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 Mar 2013 Alex Bautista
My job is to crunch my spine together
so I can wring the problems out of my flesh
and leave them soaking on the floor.

I hope to make this my job forever.
two ice packs today, major ibuprofen and vitamin intake necessary, many band-aids and medical tape and swollen knees with bruised bones and dislocated toes and blisters that never heal
but it is all worth it
completely worth it
because when life gives me a problem, I solve it on the dance floor.
 Mar 2013 Alex Bautista
It is not wonder, nor is it awe,
The draw is light until close,
There is danger, it is more raw.
Closer, closer until you are lost.

In the delight of your new found curiosity.

Peaks your interest, seems harmless enough,
You are an adult and can manage this stuff,
After all life is too short and yours too rough,
It has your attention now you want learn more.

About your curiosity quest.  

You can no longer see what is behind your time and energy spent,
Your thirst and taste demands more sensations and less of self-control,
You had discipline once, in that foggy past, but cannot see where it went.
All else seems trivial now, and takes minutes away, hours as well.

You are enjoying your self.
Curious, why it took so long to,
find what you have always,
been looking for.

Maybe your friends will join you,
if they understand.  But if they don't
new friends will come along, it is
in the plan.

Curious first steps of trial and err.
You'll be so far gone, blind-sided,
There won't be alarms or despair,
struck to the quick, your heart may break,
that comes much later, so beware.
You may feel sick.

You will find that there is no escape and no way out,
you'll have lost interest in all else.
But what you don't see, watches you.
Curiously you stay.
And you stay.
Second in the Seen Unseen series
 Mar 2013 Alex Bautista
We sat and talked
Wondering when this dream would end
Going seperate ways
It never occurred to us.
In a matter of time we would be alone.
Like a mustache without a lone gunman,
Completely and utterly alone.
My loves
As if having two cans with a string attached we got connected
I was on your mind and that was better than I expected.
I sense we harbor the same feelings, like my new train of thought I now carry
You showed me a new trick in the living you prosper from
You are full of new tricks I can see, and there is many more to come.
I can also see you’re on the way to patent a new technique in the art,
You learned from the best, and you learned it right from the start.
Traveling faster than the speed of light I am propelled forward
Mind is racing all the more remembering back to an earlier time
Now I’m heading to the room, the only room I ever begged to enter before
Back then I was led away and to only the chapel’s door.
Inside there alone, my eyes let loose, gallons of salty water.
Wanting to replenish at the machine I find I’m short a quarter.
Walking through all the twists and turns like in a maze
Up and down the stairs we also climbed, about face we now then descended
Found myself now in the room I cried to see,
So cold inside, I didn’t even have to check its A/C.
Dragging my left hand now along the wall, walking all the faster out so I didn’t stall
But really I held it so I wouldn’t fall,
Fuzzy feeling all throughout me like me I was in a haze.
Pushing you out all along the way, I enjoyed for that was no place to stay,
With delight and high honor I did give to you, too bad it had to be this way.
Faces did see what I did and I saw those looking, eyes all in a gaze.
Ridding with you lying in the back, I know what is to come next of you,
I just watched it only days before, O’ how now my heart is so sore
Attached I fight so hard from becoming, and I lose every time
What good money you don’t come from, that is the only crime.
I know you are still in there and wanted to leave the light on just in case
Congregation was told of my endeavors today, after my prayer request, you went into space.
To heaven you go, for that I believe is the only place.
Seemed to be the same every Sunday my request goes out
And for the grieving families you left behind it just make me want to stand up and shout.
I also pray that when exam time comes, seventy credits yes I need to pass the test,
But till Tuesday you were supposed to be the only guest
(CARSr. 5-26-12), (CARSr. 5-28-12)
I use to know this person

Eyes like honey and the words just as sweet

From a distance you share the silhouette he kept

And when you whisper the voice seems to match

But no

There is an edge to your step

And when I’m scared you don’t have a shield

You see I use to know this person

But he must have gotten lost somehow

Or perhaps he has decided never to come back

When I look into you, I see him sometimes

The way you chuckle under your breath

The smile you let show when you sleep

But no

He would never let me sit alone in the dark

Or cry softly into my pillow

I mourn for him

Because I know he will not be back

Neither will the words he spoke while we lay in bed

The tenderness of his kiss

Or the way he would laugh at my silly jokes

But that is O.K.

Because I have the memories of him

And the silhouette of you
 Mar 2013 Alex Bautista
Skinny lips and ****** teeth
Bigger nose and ears, please

Deep set, tired blue eyes
A tiny **** and absent thighs

Scruffy beard and pale skin
Hair alike, that's short and thin

But it’s mainly the eyes
Wrinkled and dark
that grab my attention
and light a gay spark
 Mar 2013 Alex Bautista
he's rocking forward onto the ***** of his feet
like he's confident in everyone that he'll meet
well he better catch himself sooner than later
because he's standing on the earth's equator
 Mar 2013 Alex Bautista
A perfectly nice night is
ruined by the thought of you.
Your name is brought up,
and I act not to care.
“Tough *****” persona
but hiding in there
is a weak little me
who wants nothing but
to kiss you again.

*lol ex-boyfriends, right?
"Time flowing in the night"
                           Alfred Lord Tennyson

"Have I dreamt my life, or was it a true one?"
                           Walter Von der Vogelweide

Look for the sleepers on
Their backs, eyes closed,
Their palms upturned to sacrifice
Their dreaming bodies to the night.

Not knowing that even as the
Sun rises wearing a halo of liquid gold,
And as their long dark lashes lazily open,
They are not waking from their dreams.
Outside the hummingbird whirring in
Dizzying aeronautics, and the barn owl
Shutting its fierce yellow eyes

Are dreams too;
All dreams.

The morning routine:
The taste of honey and oats
On the tongue, the orange-yellow
Melon scooped and swallowed hard,
Waking the senses; the bitter coffee,
The slightly burned toast

All dreams.

It was a book delivered to him
By a misty-eyed stranger in rags
Who spoke but a few words barely
Audible and, with a toothless grin,
Hobbled away, though his gait was
Somehow a noble one.
This had happened a few nights ago,
Only the book remained unopened,
He was too tired at the end of the
Day and there was work to do in
The fields and that stubborn tractor
Breaking down each midday.

It was last evening that his curiosity
Got to him and he kicked off his
Work boots and sat with it in the
Reclining chair; he put on his spectacles
And began to read.
He was not a reader much; his time
Reading was mostly spent on the
Good Book, which he found somewhat
Difficult to stay focused on.
But this book was different: he was
Engaged after the first sentence.
There was a stirring in his chest
And he intuited from the incredible
Words that there was something here
That was true.
He read until the moon was high
In the night sky and he turned the
Last page at sometime after midnight,
Falling into an easy sleep in which
He dreamed that he was a Persian
Prince and each night he was told
A story by a beautiful girl. He KNEW
that he was dreaming and he knew
There was such a thing as magic, even
In his mundane world.

Now the sun in a heat haze.
The old chipped weathervane on the
Tin roof of the barn, casting a long
Shadow on the rows of wheat,
Waiting to be harvested.
As he climbed onto the rusty
Tractor he felt a sense of wonder
Present in all these things.
As the old tractor belched and
Caught fire, he had the thought
That if he was still dreaming,
As the book had said, he felt more
Awake than he had ever been in
His life.
 Mar 2013 Alex Bautista
Red lips tinted from a sinful kiss, eyes bluer than the cerulean sky  hanging from the heavens. Roses; roses; roses the smell of them hanging on the air in-between two pillars of insanity. Love; what was thought to be the feeling. Buried beneath shallow water; lust lingers into reality, smeared on shades of scarlet and amber.

The infidelity of the fallen angel; daring to ask forgiveness from the Devil. How do you say you're sorry? A lie on the wings of a demon, or was there a simple explanation dripping from a vile acidic mouth full of falsity. The ripe apple wrapped in nefarious green poison, waiting for a bite from the unsuspecting victim.

No, not this time, all your trickery lays hollow and exposed like brittle bones picked over from the birds of prey. Lay in your bed of dirt and soot; lay in it because you have made it. Shovel by shovel you've dug your hole. Now it's time to crawl under your blanket of lies, and rest your shameful head.
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