fields
The sun is jealous
The gluten’s changing
Stirring gelous

Is this singing now?
The Mexican wave…
No rehearsals ever
No choreography
Just spontaneous
Shift in geography

Not of their locale
Caught in observation
The bridges that extend from the outside to eyes
to thought
Have found the end of drought
And the rebirth of purpose
In the gentle touch of river
Her fingers sliding underneath the arks
To interlock with the supports
To join what’s brought apart
Till wholeness is restored

The wind is You…
The river, too...
And only You can be the Sun as well…
I am everywhere at the same time
Unbound from earthly shell

* * *

Възбудени полета

Вятърът вълнува полето
Слънцето ревнува
Променя се глутенът
Разбърква се във гел

Това пеене ли е сега?
Мексиканската вълна
Без никаква репетиция
Без хореография
Просто спонтанна
Промяна в географията

Извън тази локалност
Хванат в наблюдение
Мостовете, свързващи външното с очите
С мисълта
Намерили края на сушата
И прераждането на смисъла
В нежното докосване на реката
Пръстите й плъзнали под арките
За да се сплетат с подпорите
И да обединят разделеното
До възвръщането на целостта

Вятърът си Ти
И реката Си,
И само Ти можеш да бъдеш и Слънцето
А аз съм навсякъде едновременно
Освободен от земната си черупка
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