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 Mar 2016 Eriko
Keith Wilson
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Keith Wilson
Sat  on  a  bench  today.
Taking  in  the  suns  rays.
Surrounded  by  a  host
of  spring  flowers.
So  peaceful.
Hope  it's  here  to  stay.

Keith  Wilson.  Windermere.  UK.  2016.
 Mar 2016 Eriko
It's people in the halls wondering
what you're thinking about
then being shocked when
reading stanzas is how they really find out
It's getting 3rd when you should've gotten first place and it's
freshman year when you finally got to second base it's
wisdom and laughter and pain and disaster
it can put you in here times, before times or after
I don't just want you to be heard,
I want you to infect people with words
to permanently stain their premature brains
But how to put sense into something so dense?
Some are tasteless, lacking variety
not their faults, just the affects of society
Born in a world where creativity is judged
yeah leave that hand go hold a grudge
don't let them tell you you're incapable,
show them you're unbreakable
We don't let anything stop us
--sexuality, religion, race--
it's time for ambitions to take their rightful place
Keep looking up
take down their shrouds
When down here it's too loud
put your head in the clouds
We can escape corners by ripping the box off
by writing stuff that knocks Shakespeare's socks off
It's standing up in class and saying we shouldn't be in it
I knew I was wrong but I went and I did it
I remember my friends calling me crazy and wild but
I know I only did it 'cause since I was a child I
knew that one day
I'd get to speak out
And I knew if I spoke, it'd have to be loud
And if I spoke loud it'd be in front of a crowd
though crowds are what I fear most
And I never thought I'd become your host
and I'm wondering what you think of me now?
But I just want you to help me spread
to show other kids who are stuck in their heads
that contrary to what those naysayers have said--
is not dead

(here is link)
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Daniel Ospina
Fountain of youth runs in his veins,
The man who lives in Sycamore Keep.
His circadian clock had come to a halt,
Rather than rejoice, he sullenly weeps.
You would think that immortality is
The pinnacle of human existence,
All the time in the world and not a
Single malady to be of any resistance.
Yet there he sulks, the ageless man,
Cauterized by the turn of each century,
As loved ones breathe their last and
Become a parcel of his fractured memory.
But that is just the shell of his woes,
For even with all knowledge amassed,
He’s utterly aghast with the state of the
World unwilling to learn from the past.
Every crook and cranny explored,
Every experience well savored,
Now monotony for millennia to come,
His longing to live has ebbed and wavered.  
I was told by the man of Sycamore Keep
That immortality is a curse so alluring.
Indeed, a hundred cultivated years is
Much better than hollow eons securing.
But sir, think of all the riches you’ve accrued
And mastery of all science and philosophies.
Who wouldn’t want to have the time to mark
The world and purge it from all its atrocities.
Say no more, interrupted the ageless man,
I applaud your idealism and optimistic delusion,
But you’re missing one essential element --
Even as immortals, we’d still be only human.
And to be human, is to be fallible. Let’s just say
That immortal fallibility will engender no good.
It'd be best to truncate our lifespan for the
Sake of our survival, yes truncate we should.  
And that’s all I heard from the man of Sycamore Keep,
Who went on his way to his millennial weep.
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Racheal McKnight
There are always ways to improve,
Who you really are.
You don't have to always be the same,
To shine just like a star.

You can reinvent yourself,
In more ways than one.
But the changes you are making,
Will never be done.

Your personally changes,
Each day that you grow older.
As long as you try your best,
You can destroy your problems like a bolder.

So try and reinvent yourself,
And change yourself for the better.
It will help you find yourself along the way.
And you can be your own trendsetter.
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Emily B
she asks him
do you believe

in magic?

in ghosts?

in angels?

and he thinks
he does

he'd rather talk about
how soft she is
and how lonely
he's been

he doesn't understand
the magnetism
that draws him
toward her

he doesn't understand
the poetry
that happens
in confused conversations

he doesn't understand

or conflict
that advances and withdraws
with no warning

he can't see her blue skies
and doesn't know
that they bring real tears
that fade when
the rain comes

these things almost never
end well

maybe she should have asked
do you believe in me?
 Mar 2016 Eriko
E. E. Cummings
i will wade out
                        till my thighs are steeped in burning flowers
I will take the sun in my mouth
and leap into the ripe air
                                                 with closed eyes
to dash against darkness
                                       in the sleeping curves of my body
Shall enter fingers of smooth mastery
with chasteness of sea-girls
                                            Will i complete the mystery
                                            of my flesh
I will rise
               After a thousand years
             And set my teeth in the silver of the moon
 Mar 2016 Eriko
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Is there love for another?
Much like this?
One's that unconditional,
One so free...
That skeptical eyes would miss.

The beauty in such a commitment,
can't be quantified in greens or gold.
Unbound by petty materialism...
That jingles and folds.

It's invaluable...
Only to the ones who would see
and acknowledge it.
It's coveted only by those
who fearlessly dare
to embrace it.


Strive for unconditional love.
For it is the greatest gift,
anyone could receive
and bestow.
For it will be the sun
that fires
the beats in your heart.
For it is the abundant glow
From the moon's
limitless flow.
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Star Gazer
 Mar 2016 Eriko
Star Gazer
The sunlight caresses my skin
                       Its warming touch
The stars light up my night
                       Its bright lustre
The smile hurts my cheeks
                       It's optimism
The feeling of joy sweeps over
                      With memories
With treasured thoughts alongside
                       **It's happiness
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