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Aug 2013 · 707
If Heaven is-
Our dreams and hope makes up our Soul
Simply put-our compass shows
The journey  our past can never hold
Light is born within crystal and gold
And time alone can surely know:
If Heaven is-thats where we long to go!

Our experiences feeds our Soul
Life brings forth ,death behold
There shines a rainbow through Winter cold
And time alone will surely shOw:
If Heaven is-thats where we will be home!

Memories will never lie
The heart and Soul in harmony fly
And time alone will surely try:
If Heaven is-then there we"ll never Die-

If Heaven is-we"ll never say Goodbye!

Jul 2013 · 787
one Chance
Sometimes its hard to know
Where ever iN Life
You  go
Sometimes you only get
One chance perhaps?

And somehow you learn
things don't always turn
Out the way that you had hoped
It would

Tis  the One chance you earn?

There is alwaYs hope
In this life
You will cope
Just cause
You WILL get
One chance perhaps?

Don't let it go by
Without you realise-
That you recEive
One chance
That  much   is True

Sometimes you dare to reacH
Deep within yOur soul
To keep
HappinEss surely goes
Where your dreams will lead
And you can clearly fEel
One chance is so Very  Real

And don't ever SHed a tear
When you think it isn't here
For to your heart
God speak
ONe chance

Sometimes its all that yOu can ever Do

One chance you get
That much I know
Is True

One chance you get
Is what I'm
Wishing you...
Jul 2013 · 466
mans longing-
Man seeks Himself
Until he Is Truely
In God
Our journey on earth is to only become what God made us to within Him!
Jul 2013 · 756
a Lost Psalm??
When fear arrives unto my mind
Thou mercy ease my broken wing
To lift me up higH above
To let me soar on wings of Love
For Thou holds watch till end of Time

If down the road I lonesome find
The cruelty of Life
Thou Hand divine
Lift mE up
With peace of mind
Thou ever leads my soul"s need
For Thou are here ,beside of me

Heaven reSounds
Thou Holy Name
Earth obide
Thou voice the same
For Thou are ever came

And though I seek
Far and wide
Thou has always
Been by my side
Heaven resounds
Thou Holy name
Earth obide
Thou voice the same
Ever more
And ever be
Will the Angels praise Thee
Lord Almighty God

When my life on earth
Comes to its end
When Time takes back
What Thou have lend
In days and nights
You mend
Be still,my soul
Its not the End
For I will be with Thou
Forever-till eternity
In Thy light
My souls eternal rest

In ThEe I find my rest
Jul 2013 · 475
Forever-Till Eternity ends
And in my soul
The memorY will live
And in my dreams-is where I"ll be

"Forever-till Eternity ends"
Sometimes it just happens that someone comes along and touch ur soul-....its there where that someone never goes ,although you never get to keep them for dreams that someone somehow makes you whole-
Jul 2013 · 729
Only Time
Who can tell why I'm lost inside
Why I found You
How I long too
Only Time

Who can see where the road lead
Why a good deed
Die unseen
Only Time

Hear my soul cry
Listen - to it try
To find You
Watch my heart sigh
Wondering why
Love is True

Who can feel hOw my heart smiLe
If for a little while
As another day arrive
Only Time

Who can speak words unseen
In my mind born
As they"re  forming
Only TiMe

And who wiLl be
Where life leads me
Waiting to See
ONly Time

And Till I'm finaLly home free
No more lonely:

ONly Time!!!
There is Hope in waIting...
Jul 2013 · 755
my PrOvide-
If we loose perception in our life
About Gods provision in our strife
Will the hunger that we feed upon
Be at all sufficient enough?

There's the assurance of our daily needs
That WILL be met-if our heart suCceeds
To become aware that His Hand is in deed
The hand that feeds our daily need

You can turn to Life
You can rely on Luck
You can even deny
That its Him who sees
All of our daily grieves
Yet will it be sufficiently
Enough-in all we aim to seek?

Let this be my quest
To find my provider
In this my search
WhEre my need abide--

In the End...I must rely:

Its where my Soul meets
My Provide!
Jun 2013 · 636
Luck was on my side!!
I played the fate
And won
Had I but stayed
Far away
But fate lured me
Back for more
And now it even out the score
I played again
And lost!

Life teaches us a daily lesson
When luck comes through
Don't be greedy
For what luck brings
It takes again
When we aren't sattisfied

So count ur blessings
Don't ignore
Luck brings forth
So much more
When we remember
To STOP and see
What we have
Can be taken
When we feel greedy
For so much more!
Gambling IS an Addiction-DO know when to stop,or you might loose it all!I didnt-
May 2013 · 922
5 QuesTions to a Poet!
1What do you believe happens at death?
-we are released from our mortal enclosure and transformed into our very essence:SPIRIT

2Where does the lost soul go?
-it leaves behind its doubt and unbelief and is granted redemption if it accepts it

3Where lies Heaven?
-Heaven is at the verry presence of God.Its a world of undersTanding,and where TRUTH lives

4Is the reality of Hell real?
To be away from Gods presence is the Spirits hell-the flesh abides in agony and tortured realiSms. Forever!

5Are we going to live forever in Eternity?
Yes,for with God there abides no time,no death and no end!
Hope it brings hope to you reading!
May 2013 · 654
Between the Darkness and the Light
Between what's wrong and what is right
Lies the Eternal plight
For we live by faith-noT sight

Between rEmembarance and Forget
BEtween Forgiveness and rESent"
Lies the past and the preSent
For we are merely to Earth sent
To find our way back home


Between LessoNs leArnt
We much more gain
The direction"s destinations
To where Eternity -we"ll spend!
The hardest part of letting gO
Is to forgive-that I know
The best gift you will receive
Is the chance to believe
The easiest thing you"ll ever do
Is disTinquishing the lie from Truth
And in this all
Don't ever forget
Live ur life

With no regret!!

"A short little life with meaning" by Chuck..."The good and bad of lifes duettE" by RR Richardson.....Please help me write one more line-its up to you people to finish this poem!-thanks for the input!I value it everyone!
Apr 2013 · 699
Just BEcauSe
Open up your souL
Let all darkness go
Find behind the dark clOud the rainbow
Holding You Up
Fill tO the brim your cup
Make aLl the noise Within you stop
You find the way
Take note what I say
Here Is where you must stay

Two find Time Holding the Truth
ONe gets LOst
Two look direct to the moon
One"s dreams die
Two knows the winds secret


JUSt BecauSe
Apr 2013 · 483
The Secret -
This is something no one ever told you
This is the truth hidden from you
This will change your destiNy-

To _____,you need to say
These Words:


And that's what no-one ever told you...
Believe me-if I knew what it was-i would tell the world!Let ur Soul ponder aWhile!the missing words are there!!...within yourself!
Apr 2013 · 564
The Irony of Life!!
Do you ever stop to see
The beauty that surrounds you?
Time dArkens every memory made
In a life lived passionately-

Do you ever stop to hear
The secrets carried upon the wind?
Echo"s Die quick and easily
When they go unanswered-

Do you ever stop to feel
Why love abides next to hate?
If you don't ever feel yoUr pain
You"ll never feel free-

Do you ever stop to speak
Words that hurt or even heal?
The best gift you"ll ever need
Can come from the Words someone speakS-

This is the Irony of Life:

Apr 2013 · 798
a Hole in my Head!
"SoMetimes I feel afraid
As if life is rushing right past me-
And I'm falling behind somehow
My mind gets conFused
By all I do not know
And I feel sO alone
Needing a place to call home
DespIte being on my own
A perfect life,without Sorrow

Sometimes I wonder
How there is rain without thunder
How the sparrow find its way
Where the wind goes to Stay
And when light fades away
I'm in darkness till the day
Comes again

The stories from when I was small
Some have come true
Some not at all-
Were they ment to make me think
About what matters
About where I belong?
Those stories I almost recAll


Will you come to be with me?
Can I be your FRiend?
When It gets to quiet
Will you help me till the end?
I just sometimes talk
Will You listen-

SoMetimes I feel afraid
As if life is rushing right past me-
And I'm falling behind somehow
My mind gets conFused
By all I do not know
And I feel sO alone
Needing a place to call home
DespIte being on my own
A perfect life,without Sorrow

I am inside
I don't know how to pray though
God must love me
To make me have a hole
Inside my mind
I don't know lots of stuff
I'm not a Person who"S whole

God must Love me
Cause I'm


I'm told"....
This is a poem inspIred by a person,I've never met,but believes is out there!a mentAlly handicaped Soul who happened to chooSe me to Write down their thoughtS-..Thank you for letting me !.(Written after watcHiNg the movie:"I am Sam" with Sean Pean and Michelle Pfeiffer)
Like Night turns into day
You will find the way...

When the journeY seems tO long
And you feel like Hope is gone
YOu can listen within your heart
To mend your soul broken apart
Love is the veRy place to sTarT

If all your faith have lost its charm
There is always open arms
Ready to comfort with Embrace
Fill the lonely empty space
Find within YourselF its place

Time will hold the "why"
Your heart silenTly crY
Before thE memories must fade
Someone will remain
Like Night turns into day
You will find the way...

Life have so much more to give
If you only choose to live
The past has come and have gone
TommOrrow brinGs a brand new song
The strengtHs been waiting all along

Fear is only when you find
The unknown can only bind
You to fear if you abstain
And never ever try again
To every sun there must be rain

Know that you're not on Your own
Everybody feels ALone
JuSt when you want to Quit
Remember thiS a bit
Darkness flee when Light is lit
Like Night turns into day
You will find the way...

So take these words as true
Find the courage to just do
Take it day by day my friend
And you will win in the end
And be happy once again
Like Night turns into day

You will find the way...
Just carry on!
-Time is the keeper-
Forgiveness the healer
And hope witHin my heart,
All that I am
And all I will  be

God-cause YOU have mercy on me

Lookin back upon my past
Some memories fade and some have last,
Through the choices I have made
Seemed to push YOU further away-
YOU brought the dawn of a brand new day
And all my deep sorrows  fades away

In my life I've done YOU wrong
But Still YOU helped me  tO move on,
When I loSt track of my belong
YOUR promises a melody to my soNg-
YOU brought the dawn of a brand nEw daY
And all my deep sorrows fades away

--Time is the keeper--
Forgiveness the healer
And hope witHin my heart,
All that I am
And all I will  be

God-cause YOU have mercy on me

This is a simple waY
Words that I use to say
I ve been lost -yet still to be found
And YOUR Love is forever to me: bound

--Time is the keeper--
Forgiveness the healer
And hope witHin my heart,
All that I am
And all I will  be

God-cause YOU have mercy on me

All that I am
And all I will be

God-cause YOU have mercy on me.
Thank YOU AlmighTy God---
Apr 2013 · 563
An ode to you reading!!!(2)
Thank You
From the core of my  soul

Your time taken to read my thoughts
Are more precious to me than silver or gold

                        I am as blessed
                        As much as my work
                           Gets read

And so i forget my tribulations
For in writing my feelings-I am whole!!

All my best wishes
An ode to everyone of you who takes the time to read my work!i believe im blessed because i am heard!i value your time for it nourishes my soul!
You bring hope to me-
You give me a reason to try
You make it all worthwhile!

I am deeply touched!

A big thank you for all of you who follows me!i hope im bringing something unto your hearts and minds!
May you find hope most of all-for thats all we really have in this life!

I am not alone-




I have over 100 followers now-and my poems been viewed over 8000 times!!
Thank you for your time spent!

All The Best
Till next I write
Apr 2013 · 1.4k
you remain one of a kind.
I've been up
And been down
I've travelled the whole wide world
I've been lost
And been found
Searchin for love all around
Yet nowhere I have tread-
Found loneliness instead,
YOu were in the last place that I checked

Love isn't always easy to find
A heart speaking poetry to the mind
Just as a lock to chains iT will bind-
You Remain one of a kind

Home they say is where your heart waits
A house is merely just a place
But Written all across your open face
I long to hold you in an eternal embrace

Love isn't always easy to find
A heart speaking poetry to the mind
Just as a lock to chains it will bind-
You Remain one of a kind

And here I have found I belong
Its you that makes me feel I'm strong
Strong enough to trY and tO carry on
You are the melody in my song

Love isn't always easy to find
A heart speaking poetry to the mind
Just as a lock to chains it wiLL bind-
You Remain one of a kind

YeS love isn't easy to find
Poetry to the Mind
JuSt as a lock to chains it will bind

You Remain one of a kind

You Remain one of a kind
Almost a country song-i tried!ha ha
Apr 2013 · 752
Running up that Hill...
Break free from deep inside
These chAins I abide
Been Running up that hill
With no problems

See the sun behind the rAin
When I will never be the Same
If I only could abstain
TheSe solid chains

Awake me from despair
See my dream in the air
Just Out of my reach
Surrounded  by caRe

Break frEe from these tears
Forgotten past years
And running up that hill
With nO sudden fears

Let me steal this moment now
If I only could
With no problems
With nO problems
If I only could

Running up that HiLL....
"If could,I'd make a deal with God--and get Him to Swop our places...been running up that Hill,with no problems..."
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
A LOst ALLY McBEAL moment??
ALLY:So here is where you flee the scene
BILLY:I Didn't knew I was going to find Georgia when I decided to leave
ALLY:So you kept the truth from me?
BILLY:would You have found peace if I explained to you how GeOrgIa was the one I found I wanted to be...
ALLY:yeS!!but you kept me from finding the strength to Hope again!To find my destiny...
BILLY:I didn't intend to cause you any confusion-nor more misery
ALLY:well,confusion coMes knocking and the truth leaves??
BILLY:you once said that what's the point in telling the truth when all its gonna do is cause pain in the end-
ALLY:but the truth could have saved me from pain ,which made my heart bend...

ALLY(crying softly)so I still love you...I'm not ashamed to admit it.But I know my strength lies in moving on-
BILLY:That's why I still feel something for you-you still see your sorrow and loss but you think someday you"lL have Won!
ALLY:yeah well-Hope within me makes me march forward!I guess behind Every dark cloud the light still shines from the sun?

BILLY(hugs ALLY)and you"ll find your place in the Are strong!
ALLY(hugs Billy back)and I know you"ll be there,...two rights can't make a wRong!I nEver doubted it my heart,I dance to a happy Song!And As long as I can still dance-i will be fine...and somewhere I will find the one- I Will belong....
I tried to write a dialogue that could be almost a poem(almost)from the tv show I enjOyed :ALLY MCBEAL-just a fun idea I had!
Mar 2013 · 626
No-one realy is Alone
Nobody realy is Alone,
Believe me:
No-one truely is Alone!
Mar 2013 · 1.2k
Be Blessed its Easter!!!
In these times we live in-Never has it been morE crucial to realise wether  you are a true child of God...or a servant of the world!At the eve of Good Friday ,take a moment and think.Jesus Christ bore the blame and died for humanities sin-we were truely without hope-we deserved Gods punishment...yet Jesus became our mediator between us and God!His death gave us the salvation to one day spend Eternity outside of damnation...yes free from damnation in the pits of Hell!Jesus died-so that we could live!He left us His Peace!....We need to become aware that the Devil is out to destroy Gods true children-and Is perpetuating the lie that the Peace of the Lord is off this world!If you ever felt restless inside-know that the PeacE of the Lord Jesus is the deeper peace we must look for-and that the  peace being "of a state of mind" is off this world-and there to mislead the true children of God (wether it be financially,emotionally or even reliGiously)We as Gods children need to know that persecution will come against us,for being Gods children!Jesus made it clear that if the world come against us-we should know that it came againSt Him first!Taking a stand may mean facing resistance and being "outcasted"(from relationships,your current work environment etc)But one day when the time of Jesus"s coming happens-judgement upon all of humanity shall happen(for we shall be held accountable for our every deed,good and bad,)The oppression we will face will be because we proclaim Jesus to be the one and only entry unto God-and that He is the only salvation from damnation!For if we profess with our mouth-we profess out loud.Decide in your heart now:if you are ready to rEceive Gods offering-and know that we are like sheep sent out amongst the wolves,yet have a shepard who will watch over us! Jesus has risen from the grave-He triumphed over death and this world!and herein lies the wonder of Gods love:WE have been pardoned by HIS death!!He will come for His true children!!Be Blessed!
It happened on a Friday
Round about nine,
When He who was Divine
Bore sin-yours  and mine-
And was hung upon a wooden cross
His hands and feet nailed tight
Yet none who knew His silent plight.
That within all His power and His might
Was cruxified -to bring the light-
Unjustly hung He out in sight

The one known as the King of the Jews

From the time of noon
Up until three
DarkneSs covered the sky entirely,
And with the outcry of these words:
"Eli Eli Lema sabagtani"
My God,why have Thoust forsaken me
He drew His last breath
And died-for all to See

The one known as the King of the Jews

The Temple curtain spliT in two
As He the King of the Jews died
so that We could enter
In Gods sight.
Forever after He paid the price
For me and you:

The one known as the King of the Jews

And after He had left this mortal plane
They broke not His bones
Left Him just the same,
And they laid Him to rest
In a TomB -in a cave
His life been given
His DesTiny remained-
As the Saviour to all mankind
The dead and the brave.
He had come to earth
Not to condemN-but to save:

The one known as the King -became the
He who bore no Sin-carried ours
Just so that we could be saved
From the wrath of the Almighty
He showed us the light,
Yet died unjustly
To AnSwer our plighT

The one known as Jesus the Christ

But on the Sunday morning
He had risen triumphantly,
Over Death He had won
Yes GodS only Son-
Who one day will return
To rule up Highly
On the right hand side
Of God-Lord Almighty

Thus remember the FridAy
Through till the Sunday,
Never again will Life stay the same
For He called us each upon the name,
To teach and obey His words left behind
And to love all of all  mankind.
For He died once ago a very long time
So that tHose who believe in Him
Find redemption ,salvation
From judgement and condEmnation.

He will come back someday
This much is true:

The one known as
Jesus-the King of the Jews!
Have a safe blessed Easter!!
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Yearning to fly!!
She yearned to fly
Chained down to the eartH
Her hear gets barely by
Confronted by her worth
Inside she Seeks to die
Escape the too familiar LIe
Yet freedom keeps its distance
Death eludes her sigh
And Mournfully her own resistance
To even only try..
She rEtains an eerie stance
TOo  solid tO fly
In darkness where she abides
Its from the light she desperatElY hide
Closed off from spring and summer sun
Winters grip HAs finally run
Her Soul tO ebb like the tide
Past mEmories left to die
This state they cAll being aLive..
And on the horizon a mere vision
Of whom she once had envision:
HERSELF-yet she had died!!
Her mind the field of battle
NoIses in her ears rattLe
A voice of TimelESs DeSpair
Have left feaR in HEr wherE
She  once Owned hOpe
Now iT LefT to roam
LEaving her alone To cope
WitH what she USed TO Own
Dreams ALas she "ll never know..


Per chance
Happened Her BY
Look only into her eyeS

And If she runs AnD try to fLy
Remember this

""DEprESsIoN isn't a State of mind
ItS a treatable ailment""

Depression is treatable...
Mar 2013 · 694
and if I never...what if?
And if I never happened upon your face
Would my life have been an empty place?
Would I have found Gods grace
To be whom I am?

And if I never knew that you were here
Would my life Have been different?
Would I have never beEn me
The I ,I am today?

And if I never tried to live like you
Would the destiny of my future changed too?
Would I have lived
The life I now knew?

Nothing happens without a reason
Life is made up out of seasons
What we decide is untrue
God allows -for me and you
To fulfill His Dream

Can anybody tell me
Why life have played out to be
THe life I'm living seemingly
If what I am-im Questioning
"What if" my Life, had should been

No one can tell me
For what I perceive to be
No one will comfort me
I'm not living free-
THese questions rEsting in mE
Have destROyed me completely

I can't see the "what is"
In a difference
From the "what iffs"

What iF I"ll never finD ME?

The way my life had should been...
"Though ye walk through
The valley of despair"-
I shall not fear.

Though I find the emptiness
Deep inside of me-
I shall shed no tears.

For YOU have walked upon this land
Many times ago,
YOU felt fear and were alone...
So I have this to know!

Your promiSe still rings true
Yes even today to me too:
"I'm not


Just on my journey

Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Darling,I love you! xxx
I turned around to late to see-
The tears blinding me,
I realised to late That you
Had walked out on me
And though I knew this day would come
I Wished it be undone
Yet now the story played out wrong
I lost when I had hoped to won

So give me one more chance
Darling You have cared for me
Give me one more chance
Darling you were there for me
If I pray this now
Will things change somehow?

I always thought I had the strength
To make it on my own
I never saW the strengtH that came
From you all along
Yet noW I can plainly see
The strength from you lies here in Me
I had it all yet now I have none

So give me one more chance
Darling You have cared for me
Give me one more chance
Darling you were there for me
If I pray this now
Will things change somehow?

Here is the lesson I'd learned
That you don't know what uve had
Till its  Gone

So give me one more chance
Darling You have cared for me
Give me one more chance
Darling you were there for me
If I promisE You:
I still need you
Would you carE for me?
Be there for me?

Darling I

Never take anyone for granted-ever!loved ones are only lend to us for a while!
Mar 2013 · 887
Like a summer eve"s rain..
Like a summer eve"s rain
Wash my soul clean again

There were times I look back on
Thought the strength in me was gone
My life stained by my past
Looking for hope to come at last
And renew my broken life

Never knew that day would come
Wishing choices  be undone
Turn the light on in my heart
Find that Love will always start
When you let go of the pain-
Like a summer eve"s rain
Wash my soul clean again

Time gone by ,oh so fast
I never had  a chance
To know where I was heading to
Just as I regret my stained past
In my soul I took a future glance
And there I find  the truth
A new beginning at last

Like a summer eve"s rain
Wash my soul clean again

Like a summer eve"s rain
A new beginning will remain

Sometimes I wait for my life to be cleaned out-washed clean,from all my past choices that keeps me feeling chained!!
You may not know
You may not care,
Angels can't tread everywhere-
You may not hear
You may not see,
The devil will there always be!

I tell you this
I tell you that,
God meets you right where you are at-
I scream the warning
Night till morning,
Don't be ignorantly yawning!

Good and Evil battles on
In life until the war is won-

So you decide
Pay heed to pride,
On which teams side you will abide

You may not know
You may not care,

You may not hear
You may  despair!

But trust me when I'm telling you
It is an ancient fact that's true,

This battle:

Over me and You!
Everyday is an ongoing battle between good and evil-lie and truth and yes in the spirit realm over me and you!be sure you know which side you are being fight over-and fighting for!
Mar 2013 · 828
The Lord Jesus speaks.
And tearfully I turn my gaze
Upon the Lord Jesus"s face
With desperation in my eyes
He looks upon in silence

"Oh why,dear Lord"-
My voice came forth
"Have fear consumed my life?"
Yet still in silence meets His eyes
Mine without much strife

"Explain to me!!!"I start to shout
And feel love going out-
Out my heart and out my mind,
Yet kindness radiates from Thine

I fall down to the ground ,hopeless
Before His feet my face
Yet no word from his mouth arive
To take my crippling sorrows place

Heavily I weep out loud
I have no shame-im not too proud
And slowly Jesus starts to bend down
And softly weeping -wipes my brow

"Dear beloved child-
It is not my Will to see your fall
By fear consuming you in all
I too bore fear
Yet ask of you to let me own
Your overwhelming fear that's grown
Upon my shoulders now"

And tearfully I turn my gaze
Upon the Lord Jesus"s face
My hand is taken to be placed
Within a hand that bares the hole
Left from being the sacrifice
To take our sins upon Him whole
Yes now even my fear- its so

"I came to give you life abundant
To live in peace you see
Cast even now your fear upon me
I"ll carry it-so you"ll live free

Know now that you aren't ever alone
I am with you -till I lead you home
Release this cross you bare on your own
I've carried one..before alone,
Because I love you as my own"

And tearfully I gaze upon
The Lord-my saviour whom has come
And feel peace to rest within my soul
The fear I once felt-now is gone
His arms around me tightly drew
And undeservingly my life begins anew!
Know that nothing you may carry alone in this life-is too big to be given to Him-to free you from its hold!"How gratefull be I -Thank you Jesus"
Mar 2013 · 444
! to my ?..
I've gotten lost in my search
For where the answers exsist
To the questions I have in my heart
Through valleys and meadows
I've travelled each road
Yet found an illusion for the answers I'm told
My souls been broken
I've bet my last token
And lost all the chance of feeling hope
Despair now looms
Where hope were once truth
And my heart knew the answers unspoken
And somewhere someday
I will find the pathway
And the home of the answers
To my souls despair
And I know I will find myself
Crying silently there
For its then when I"ll  understand
Why the answers were hidden
In my daily life-im now busy  living...
"Why" is the question we will never
know the answer to-or at least won't ACCEPT its answer if given- just know "someday" you"ll find an answer to your questions!that's all the hope I need!
Like there's no tomorrow
Like you know no sorrow
"Fear nothing not fear itself"

Like you've lost ur way
Like only Angels can see
"Fear nothing for then are you free"

And so

I know

God bless you!!
"Fear nothing but fear itself",
       Oh why then this storm within myself?
                Is it simply the Great Unknown?
           Or my destiny written out in stone?

Had I but a glimpse into tomorrow
Would that perpetuate my griefly sorrow?
Yet I'm losing the present joy
In my "what iffs"mantra -I seem to enjoy

             Living within the present moment
       Gives you the strength and atonement
       Making ones worries fade throug the                                                  wind
       Finding the courage deep from within

"Fear nothing but fear itself"
Oh how I have laiden my heart to delf!
And ever so gently
Lost sight of blessings a-pleanty

                 And I find myself without hope-
                     And I find it difficult to cope,
                          For I' find whithin myself

                               ( I )
          Fear more-than only Fear itself!!
The hardest thing I've ever done-is to acknowledge to myself-that I fear too much-and have too little faith
Mar 2013 · 654
I don't know why...
I don't know why
When you cry you feel all alone
And I don't know how
But you"ll find your way home
Cause in this life,you try
To hold your head high -just to get by
And I don't know why
But I know you just must stay strong

And I don't know why
Some dreams come true and some die
And I don't know how
But you will end up being just fine
Cause if you look in your heart
You"ll find the place to start
And I don't know why
But all things takes its time

I don't know why
Sometimes you pray
And get no reply
And I don't know why
You believe and then ur hope die
But if you keep on trying
God will hear your cry
And I don't know Why
But His timing always just seems right

And if you ever feel unloved
God decide long ago to die
To remind you off
His everlasting love

Cause now I told you these things
And believe me its all true
I don't know why
I know these things

But I do...
Taken from the lyric "I don't know why,I know these things,but I do" song with the same title!
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
So here I am!
So here i am
Here i stand
At what deems to be the End
Yet a journey anew begin
To every tear ive shed
Just brought out in me the best
And i know now my tears
Arent of sorrow or grief
But happiness and hope i do belief

So here i am
My heart open wide for lifes possibilities
My mind stained wiTh memories of yesterday
And my journey is just beginning

For fear have seized
Hope brought new belief
And i will be ok

So here i am
With anticipation of someone too
Travel down the future
Yet im going it alone
How deep this feelin
Of time to bring healin
In this my eager soul

So here i am
At the end -not yet beginnin
With a hope deep inside
Like the ocean and the tide
New dreams on the horizon
Yet its only me
And my own shadow i see

So here"s my plea
That you"ll remember me
With humility i brought my feelings
And through time-ive found healin
To make me strong again

Ive been cleaned
From my feelings
Of fear and despair
Now i stretch ahead
To the future you see
Even though im stiLl dealing
With doubt in my heart

So here i am


Forget me not!
Thank you to all of you!
You let me shared my feelings and in that i found healin!

I can never put into words what you all mean to me!

I will probably never stop writing-yet for now im saying goodbye!

This has been an amaziNg few days-of hope of laughter of tears and of dreams!

I ask huMbly that you will hold me in ur prayers-as i keep you all in mine

Thanks for the time spent!

I will write again soon!
TiLl then:

Like air that i breathe
I will truely never leave
My memories forgotten
And your love cherised
You have for me!

All my best
(I am about to confess my hidden secret)

What i am about to tell
Will shock and saden those who know me well
This secret ive been keeping
Is eating at my soul
And when i brake this hold
That lies have put me under
I hope that you wont wonder
Why i hide it no more longer
For the truth will make me stronger

So i am ready to confess
To Those who know me best
I pray they"d not look strange upon me
For i am through with holding onto
This cross that bares into my heart
This i should have done from the start

And now im ready -no more linger
This will give you such a tingle
(And with people -i now must mingle...)

I AM ______!!!!

I know now i will find my way!!
Please dont judge me for what i say!!
My secret is:I am SINGLE!!!
Jan 2013 · 782
This is a little poem
This is a little poem.                                    
Words i claim as my own.                            
A peek into my little soul
My journey to just make it home.                

This is my silent hope.                                
To try with life to cope.                              
And maybe touch one heart alone
In this my journey on my own.                    

This is my little prayer.                                
That someone out there care.                    
Yet i feel far from whole
My damaged broken soul.                          

This is a little poem.                                  
To say youre not alone.                              
We all must carry on
I hope you claim it as your own.                

This is YOUR little poem!
A little poem to know you"re not alone-
Jan 2013 · 518
what i believe!

Its about a matter of Faith-

Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Whenever you feel down
Whenever someone hurt you
Whenever your heart feels second best

Know this

And aknowledge

That you are like silver
To be pure and true
That you are a diamond
Priceless and sparkly
Theres many a people
But only one you

If you never heard this

I"ll always cherish


Blossom sweet flower
Let they not take ur power

Soar majestic eagle
Let they not brake ur soul

And someday

You"ll find ur way home
And i mean this from the bottom of my heart!
Dont let the world win!
Jan 2013 · 608
Cast ur burdens upon LOVE
Its wings is big and strong enough
To let your Fear be blown away
And Hope remain
To never know the past again!

Cast ur burdens upon LOVE
It lets you soar high above
If only you will look to aim
And life will never be the same!
In your life-Fear is the **** that kills LOVE"S seed!
Jan 2013 · 1.2k
Where do broken hearts go?
Where do broken hearts go
Do they make their way home
Back to LOVES open arms
to comfort them when their  alone?

And if LOVE once has found you
Wont it always stay true
Never to let go
Of your heart and of your soul?

Wont you please Tell me
Cause i need to finally see
If im believing
in a dream that cannot be?

And if i find the hope to
Carry on like i do
Will it be worthy
For a wretch alive like me?

("I will never leave you nor forsake you")

Now i know

Where do broken hearts go
They dont cry tears alone
LOVE has a warm home
To the one who stands alone

And if LOVE once has found you
It remains forever true
To the promise once knew
That you never did elude

And that you still care
For me-
You always were there
For me!
Had the melody of "where do broken hearts go"from the late Whitney Houstons hit in my head whilst writing!
Jan 2013 · 528
An ode to you reading!!!
Thank You
From the core of my damaged soul

Your time taken to read my thoughts
Are more precious to me than silver or gold

                        I am as blessed
                        As much as my work
                           Gets read

And so i forget my tribulations
For in writing my feelings-I am whole!!

All my best wishes
An ode to everyone of you who takes the time to read my work!i believe im blessed because i am heard!i value your time for it nourishes my soul!

A big thank you for all of you who follows me!i hope im bringing something unto your hearts and minds!

I have 20 followers so far!i hope its just the beginning!you who follow me-i happily follow you too!

You bring hope to me-
You give me a reason to try
You make it all worthwhile!

I am deeply touched!

May you find hope most of all-for thats all we really have in this life!

I am not alone-




Till next i write
Jan 2013 · 620
Goodbye...not Farewell!
People come into ur life
And at the very start realize
That some will cross upon your path

And some will not

Some will last a long time-
And some will last a while
Yet try to understand

As to why:

"The most insightfull advice
Sometimes come from the one that lasts
Just for the next roll of the dice"

And often good input last for a while
                But kind direction
                    Gives motivation

To just carry on

And yet as this journey of your souls
-your dreams and hearts voice

Know Some peOple cant accompany you with

In those moments say:"Goodbye...not farewell"

A goodbye means...i"ll never forget!
A farewell means...i will!
The "farewell" greeting always just seem so final!as if to forget someone for ever!
Jan 2013 · 504
To find ....u!!
If i loose my way
If i find myself someday

Turn your heart not from me

"Well done"

And So i"ll find my way-

(The journey to find your inner you            
Is the best journey you will ever do!!)
Jan 2013 · 627
The Call

We the human race

What ever your belief might be
We all have different personal views
Yet one thing binds us all
We have each a voice
That lets us call
We all have the need to be heard

Yet individual we hear The Call

What binds us in the end?

Our Humanity most of all!


You and i:The human race!
Not written to offend ANYBODYS personal beliefs-just mine im expressing!
Jan 2013 · 1.0k
The Dream Keeper
He comes at night
When all is sound asleep and tight
When darkness overcome the light
Its announcing His arrival

At first his shadow can be seen
When you are lost in magic dreams
Its He who"s presence in moonlight gleams
Bringing forth fear in flight

Silently without motion
He calls upon your inner notion
And with a lift of just His finger
Dark thoughts and fear that lingers
Is called upon to life

His main ambition is with submission
And purposely driven
To darken dreams into oblivion
As nightmares  enters your subconscious

He walks away from no man
The excecution of His plan
To silently disturb your slumber
And overcome with fear to numb
Your magic fantasies

His power overwhelms all men
Its He who smite your nights wonder
And whilst He smiles -upon He ponder
How terrified you be

And in your realm of sleep
He locks your dreams to keep
With nightmares you are burdened
Till morning light will creep
And you awake from sleep

Fear is what His nightmares feed
And where faith guards not your own belief
He grows a little stronger
Till when peace withold Him no longer
And Truth become weak
He waits to rule as dark leader
At night when all"s asleep

So say your prayers
Before you close your eyes
And hold hope tight within your heart
So that He will have to skip
Your dreams He then can't keep
With fear and with lies
At night

Before sunrise
If you suffer from lack of dreaming and its been a while since last you had sweet dreams!
When you listen to the night
When you listen to its voice
When you walk through life finding
You walk without a choice
The road may seem distant
Always guided by
The midnight stars burning
In an endless dark sky
As you walk through darkness
Trying to find the way
My soul will always guide you
Like night turns into day

When you hear the silence as it rains
When you cry because of all the pain
When you try to believe again
Let go of all the chains
Hope is never really found
Till hurt is welcomed in
Into your sacred heart

  Remember as you walk through darkness
  Trying to find the way
  My soul will always guide you
  Like night turns into day
  When there seems to be no end in sight
  You feel your prayers unanswered
  Turn your gaze and feel
  My soul to always guide you
  Like night turns into light
  When you only want to see
  My soul will always guide you

  And know that you are free.
Jan 2013 · 527
Brokenhearted and  despair"d
I'm Listening if someone out there cares
Bruised by what I do
Feeling lost and feeling blue
The lies have kept me from the truth

And so

I look to YOU
I look for YOU
And when words have come and gone
In YOU I can be strong
I look to YOU
And only YOU
And my past is stained with sin
In YOU I live anew
I look in YOU

Wandering through life alone
Feeling far away from home
This emptiness I can't explain
Is bringing me only pain
And yet I'm so  afraid
These choices that I have made
Has stolen all of my hope away

And so

I look to YOU
I look for YOU
When the sun will shine again
I long to meet YOU in the end
I look to YOU
I look to YOU
And when time has passed me by
And I have come to die
Never keep me from Your light
I look to YOU
I wait for YOU

And with my mouth I now repent
YOU always knew it in the end
And with my strength I now surrend"

I look to YOU
To the One and only YOU:thank u Heavenly Father!
Jan 2013 · 413
Heart to Heart
Heart to heart
Yet oceans apart
Every breath you breathe
Every dream you dream
Promise me forever
My love can't surrender
That you believe in me

Soul to soul
Each to own
Every tear you cry
Find the sun in your eye
Promise me always
Words that you say
I am beloved by you

Yours and mine
Lost in time
To an end comes a season
Believe there's a reason
I'm lost in dreamin
You live in me

When we are

Heart to heart
Souls never part
Its the reason
For being
I found the meaning
Just keep believing

Forever and always
We are destined to be
Find it within me

Heart to Heart
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