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509 · Jul 2017
Riley Autumn Jul 2017
Is it ridiculous of me to ask you to turn the music down,
when it is midnight, and all it does is drown
out my reason, my voice, my power.
Yet, somehow I know I will endure this for at least another hour.
You've done it, you're right, you've reached your goal.
Far be it from me to be the one to fight you for control.
You claim that I'm the steamroller and take the happiness from your life?
Anyone can know who does that, all they have to do is ask your wife.
A simple plea is all I made, one taking both of our feelings into consideration,
so how is it that I am left feeling my house is comparable to our nation:
run by an idiotic ill informed bigot,
one who thinks that only all of their thoughts can be the ones right on the dot.
You hope you made it clear, the power you have over me.
We both know you have none, and now all that I can see
is a silly little man spouting nonsense, partially due to his choice of drink,
and if it is not, well I have truly nothing left to think.
Other than you are a disappointment, a sorry excuse for a father and a man
But you are right, I am a girl without a plan
I cannot fathom how to enlighten those who are as narrow minded and as you;
but don't get too comfortable, for I still have much work to do.
411 · Jul 2017
Good Enough
Riley Autumn Jul 2017
Why is your attention is on her?
The shift from me to her was a rapid transfer.
The whole night you'd had your arm around my waist,
then you saw her and you left with such haste.
My mind started swimming, why her and not me?
Is she prettier, hotter, or was it because she's just plain easy?
I sat moping, in pure jealousy, casting unfair blame,
I tried to remind myself hurting me was not this girls aim.
The real blame belongs to you, for being a such a player.
You showed me this new side, so different from your outer layer.
Looking back I don't know why self doubt crept into my mind,
I am more than happy I left you behind.
Women are too quick to tear themselves down,
get lost in their heads and just shutdown.
Nowadays this is a problem far too big.
Ladies, don't hurt too much over a pig.

— The End —