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I was the type of person
To grasp onto things to tight
The kind of girl who never told her secrets
And kept her mouth shut
So pain couldn't seep into her crevices
Unable to release my grip
Even when it didn't seem right
My fingertips would ache
But I thought it was worth the pain
I used to overthink everything
That if I lost something
I would lose pieces of myself
Then suddenly I would become someone
My heart didn't even recognize
When I lost myself upon the sea
I thought the ocean would slowly drown me
Instead, just like an angle gets its wings
I started to lift
From under the deep ocean floor
I rose from the dead outside my grave
And although the walls were caving in
I started to breathe again
When all is lost, I thought I was the girl who couldn't find her voice
Who was to afraid and full of fear
To tell you her deepest regrets.
I have come to realize
That she was me,
But I am filled with life
Still holding on a little to tight.
There's an old saying I like, "you don't know what you have until it's gone."
I didn't know I had the man of my dreams in the palm of my hand and I let him go, for a reason I don't care to admit. But a year later, somehow the universe is on my side, and he traveled his way back into my lonely life. Meeting me with deep brown eyes and a smile full of sadness I finally rested my lips upon his and the world grew silent. Fear of losing and fear of falling I walked slowly. He took my breath away with once glance in my direction,
I knew there was this deep intimate connection. It was love at first sight they might say, I would agree but love is uncertain unconditional unreal. I felt a pain of loss when I walked away from him the very first night, so I promised myself I'd never say goodbye. Because ****, I can't tear myself away.
Please don't rip your heart out trying to save mine.
I fell in love with him
Like the night sky falls in love with the moon
So quick and so dark
As I read your poetry
I wonder if it's true
Do the demons that help in rhyme
Really have a hold of you

And is the one you say you love
Not returning you the favor
In the poems that you pen
Is this all your life's behavior

Does your father really raise his fist
While your mother screams
As alcohol flows freely in your life
Or is it just poetry

Are you on the verge of suicide
And do you truly cut yourself
Do you feel that worthless in your life
Is what you write a cry for help

As I read your poetry
It often sets me off to wonder
Do you write about yourself
Or do you write about another
I know poetry is a therapy for many of you and just want you to know it breaks my heart at what some of you go through...
As always you are in my prayers...
I lost myself
In you
Losing all of me
To become
Only a small part of
Lost in the ocean
Lost in the trees
Lost in the desert
Lost in the seas
I found my way
To a better
With lost souls
And lost dreams
I lost myself
In losing you
What a lonely world
All of this seems
Every broken heart
Haunts our dreams
In the dead of night
I can hear my screams
Tearing from my chest
Tears are like streams
Flowing from my eyes
Midnight memories
Ache in my heart
What a lonely world
I thought I was over it, I thought I was finally okay again. Then all of the sudden it's like the night it all happened hits me in the chest and knocks me off my feet. Losing my ground and the air in my lungs, I forgot how to breathe. And I'm sitting in my room as I try to write this down, and I know it isn't good enough. Everything seems wrong to say and all the words are making me drown. I want this world to end, but just for me, I want to see all the life in everyone else's eyes except mine. I don't deserve this world, it was never mine to deserve. And now that I'm staring at this screen trying to make all these words make sense. Maybe I'm trying to say goodbye, or hello for the first time. I haven't made up my mind yet. But I guess what's happening is that all this pain is built up inside my heart and I wake up to realize that it's never going away, I thought I was okay but I'm such a liar.
Idk what I'm even saying anymore
I see you in my nightmares
Every Time I close my eyes to sleep
I wake with your face imprinted on my eyelids
Awoken with sweaty palms and fear in my throat
 Oct 2015 Fernanda Moncada
Foot tapping
Hand shaking
Mind racing
Walls breaking
Strength taking
Nail biting
Head throbbing
Knees clattering
Life shattering

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