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 Jan 2018 Gabriel
I don't write that kind of poetry
you know the type,
pretty flowing words that trickle down the page like a quaint little waterfall in a fancy garden
while daisies open themselves up with so much confidence
without any doubt

and I say something about myself without saying anything at all

the three dimensional poems that you could take a stroll through
and you can lay in the summer grass by the lake
you could get lost in the meaning

even though you're not so certain what the meaning is,
at least not for sure

no, I'm not so good at that

my words are more like...
running through the forest while it's dark and cold
because you want to get home and you're positive
you just heard something rustle in the dead leaves behind you

like telling your blaring warning signs to calm the **** down,
it's just an uneasy feeling

like telling the paranoiac to grow up and walk the **** pathway

it's shameful, annoying,
it's just some dumb feeling

I don't write the sweet paintings kind of poem

I write my heart out into my notebook before I scribble it out and decide I had better not bother

my poems are regret-
regretting putting something good in my butchered understanding of art and words

every piece is the best I can do
and that's about it
 Jan 2018 Gabriel
I forgot to latch
the door closed when I realized
you were actually gone for good,
only to let all the demons inside.
I should’ve known better-
it wasn’t my first time making that mistake.
 Jan 2018 Gabriel
its only a body
 Jan 2018 Gabriel
sometimes it was only a suggestion,
disappointed glances when I say I don't know if I can

sometimes it was a knife up against my thigh, my only hope holding still and doing as you say

sometimes it was pretending to pass out so you would stop choking me

but sometimes it was only a feeling
a feeling I could ignore

for a second this is real
passionate, it feels good

and it doesn't hurt me

only for a second

those kind gentle eyes turn black and mean

and sweet and kind smiles turn into snarling dog bites

I don't know if I like it or not

but this feeling when I turn it down

guilt, shame, I couldn't say

all I know is
you don't have to worry

my body is just flesh
and my blood is just red

and 'no' is just a word
just ptsd things: having nightmares about people you love and trust in the position of your abuser.

— The End —