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 Aug 2014 FullMoon
Let me
 Aug 2014 FullMoon
Please give me a chance
To say I love you everyday
Please stay with me
So I can do what I say
Please let me hold your hand
Kiss your lips
Hug you tight

You're perfect my angel
From your innocent face when you sleep
To the cutest yet scary angry face you had made
Please let me make you mine
Let me spend every waking and sleeping moment with you
I don't want anyone to steal my precious treasure
I don't want anyone else to touch my prized possession
I see my future with you
Unlike all the things in life, I'm sure with you
You're the best decision I have ever made
You are not an option my love
You are a choice

You are worth everything
You are enough
And you are my one and only desire

Life would mean less if you left
It wouldn't be the same
For I have given a part of me already
which is my heart

**you have no idea on the impact you have made
 Aug 2014 FullMoon
It's been so long, but I still remember how it feels
To sit in a stuffy classroom, clicking my heels
Because there's no place like home and I want out of my confinement
To sit endlessly and pretend to care about another mind numbing assignment
With the tap of fingernails vigorously typing out a text
Shifty eyed, watching some amateur get caught and secretly hoping you're not next
The murmur of whispered plans for the weekend
And how desperately your body craves to sleep in
Elaborate excuses planned out to explain why you forgot your essay was due
The lies are getting crazier because the teacher has heard everything that's not new
Lunch is served but the food is cold, unidentifiable, and uncooked
There's no way through the sea of gossiping teens around your locker to get your books  
Your next class is the one teacher with a voice that's a little too monotone
And then the next is the one that always thinks she hears a phone
You worth is measured by a letter
And how many times you promise to do better
It's a system that's designed to break you
But you never let anyone see how much it shakes you
And at the end of the day it's gone by hideously slow
And you dread how you have to repeat it all tomorrow.
I've been graduated for a while but it's back to school season and I can't help but to reminisce.
 Aug 2014 FullMoon
That kid
 Aug 2014 FullMoon
That kid
Its bound to come sooner or later.
As scary as can be, this is reality.
I have a feeling this time round it will be more gruesomer.
For there was a one and two,eventually there will a come three.

Even when we bring peace there is destruction.
Can we not all get along?
Blame this on the forces of deception.
And why is there always war and competition about who is more mighty and strong ?

One thing all of us ,humans need to do is care a little bit more.
And one thing all of us humans,need to ignore, is the bitter temptation of gore......
When we were little we didn't care
we would be scribbling everywhere
Grown Up's telling us to gather around
be very still and don't dare to make a sound!

The things we would tell our parents blew there minds
they were always learning us to be kind
Teachers and Parents taught us how to share
and it was truly up to us if we actually cared

Can you remember when you couldn't reach anything at all?
we were midgets about 2ft tall
Sticky fingers, scabs on knees and mind gone wild
all the things valued in a beloved life of a child
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