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Jun 2015 · 1.2k
A Silent Prayer
Silent Prayer
Leave my heart anew
Silent Tear
Falls from my eye too
When you find
Faith calls out to you
Catch a Fallin Heart
A silent prayer to seldom part

Silent Prayer
Walk the road alone
Silent Tear
When ur far from Home
When you find
Hope for your own
Mend a broken Heart
A silent prayer to never part

Silent Prayer
I'll find the way
Silent Tear
No one else can say
When you find
Dawns a New Day
Fill a sacred Heart
A silent prayer from the start
Catch a fallin Heart
A silent Prayer to seldom part
Mend a broken heart
A Silent Prayer to never part
We all carry our own
Apr 2015 · 489
Dear LOrd,Let it be so...
Dreams undreamed
Dies at the seem
And who knows where they rest

Hopes unhoped
Goes up in smoke
And like the wind remains

Love unloved
Ascends to Heaven above
And guarded by Angels for


Prayers unprayed
Hidden in the  Heart
Belonging to someone whom cries

Dreams are dreamed
Hope gets Hoped
Love will be loved
And Prayers will unfold

Dear Lord
Let it be so...
Apr 2015 · 265
Its Like...
Its Like fighting a battle
You were never ment to win
Seeking Truth inside you
But  finding only Lies within

Its like falling in Love
With the Soulmate you prayed for
Finding you lost out
On what couldve been before

Its like finding the answers
In your dreams dreamt at night
But forgetting the questions
At the Morning Dawns Light

Its like finding your journey
Being fulfilled within your own Life
But Loosing your Heart
As you face new Trials

And its like
Feeling like dancing
When your crying unseen tears
Praying for guidance
But consumed by your fears

Ending the  day
With great achievement felt
Dreading the New one
That Tomorrow will delt....
The Irony of Life
Apr 2015 · 515
Rest in Peace
Tomorrow,the World Ends
All we have is this very Night
Be vigilant to make amends
Before dawning of Suns first light
Let prayer be ready to send
To God our heartfelt helpless plight
TomoRrow the World Ends
May God help us by His Might

Yesterday,Life had been born
Eternity dwell anew
Death is but by Sound of Horn
To many-yet for few
A Single Rose-multiple thorn
Bestowed upon only you
Yesterday Life had been born
Hope is on Horizons view

Today was and still is
The only given truth
Yesterday I didnt Heed
Rest in Peace
All you will ever have-is right now
Apr 2015 · 248
a Soul"s echo......
Can you tell where my Dreams have gone
Can you tell why they"ve died
Yesterday,seems so long ago
Tell me,Can You?

Will you seek for the moonlit sky
Stars that are formed from the tears I cry
Will you seek for the Lullaby
I heard in my youth
Tell me,will You?

Promise me when my Heart sighs
Promise me things will be alright
I cannot find what Ive lost inside
Promise me?

My Soul has lost its way back home
Living Life all alone
My Hope and faith
Have all now gone......

A Soul"s Echo
Dec 2014 · 490
Heres To You!!
Its not about where uve came from-but where ur heading too!Its not about the amount of mistakes uve made-but rather the count of lessons uve learned!And if you feel a little afraid,thats normal!No one can look into tomorrow-but we can focus on each day that dawns.May the first dawn of 2015 be the brightest and most prosperous start to a year filled with memories you will always hold in ur heart..BLESSED BE YOU
To all my friends here-Happy almost New Year!!Regards ***
Nov 2014 · 224
The Fear of Faith
If i had to ask you:What are you afraid of?,would you be able to define it clearly?

I guess most of us would be able to give a sermon on the Fears we find in our Life.For some people ,its the fear of Tomorrow,the uncertainty.And some might bring it a little more close to home.The Fear of failing,the fear of being alone.....

I too have my share of monsters and shadows,that almost seem to consume my subconscious mind daily.But have you ever heard of The Fear of Faith?               (Continue at
You are invited to follow my new blog,"The Voice of My Soul"..We all have a Soul- this is the Voice of Mine...

Humble Regards
Nov 2014 · 238
The Voice of My Soul
You are invited to follow my New Blog.Since im not so active here in Hello Poetry,you can find short uplifting writings of my very own here:
Hope it resonates with You too!! Regards. FredErick
Oct 2014 · 321
a Final,Last Request
Dark the Roads Ive travelled on,
shunning from the Light-
All of them led to the Same point,
hear this now, my plight.
True you might believe at first-
God you neednt need-
but Just remember to walk the talk that you so easy speak.
For time has come to make my peace(my chance to be redeemed)-with God whom i still yet seek repentance"s what i need.
For every thought an action born,
someday you will atone-
remember in the End,theres God-and God only alone...
There is NO BETTER TIME to make ur Peace with God,than at this very minute-For tomorrow might be too late...God keep you safe dear reader-                                              ***.                                              FredErick
Oct 2014 · 283
my Last word
Pray again
Hope in the End
Today is realy all you ever have
Dream anew
Faith will follow through
After Death-Life begins brand new
And hold on,thats all  you can do

Hear the Angel voices Sing
Listen to your Soul within
Open up your Heart again
You are worthy-till the End

Never forget

You are blessed
Beloved and Protected
Abundantly free

#29.9K Times (all my poems total Read)--God Bless you all for blessing me...
Oct 2014 · 814
Say Goodbye
Keeping memories inside,
Say Farewell
Secrets only Time can tell-
For To all things there come an End
Though it feels like it just Begin

Say Goodbye.

Dont cry
Tears that are missing from my eye,
Dont sigh
Lift your gaze upon horizon high-
For To all things there comes a day
When all thats Left-all left to say


And when you think upon me,
Remember my words I wrote:
To each thing New- something old.
To Live each day
With Promise hold,
Forget not Light upon the Soul
Just whisper:


May God above,
With Eternal Love
Keep you close
Till Ever off-

I say
Thank you,from the bottom of my Heart-your kindness i will never forget.(This is my Last poem)All the Best ***
I still remember
The Nights I prayed,
A prayer born from despair.
I still recall
The Tear that trickled,
Deemed to go nowhere.
The many fears I held inside
That seemed to keep me from
The Light-
broken inside-and no one seemed
To know.

I look back
Upon my Life,
How did I end up here?
This Soul of mine
To privately,
Hidden my despair-
Those days gone by
To no prevail,
I  believed but Loves betrayal,
All was but LOst
All to only me.

Lift my Heart and Soul,
Where  this journey go.
Give me the strength to know,
For what I reap I"ll sow-
Oh oh

I never knew-but now i truely know.

Time races by
Each day I try,
To find my inner child-
To hold his hand
And silently,
Whisper:Its alright.
I walked this Life
Too many chains,
Bound within my side-
The Past its grip
Forever in my eye.

Lift my Heart and Soul,
Where this journey go.
Give me the strength to know,
For what I reap I"ll sow-
Oh oh

I never knew-but now i truely know.

Lift my Heart and Soul,
Does anybody know?
What may be fall me yet?
For what You ask you"ll get-
Oh oh

I never knew-but now I truely know

And so

Oh oh

I never knew-but now I truely know.....
"Its all going to be fine-Your Life works out...Trust me.
Goodbye,See you again someday"
Follow the trail through a Forest green,
Whisper my name to the Wind unseen-
Walking along till you find your Dream,
Im right where Ive always been

Watch as the waves of the Ocean Blue,
Carries away all your troubles
A Paradise where I"ll be waiting for
Love will always be True

So close Your eyes,
A Heart broken by Lies-
Promises made truely never dies.
And Keep your Heart,
With Truth as its guard-

At the End begins a brand New Start...

Place a Prayer upon a Star
Lit by the moon in a dark
The answer will come like a
Hope will get you by.

Search Your Heart when you cant
Answers unknown by your own
Faith slowly grows only with
You will always be mine

So open your Soul,
For sadness must still go-
Believe that Love will always hold.
And Keep your Heart,
With Truth as its guard-

At the End begins a brand New Start,
At the End begins A brand new Start.
Oct 2014 · 462
Halo"d-Eve??(A Fable)
(Narrator):Once a Year
When the Moon turns black
On a Night not so Holy
Rise from beneath
Summond to Life
The Devil"s own company

(Dark Voice):"Tis the Night",shouts a voice
"Tis OLD HALO"s EVE"...

And Every Spirit malicious
Every Demon rise cheer:
"Tis the Birthday of Satan
On the 31 st day of this month
Of the year"

(Satan):"Be Calm,my dear children,
Dont cowar in Fear-
It is Halloween
And MY birthdate is here"

(Narrator):Unbeknown,the Mortal folks gear
Up for the festive seasonal cheer-
"Trick or Treat",sounDS the echo"s
Of every child young and old
Whilst the grown ups prepare
For a "masqerade" hold

The witches and druids
The highest  of  priests
(Unbeknownst to Humans)
Cast a Spell in the breeze
And as Night falls down
And the Moon turns black,
The Devil himself says:

"Its Good to be Back"

"Calm my children
Tis not the Time Yet,
Soon I shall havoc wreck -
Uponst each Soul
That so foolishly cheer
On this the Unholiest
Night of the Year"

"Turn their Hearts
And capture their minds
Fill the sky with Death-
I shall soon myself rear,
Upon the Throne
In Hell proclaimed-
These Pityfull Souls
I shall all ordain

As MINE,Eternally!"

"Christ has his day
And this one be MINE-
So carry on cheering
As I rule Divine-
The Prince of all Darkness

Dear Reader
Think upon this-
Is Halloween all it proclaim that it is?
Think carefull where this tradition
Does it truely live
In the Heart of a Christian?
Or is it:

The Devil"s Exist....
A short fable of rhyme...
Oct 2014 · 283
Feelin Hopeless?
Days that come and days that go,
the Present not knowing
what the Future holds-
to every smile a Tear must flow,
thats what I truely know.

Feeling lonely feeling sad,
looking for the Hope I had
What I want yet not what I have,
thats where my Heart still beat:

Ive looked at Life
from all sides now,
from win and Loose
and from Faith too-
yet when im feeling Hopeless most,
I find I believe in Hope the most--
Sep 2014 · 256
would it really maTter?
And if i never wrote again
Would it really matter?
Words i long to write
Darkened by the Light
Would anyone Care?

And if I never speak again
Would my presence go unknown?
Words I long to say
Like Night turns into day
Would anyone care?

And if I  closed my Heart off
Would I still be alone?
Love I need to share
When no one else is there
Would it really matter?

Dreams that never die
In words that I write
In words that I speak
In Love that I seek

Would it really matter?

Would it really matter
Sep 2014 · 242
To You.
To YoU I mean so much
For Thou"st Formed me from Dust,
To You I am Your Wonder

How precisely You have pondered.

I am Your Sixth Day labour
Your masterpiece adorned

To You no living other
Created in Your Form.

I am but locked in Chains
Of daily sin obtain

Darkened I am Stain
Kept from redemption

You sent Your Death to Save

A lost and poor soul gained
Eternal Life Remain
Mine, in Mercy gave.

By YoU I am Ordained.

But why do I abstain
From being close to YoU?
Is it reFlected to
In all I say and do?

To me,I am but dust
My actions,thoughts unjust,

To You I am Beloved
Thou keeps thine Hand above.

I am but merely breath
Thou"st from Your Own Life born.

To YoU I am forever

The reason for Your Love.
Sep 2014 · 230
World in my Mind
In the World in my mind
I  spend many a while,
In the sanctity i constructed-
In the World where I find
Every cloud hides a smile,
And true hope is conducted:
Into my Heart
Engraved in my Soul,
Never again  be Dark-

And finally find I am whole.

In the World in my Mind
Theres no sorrow nor Tears,
Hope keeps me free as a child-
A place  where i find
Light chase "way my fears,
And Eternal Peace abide:
Where Dreams become true
Each wish  that I hold,
Happiness born renew-

And finally find I am whole.

But The Most of it all
That keeps me enthralled,
Is the Reason why I Live.
In My Magical World,
Thats more precious than gold
Than anything you can give,

I never recall
That im alone after all
Broken with no worth-

But here Im enough
And im better there off,
Never again will i cry.

For in the End i will find
This World wont deNy,
Nor leave me without Hope-
Yes here Im just fine
Guess I knew that sometime,
In the World in my Mind,

Finally Im Whole
Finally home:

In the World I made in my Mind
God BleSs You!!
Aug 2014 · 277
in Dreams
Hand in hand
With You,

In Dreams.

Side by side
Me and You,

In Dreams.

Heart to Heart
To You,

In Dreams.

Feeling Loved
By You-

I will surely Die

I "ll find You again-

In Dreams.

I will live forever with You...
If you are lucky enough to find LOVE here on Earth-remember in Dreams you will Live Forever
Aug 2014 · 246
The Night falls
Whilst cries of Fear and Terror calls
Echo "s in the Night Sky,
Only the Rememberance of better
Days Gone by.

The Moon weeps silently down
His Tears,
The Stars burdened with Fears
Struggle to shine,
In a sky once they only owned.

Angels prepare for war
Their Time has come,
Whilst the forces of this World
SUrrenders to no one.
War amongst men has begun

The Silence of Night is filled-
sounds of sCreams from those killed,
Peace belong to Yesterday
Destruction forcefully arise.

And in Heaven
Gods hand withdraws,
His eyes closed
His heart saddened,
The End of Times in motion.
In HIM lies humanities only Hope
Earths desire for rebirth evoked

Innocent blood flows
Like rivers upon the dust.
War spares no living Soul
Of Man against man-
Both young and old
Fighting to only Live-
Only returning as ashes to ashes
To a embattled Earth
From hence Life was gived.

"May YOU
Our God
Watch over us"

Aug 2014 · 306
I will find it tOo...
Some People"s Destiny
,lets them find their dreams-
Some People"s destiny,
never let it be.
Some people find their way
some people looses it,
Some People find a Love-
Some never do.
As soon as my Soul stops breaking hopefull waiting,
as Soon as Forever is through,
I will find it too.
Jun 2014 · 213
Just when
Just when I reached
Just when I thought
I didnt care-
You took my Heart
With tender ease,
You turned my fear into belief

Just when Life
Seemed unfair,
Just when I turned
To find You there-
Just when I walked
Away from You,
You didnt turn away from me too

Just when I closed
My Soul from You,
Just when I fell
You didnt pull-
Just when I cried
A silent tear,
You draw me back
Closer to You

Just when my words
Renounced You,
Just when I said:
"I hated You"-
You gave me strength
To carry on,
You whispered softly
That I belong

You made the Impossible true
You said:
"I forgive you",
Just when I realised
What I do-
You said:
"I will Forever
Thank YoU God...for all YoUre Doing for me-even when I dont deserve Your Mercy
Feb 2014 · 381
Just wont...anymore
For too long, i have searched,too long, been lost-by the way,i guess i"ll survive.I know that i have tried,a 100 tears ive cried-by the way,i guess i"ll be fine.Too many times  cast aside,my sorrow ebbs just like the tide-and by the way,i figure,hey, thats Life:When I look unto Hope,like it owes me anything-but in fact, receive whats a"given -And Someday when i find, what it is I seek,i know I just wont need it anymore..And someday when my Dreams, eventually come true......well....... I gueSs i just wont need them too.
I had these words just echo"d in my heart.I guess they sound sad but to me its more bittersweet!it reminds me to just let go...Dont give up but just let go.if your destiny (your good fortune and dreams of your heart)waS ment to be,it will happen-but for now,just let go.Dont think you can win all of Life"s battles.Sometimes all you can do is just surrender-and live one more day.
God Bless You!
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
Map of My Soul
With fear and uncertainty
The days anew loom ahead-
And this the new beginning
To the Map of My Soul,
May I sail with faith
On peacefull waters
And May I find my way
Back Home
May 2014 bring you peace,happiness and good memories and may you sail on peacefull waters and find your way back home..
God Bless YoU!!!
All the Best
Tis the Season I most believed in
The day I held onto
But this year I found the meaning
Of what I never knew
Yes,it ripped from under my feet
The reason I once had
To believe in only Christmas
How could it be so bad?

Like the Tree I dearly decorated
Like the magic of the Day
But inside I longed for meaning
And found the Truth as someone said
That they don't believe to celebrate
The day I thought was laid
But proved the Bible right
No where it solmen state
The real birth of Jesus
Yes the very excact date

Tis not only the joyous tiding
That the Angels brought that night
But the daily life of Christ
His birth-His Life he gave

Every day I found should be
The celebration to His Divinity
Not only did it end
On the day He came to Earth
But the tale of how my saviour Lived
That's the days that deserve
To be written in the heart
To be treasured most-more than gold
Of Jesus way of Living
Yes the Tale from very old

And so
I believe in Christs birth
But Christmas day alone aint worth
Its about much more than presents
Or the TRee
Or the date
Its about realising in Faith,
Brought my Saviour to Earth:
Yes Gods Hand alone
Gave Jesus us His Birth,
And His Every day Life spent
Till His triumphant Return

Let Christmas day show its true meaning!!AMEN
Dec 2013 · 728
NOT a Christmas Poem!
I guess its about this:Lest me celebrate just my saviour for a day?NO...every day should be the reminder of Jesus!every day must be the celebration of Him!ChRistmas day comes but once a year!Help me this Year to not celebrate You one day only Lord-but every day there after...I'm not making the mistake this year to only cling to one day!!Jesus"s life wasn't just about His Birth-but His whole life spent here on Earth!!I guess I "believe" in Christmas day-but that isn't where it Ends...
A lot of people have told me they don't "believe in celebrating" Christmas day alone...I now know why I was confused...
Dec 2013 · 1.3k
far away and long ago
Far away,and Long ago
Begins the tale of Now told
And Dreams are dust with pure gold
Keep forever in your hold
Time let's your Heart be bold
Eternal youth to ne"er grow old
And happIness and Peace ten-fold
Finds a place within your Soul
Finds a Home inside your Heart

To never ever eVer part

Far away,and Long ago
Doubt and Fear-just let them go
And happiness and peace ten-fold
Finds a home right in your Soul
Keep the lessons of The Past
Memories that always last
And see at Hand ,now the task
Of letting go-
Don't you know?

Don't you know?

Far away,and Long ago
Trust the Truth,and let it show
Winter brings its whitest snow
Seasons come and Seasons go
LOok unto your Heart and Soul
Seek wisdom there and then you"ll know
Why the choice is letting Go
You only reap that what you sow

You only reap what you sow

Whilst God is in Heaven Home
You and I ought to roam
In footprints that will let us show
The way in which way we must go
To find our Souls eternal Home

To find our Souls eternal home

Far away,and Long ago
Begins the tale of Now told
And Dreams are dust with pure gold
Keep forever in your hold
Time let's your Heart be bold
Eternal youth to ne"er grow old
And happIness and Peace ten-fold
Finds a place within your Soul
Finds a Home inside your Heart

Far away,and Long ago
Trust the Truth,and let it show
Winter brings its whitest snow
Seasons come and Seasons go
LOok unto your Heart and Soul
Seek wisdom there and then you"ll know
Why the choice is letting Go
You only reap that what you sow

Just wrote this, to remind you, pOem

Far away,and Long ago
Trust the Truth,and let it show
Winter brings its whitest snow
Seasons come and Seasons go
LOok unto your Heart and Soul
Seek wisdom there and then you"ll know
Why the choice is letting Go
You only reap that what you sow
Far away and Long ago

Far away and long ago!!!
Dec 2013 · 825
Light beckons a welcoMe in my Soul
It doesn't care for my Past
Doesn't care  I'm not whole
It yearns to find rOot
Yearns to grow
Like a tree from the Garden Of Eden old

It waits in Silence
Waits to uphold
The dark corners of my very Soul
Time desert its wait in vain
Its wait to flourish drenched by my Pain

Yet deep within me lies
The room in my Soul occupied
By the Darkness from where
No Stars nor moon shines
But the Sound of Silence
To no surprise

And Light pause for a moment
Unsure to know
If its Ray will reflect
Through my eyes from my Soul
It illuminate itself
Without any help
It radiates GoLd
Like a Legend once told

As Darkness awake
Just in time to behold
That like a candle
Light flickers and slowly unfold
It struggles to flame
Flame unsettled and in vain
TO rescue me
From the Darkness I've gained

And it(darkness) worries not
And it troubles none
For the war against Light
Have alReady been won.....

Dear Frederick:
"Behold the consequence of your choice
Be aware that your Soul
Desires rejoice
If not for your Past
Then rethink for your Future:

Will Light be yours?"
No one should take this Poem for granted-i have....
Nov 2013 · 2.0k
Love will set you free
I still recall the midnight shadows
Dancing around the candle flame
I still hear the echo"s clear
Breathing out Your name
And in my Heart I find to see
No one before came easily
To leave me be ,the same

I still recall those moonlit nights
The burning candle"s dying light
And in your eyes Your Soul ignite
The past has stained my mind

Remember the wAy
We used to be
The promise we made
To forever be free
Time cannot take
What you mean to me
In my Heart,there you will be
Sometimes Love will set you free

Remember the tears You didn't see
Remember the days unendingly
When all you hold within your heart
Promise of Love Eternally
The stars iN the sky majesticly
Still shine on this world
For you and me
AnD in all I've believed-I find I
Still can see

Remember the wAy
We used to be
The promise we made
To forever be free
Time cannot take
What you mean to me
In my Heart,there you will be
Sometimes Love will set you free

Baby always
You and  Me

Sometimes Love will set you free...
You wanna know
That it doesn't hurt me
You wanna know about the deal I'm making
It doesn't seem to show
That I'm not bReaking
Its you and me,but I won't be unhappy

"If only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I get Him to swop our places"
Whilst I'm Running up that hill
Without  my Heart being still

You don't wanna change me
But see what I've become
You wanna hear  that I'm still free
But I'm  not done
With the thunder in me

"If only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I get Him to swop our places"
Whilst I'm Running up that hill
Without  my Heart being still

Come on darlinG
Come on angel
Let me steal this experience from you now
Come on angel
CoMe on come on darling
Let's exchange this moment in Time

"If only could
I'd make a deal with God
And I get Him to swop our places"
Whilst I'm Running up that hill

If  only could
Been running up that Hill

With no fear...
I walked in the Rain
Trying to make sense of my Heartache,
And as another drop runs down my cheek
I'm not sure if it fell from Heaven
Or from inside of me.

The sky cries
Tears upon us all,
But when one tries
To distinguish their fall
Remember your tears aren't alone to call, both tears mix, to bring new Hope evermore

I looked up to the night sky
With my Soul starTing to siGh,
Lookin for the bright Midnight star
To wish upon,to touch my Soul-
Yet its Light shone from up afar

The Stars shine
Up in Heavens hold
To keep all wishes since the dawn of Time
To shine within a lost Soul
To guide thrOugh Darkness
To come Home someday,BlesSed and whole

I saW a cloud drifting by
As I focused my eyes towards,
And not certain,a vision derIved
Of a Unicorn way up high
Drifting careFrEe against  a blue Sky.

Clouds are envisioned
By what the Heart wants to see,
By the prayer of the Soul
They are formed effortesly,
To bring Dreams unto You and unto me
To remind you Life is also what you
Nov 2013 · 706
20001 Blessings!!
Thank YOU!!!

Since Today my poems have been seen 20001 times!!

To you ,dear fellow Poets,all my humble sincere Thanks-
YOU Made a dream come true for me!!
May all of you touch liVes through your work-as I hope I  have-
I am a better person for reading ur work!!

All my Best ,and sincere, thanks!!!
Nov 2013 · 565
        -with each tear I cry,my Soul sigh

    -in my Heart I hide the questions I can't cry



This mortal world BelonGs to Fear and sorrow
Like a rainbow fades in a sunset of Tomorrow
As you reach beyond the realm of understanding
There will come a Time when your Souls demanding

Listen to the wind
It carries the promise of a new beginning
Yet none knows where it comes to its ending
As it echo wisdom whilst no one is listening
It dies with the Hope of a Heart that's weeping

"Turn back your mind unto ME
Look at life through MY eyes-tell me,what  you see?
Does your Heart hold the gift of Believing
In a Dream that is worth keeping?
Touch the rain as if its MY Heart beating
For a world that will always be sEeking
To each prayer
I wiLl reveal hidden meanings
Just as the Day follows up an evening"

If a cloud hides the moon
Do the stars stop to shine?
If inside you the Light
Reveals the Truth from the Lie
Only when you will give up ,just to find
Sometimes there's Love in asking "Why"-

"No Darkness can conceal answers given,when your own will is bending
Unto Mine-
In MY own Time
You will know

"Sometimes there's love in asking "Why?""
Nov 2013 · 1.4k
This Utopia.
Beyond the horizon lies a land
Where Peace and Happiness  walk hand in hand.
To every question an answer Is bound
Where long  lost memories wait- to be found,
And Father Time withdraw his ageing hand
Here,in a far far away land

Here, Reality fails to  bring
Here its only Summer and only Spring
Nature cycLes from living to reborn
Winter and Fall isn't known here at all
And Death doesn't linger for a name to call

Every Human finds that their whole
Here,the Body makes way for the Soul
Wisdom is obtained and Truth is ordained
To nourish the mind,to never know pain
Here,Lies, die only in vain

Yet few Hearts partake on this quest
To find this Utopia,to come here to rest
Those afraid to,will settle for second best
Living their Lives with knowing what's next
In a land where Reality has always exist

The map to this Paradise
Can be found in THE NAME
Of the One who designed
This Utopian Sustain:
It is  GOD!!.
And this is Heaven-
This Land ,far away
Where some, will live in, forever someday
Nov 2013 · 973
Life Eternally.
I AM Exhalted above the stars
I AM clothed by omnipotent LOVE
I have bore eternal scars
THE SPIRIT descends upon me as a Dove

You are my Opposer
You are the essence of Fallen
Banished from receiving condolence
Seeking out whose name has been callen

In Heaven,You once abide
Before the cast down to mortals,
In Hell I had to arrive
To overthrow sins portals

Humanity bows before us both-
In God I have and claim MY Oath:
That one of us will downwards desend
And every Soul will bend
As the RISEN,I will Amend
As my opposer, your day will End

I AM who I AM
I AM the bearer Of TRUTH
Life Eternally
Nov 2013 · 392
Words for HOpe!
God never created you for heartache-alThough He is the One who will heal your pain...He never created you to be lonely-yet He is the One who reaches out to you when ur alone...He never Created you to fall-but He is the One who will lift you up ,to soar on Wings of Love...But He created you for one reason:Because He loved you so much that He died for You,so You will someday Be with Him....Forever!
Nov 2013 · 776
If I never...
If I never breathe  again,
Would you still recall my voice?
In this Life I've made misTakes-
And I can't hide my choices made
If I never breathe again

If I never speak again,
Would you still recall my words?
Of how I feel deep inside-
My hopes and dreams I have hide
If I never speak again

I can't promise you:
(Alone, I guess), I will make it through,
My journey"s just begun
My song still unsung
In Hurt I have found the Truth
I can't promise you:
My heart and Soul hasn't been broken too
So here I stand alone
I know I"ll make It Home
In letting go I will be strong

If I never wake again,
Would you be there at the End?
Of my Life, I've lived In Pain-
Tears that left my face stained
If I never wake again

If I never find my way,
Would you tell me someday?
Why my fears had to stay-
To Let me live for one more day
If I never find my way

I can't promise you:
(Alone, I guess), I will make it through,
My journey"s just begun
My song still unsung
In Hurt I have found the Truth
I can't promise you:
My heart and Soul hasn't been broken too
So here I stand alone
I know I"ll make It Home
In letting go I will be strong

if I never believe:
LOVE  leads me
I will never believe  again...
If I never
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
My darkest poem...
In fear I will abide
Have closed my heart and tainted my mind
Fills up the loneliness I hide
In these I've found my daily "happy stride"
How come I once again to Light?

Constructed a master plan
Dug a hole in which I stand
I close Gods open Hand
In these I find my purpose in living
How can I be forgiven?


My Soul still echo the voice of God
"Father foRgive him
For he still knows what is right"
My Heart keeps reflecting
The Power of HIS light


In demons I still confide

Am I lost??

The obvious recide....
This is my deepest and darkest  poem I will ever write.I can't explain why!!!
Oct 2013 · 510
Words to Encourage..
No one ever told u about the Sorrow
No one can promise Tomorrow
No one sees the Bigger Plan
No one but God can understand

There will be Times of Joy
Life seems to work that way
There will Be days of Light
If only foR a day

Remember You are always safe
With Angels by your Side
In God remains all Your time
He feels each tear You cry-

If you feel all alone
And ur Heart can't journey on
Sorrow isn't written in stone
Someday you"ll make it Home

Always Keep Hope with You
In Every Blessed DaY!
Always know Love is true
And Forever here to Stay-
Oct 2013 · 2.5k
Suddenly you happen across my way
Suddenly Love comes in my heart to stay
Suddenly my Life bares new meaning
Suddenly I'm saved by planned reason
Suddenly I enter unto a new season

Deep you crept into my soul
Deep I find I'm turnin whole
Deep the feeling of purpose come
Deep my grattitude run
Deep my soul welcome the Sun


Suddenly I face goodbye
Deep inside my heart slowly die
Suddenly you leave to go
Deep inside I noW must know
Suddenly I'm again alone

Oct 2013 · 570
a Simple Blessing-for YOU!!
Every time we shed a tear-God reaches out to pull us near,every question we proclaim-God waits, to our soul,to explain.Life isn't only what we see,but faith and hope and the Believe-in rainbows after every storm-in life eternal when re-born,in guidance when we lose our waY,in "coming home" on someday.Remember-you are cherished and beloved by God our Father up above,and even though we face Life"s  "pain" ,in Heaven He will welcome all who say:"Beloved Jesus,in Thy name,I surrender all ,my life ,my pain.Thank you that you will sustain,in this my daily life I'm in.Watch over my heart and soul-be with me,where ever I go.Thank you for your promise still,that someday you"ll return again,to take your children home in the end."....I bless you now:Hope you have a happy day!
May peace be with you-thnk you for reading!!FredErick
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
The Last Dream
If I could Lock away
The hopes and prayers I say
If I could keep them safe
I'd never sigh
If I could hide the dreams
I'd write them upon my Soul
And if I could
Wouldn't I be whole?

Dreams are born free
And so they also leave
And I guess
That's just to bad for poor me

For every tear I've cried
Some for Lost truths and lies
It all has come once
Yet alsO died

So maybe that's why
My soul won't stop to sigh
My heart shall never let go
For all I have left to own

The last dream -i will forever hold

When some have told me
Lifes not for the lonely
And drEams were never
Really mine
My heart have told me
Never let it be
For there is much more
Than what we see

I have promised

If I could keep them safe
I'd never sigh
If I could hide the dreams
They"d never die
I'd write them upon my Soul
And if I don't try
Will I ever just be "alright"?

But this I know

If I could Lock away
The dreams and prayers I pray
If I could keep them safe
I'd never again cry
Dreams are born free
And so they also leave
And I guess
That's just to bad for me

The last dream -i will forever hold

The last dream-More valuable than Gold
The last chance,Time still  need to show

The Last Dream-i will someday behold
Sometimes its the last dream we have, that we never really let go-even if it never comes true....I know I've said a month ago that I had written my last poem:My Final Goodbye,yet these last days of writing have convinced me that the Gift of words needs to be spoken,written and heard--and so I post only the poems I feel that needs a home-that needs to live and yes the ones I own and will never let go,just like the last dream I have:Of being a poet..All my best wishes.FredErick.
Dreams are not yours to keep-        .                             memories go who knows where
It takes a 100 tears you weep
Know my heart will always care...


When you find yourself alone
Heaven beckons ur heart home
Remind me why you had to go
When the answers I don't know

          Dreams are not yours to keep-        .                             memories go who knows where
It takes a 100 tears you weep
Know my heart will always care...

Even as you fall asleep
The dreams live on inside me deep
Every memory I will keep
Silent tears I always weep

When time has turned my heart to stone
A part of me-a part you own
And now that I am here alone
How could I again be whole

Dreams are not yours to keep-
Memories go who knows where
Life"s answers come when life"s complete
Know in my heart I"ll always care...

So just before the last goodbye
Only God will see me cry
May Angels walk beside ur side
Heaven welcomes- you abide

And here I stand on my own

        Dreams are not yours to keep-        .                             memories go who knows where
It takes a 100 tears you weep
Know my heart will always care...
Dreams are not yours to keep-
Memories go who knows where
Life"s answers come when life"s complete

Forever you live in my heart

Dreams are all that I now keep
Never we will be apart
Memories go who knows where
Someday i meet you there....
"Saying goodbye-   see you again in Heaven...."
(Death leaves the one who has to carry on life with this Hope)
Sep 2013 · 847
The Book of Days...
The Book of Days holds the future to come-its guarded in Heaven by the Angels.No mortal soul could every read it-for God prohibited its contents to be known.It holds every Souls journey ,written within...It also can change Eternity if ever opened up-and Gods Omnipotent plan for every heart-....The mysterY as to why it may never be read by anyone is that if the pages were turned ,EternityS outcome could be altered forever!It contains the End of Days"s war between God and the Devil himself-and could alter the outcome leading to terrible fatal overthrow of Gods natural Plan...Since the dawn of Time,the Devils only goal was to open the Book,for even He doesn't know how Eternity could sway within his favour-leading to his truimphant rule of Heaven for ever more....God  placed the Book within the Tree of Life,which once Stood in the Garden of Eden-where Adam and Eve once lived,and later in Heaven, He placed its safety within the Angels watch...No mortal soul today even knows of the Books excistance-for Life is written from the Book,by God Himself,and so humanity lives here on Earth with no sense of Lifes mystery and its True meaning.The Devil  tempted Eve,believing she would come to know of the Book,by gaining the knowledge from eating from the Tree which God forbid them in the Garden of Eden...yet God knew of his plan and banned them from the Garden once their eyes opened and they gained the knowledge..and so removed the Tree of Life,placing the safety of The Book now under the Angels guard in Heaven.The Devil -having lost the chance to let the Book be read,still yearns to get to it...yet the tale does not end here.For in a dream-i have come to know of its being-....a dream from the Devil?or God Himself?...and in my dream,I am in Heaven-overhearing the Angels speaking of The Book.Without them knowing of my presence,I hear where the Book is placed-and my curiosity drives me to seek it out...Silenty I walk to the area and unbelievingly I see it-just inches from my grasp..
The Book of Days
Sep 2013 · 548
The journey to find out "your identity" of who you are,is often a difficult one....if You Realise that we AREN'T all the "same" it doesn't mean ur less of a good person-doesnt mean you don't deserve acceptance but does mean that you are WORTHY-....If God intended us to "be" All the same-we would never have had been given "free will".. Be aware that the truest of essence whom you were ment to be-is GOD GIVEN-change the characteristics you can change-and believe that He created you unto His Plan,...yes you were intended to be what you discover-for whom knows the thoughts and will of God,to doubt that He has laid ur path out accordingly,all you need do,is become the "casted  actor"in this play God calls life!!"For all the world is a stage-and we are mearely actors"
You only get one chance-BE YOU!!!
Aug 2013 · 770
My Final ...Goodbuye
How blessed my journey lie
How deep I hold inside
Time can never try
To fade the words I find
How wonderous the Light
That leads me through The Night
And on the other side
God waits with arms out wide

And hear my soul"s desire
To sit beside Gods choir
Of Angel tongues proclaim
The Glory of Thy Name
And here I find my journey
Finds peace and purpose too
My life has been worth living
My tears - I"ll never hide
And thus I  now must leave you
My Final Goodbuye

Wisdom I have gained
Through heartache and through pain
The Past reminds my heart
Of where from I have came
This mortal plane I knew
I leave for life anew
And every step I took
God shows written  in His Book

And hear my soul"s desire
To sit beside Gods choir
Of Angel tongues proclaim
The Glory of Thy Name
And here I find my journey
Finds peace and purpose too
My life has been worth living
My tears - I"ll never hide
And thus I  now must leave you
My Final Goodbuye

Remember as the sun rise
So the wind must die
I"ll keep the memories hidden
Deep in me inside

And when this life Leaves you
With Tears in ur eyes
I will be crying with you
Gods comfort, He"ll provide

And just believe in something
Never close your eyes
Someday I will thank you
For  now I simply leave you
My Final Goodbuye

And hear my soul"s desire
To sit beside Gods choir
Of Angel tongues proclaim
The Glory of Thy Name
And here I find my journey
Finds peace and purpose too
My life has been worth living
My tears - I"ll never hide
For yes I now must leave you

My Final Goodbuye

Yes your words I will remember:
Thank You

My Final Goodbuye
(God Bless You)
To all things there comes an end-and so to each of you,"thank you"" for the time you took to read my humble atempts at writing words-words that I pray have found a place in your Heart-for words never die,they just find a new home in another heart! This is my final poem- and you all have helped me through a difficult time in my life with ur kind respoNses and loving words- I am a writer because of everyone who wants to read my work- I pray that this site will heal many a broken hearts who just need a stranger saying :well done! I will continue to read all of ur work and know that if I don't respond-i take your words unto my heart!! To all I leave this: May God touch ur Soul just once- through reading someones poems on this site- and may you have Eternal life!!! ( God bless you!!!) -X- FredErick
Never look upon the fear of "Why"
For God knows every tear you cry
When life leaves you alone inside
There"s always someone at your side
And peace will guide u to the light

Don't ever take a day for just
Remember time turns all to dust
The worldly desires and ur lust
Will never feed ur Soul as much
As Gods promise to unending trust

Always guard your soul in your eye
Let faith take rout within ur life
Keep the truth locked deep inside:
" sometimes the only truth worth hearing
Is the truth that let's you cry"
Aug 2013 · 580
The spirit of The Past...
The Past dwells in the shadows
Lonely recalling a Time that once was
Holding the key to my heart
Where memories ebb and flow

The echo of yesterday
Finds a place of rest
And my soul lose its way again
The remembarance of a forgotten quest

The sands of time
Has put my heart at ease
The day that died-lives in the hope
To find -its way back home

The Past smiles whilst in the shadows
It holds the secret to life
The Hand it reach out-touch my mind
And locks me up in forgotten dreams

The Past
Just dwell deep inside all of us
Love has always known my name

Days that seem unending
The future should be mending
My past regrets -im spending
Time remains the Same

Love has always known my name

Every tear I locked awaY
In my heart ,words people say
Like waves the sorrow still sway
Time belongs to one day

Love has always known my name

In darkness I hide
Yet lighT will still abide
In memories of hope
More cherished than gold
And when I'm all aloNe
My journey heading home

Time has stayed the same
Love has always known my name

A prayer inside remain
Time will heal my pain

Yes,love will always know my name...
To live life - to be known by Love
Aug 2013 · 1.4k
Once upon a Time
Once upon a Time
When your heart knew what"s right
When God touched ur soul to flight
And in urself  was light:

You were whole

Once upon a Time
When sorrow clouded ur way
When words that broke you were said
And you lifted your head:

You were human

Once upon a Time
When you lost a beloved
When you just gave up
And you felt lost

You silently praid

And Once upon a Time
God will explain why

You"ll live happily in the End.
Fairy tales can happen for YOu!!
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