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  Jan 2016 Firefly
Anderson M
When one’s soul’s quite
And the rhythmic thump thump
Of the heart
Assaults the mind’s silence.
One truly comes to terms
With the futility
Of banking on one’s utility
That’s the precise moment
Realization reaches the threshold of crystal clarity
That a higher power really does exist
And that the constant understanding and appreciation
Of this higher power
Is all that ‘really’ matters.
  Jan 2016 Firefly
Bright Eyes

A touch of brilliance in the eye
Like aged whiskey in a glass
Like peridot and emerald
Crystophase, oh lass!

O lad! How we do gaze
At the pupils, aye!
Shining, black as onyx
The apple of the eye!

How we do gaze at the pool
Who could know the depth
Of pleasure it illicits
The mystical lure of ***.

Perhaps the lovely iris
Is a dark ceurilian blue
But the open pupil invites in
and says

I love you!**

(C) 2/14/2014
Rewritten 2/14/2015
For someone special
and anyone who is
in love with love!

When the Holy Spirit overcomes us an second time.
When he overwhelms us with his Great Mighty Power.
Using us to reveal his Mighty appearance  to this dead world.
When he shows the world through our beings that he is God.
Thus drawing many unto his Mighty Throne room above.
Then we can gratefully proclaim that we have been used.
By the Awesome Saving Lord and God Christ the King.
For this one purpose we each have been created for here.
To reveal the only True Hope that we can cling to.
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