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  Dec 2014 Fel
I need you
Not in the needy way
But more like in the way
Mere mortals need air...

I want you
Not like in the
another slice of pie way
But more like the Oh My-look at that exquisite dessert way

I love you
Not like in the I love you way
But more like in the I have never been so connected to anyone in my life way

I love and need and want you
In a way I never have before
  Nov 2014 Fel
There are no words but there are pictures that dance in my mind and warm my heart
When you are wearing your sweater or
Waiting for me to eat
Coming back to kiss me or
Playing my favorite songs
Bringing me tea and chocolate or
Choosing to order lunch instead of make it
An un expected rose or roses or
An unexpected plan
Surprise CDs or ...

Oh my darling I will never forget these supremely sweet gestures.
I could not even tell you with words how happy you make me, but-
My body feels like it's on its favorite spiny ride and it never wants to stop.

You have filled my world with love and
You're right!
There are no words but there are so many sweet scenes in my mind.
You are truly one of my kind!
Fel Nov 2014
I'm all jitters and quick thoughts and shaking hands

And I can't tell if its from the lack of sleep

The too-sweet coffee

The chill of the night

Or the way the stranger said, "I'd take you to my apartment if you were old enough."
I had never been noticed before now, and its scaring the **** out of me.
  Nov 2014 Fel
Love is a rainbow, but it ends with rain
Love is pleasure, but it gives you so much pain
Love is warm, but it's also cold
Love shines, but it isn't always gold
  Nov 2014 Fel
That is all.
The title explains itself.
And if I could have back my wasted time,
I'd waste it on something else.
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