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EP Mason Aug 2014
I'm in a crestfallen sea
there's no way out

                                it's all
                ­                          water
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Aug 2014
and your cigarette tinted laughter
and your unbearably soft lips
your deep chocolate
doe eyed stare
and perfectly rounded *******
and the auburn haze when the sun hits your head
**** your mouth
when you said you only really loved one girl
and **** this morning when you told me
that you loved her
your girlfriend
for the time I made my lips sore
from kissing all your scars
and the time I sang you Elliott Smith
******* for making me ******
******* for making me want you
******* for walking me home
******* for leaving me there
******* because I don't mean a word I'm saying
I'll probably regret this in the morning

© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jul 2014
My waist
my grace
my shadowy pale face
in your hands

And I felt myself shiver
with want
from that touch

Your eyes
teetered on the edge of me
and teeth
ground against my anatomy

The deepest swallow
the harshest sigh
my carnal moans
against a ferocious high

And ***
that delicious greed
is just another
© Erin Mason 2014
  Jul 2014 EP Mason
Sylvia Plath
Stasis in darkness.
Then the substanceless blue
Pour of tor and distances.

God's lioness,
How one we grow,
Pivot of heels and knees! -- The furrow

Splits and passes, sister to
The brown arc
Of the neck I cannot catch,

Berries cast dark
Hooks ----

Black sweet blood mouthfuls,
Something else

Hauls me through air ----
Thighs, hair;
Flakes from my heels.

Godiva, I unpeel ----
Dead hands, dead stringencies.

And now I
Foam to wheat, a glitter of seas.
The child's cry

Melts in the wall.
And I
Am the arrow,

The dew that flies,
Suicidal, at one with the drive
Into the red

Eye, the cauldron of morning.
  Jul 2014 EP Mason
Sylvia Plath
I have done it again.
One year in every ten
I manage it----

A sort of walking miracle, my skin
Bright as a **** lampshade,
My right foot

A paperweight,
My face a featureless, fine
Jew linen.

Peel off the napkin
0 my enemy.
Do I terrify?----

The nose, the eye pits, the full set of teeth?
The sour breath
Will vanish in a day.

Soon, soon the flesh
The grave cave ate will be
At home on me

And I a smiling woman.
I am only thirty.
And like the cat I have nine times to die.

This is Number Three.
What a trash
To annihilate each decade.

What a million filaments.
The peanut-crunching crowd
Shoves in to see

Them unwrap me hand and foot
The big strip tease.
Gentlemen, ladies

These are my hands
My knees.
I may be skin and bone,

Nevertheless, I am the same, identical woman.
The first time it happened I was ten.
It was an accident.

The second time I meant
To last it out and not come back at all.
I rocked shut

As a seashell.
They had to call and call
And pick the worms off me like sticky pearls.

Is an art, like everything else,
I do it exceptionally well.

I do it so it feels like hell.
I do it so it feels real.
I guess you could say I've a call.

It's easy enough to do it in a cell.
It's easy enough to do it and stay put.
It's the theatrical

Comeback in broad day
To the same place, the same face, the same brute
Amused shout:

'A miracle!'
That knocks me out.
There is a charge

For the eyeing of my scars, there is a charge
For the hearing of my heart----
It really goes.

And there is a charge, a very large charge
For a word or a touch
Or a bit of blood

Or a piece of my hair or my clothes.
So, so, Herr Doktor.
So, Herr Enemy.

I am your opus,
I am your valuable,
The pure gold baby

That melts to a shriek.
I turn and burn.
Do not think I underestimate your great concern.

Ash, ash ---
You poke and stir.
Flesh, bone, there is nothing there----

A cake of soap,
A wedding ring,
A gold filling.

Herr God, Herr Lucifer

Out of the ash
I rise with my red hair
And I eat men like air.
EP Mason Jul 2014
Not quite auburn hair
amongst the tiny daisy plants
beautiful smile
my God you're beautiful
now you're laughing and smoking
****, you're beautiful.
© Erin Mason 2014
EP Mason Jul 2014
makes me feel sick

knotting your hand in mine
adds more tangles to my self-loathing
and we speak only in tongues
we ***** the language of love

it's a pathetic thing
stripped bare are our bodies
beyond our control
it gets hot under these covers
though your eyes, and mine, remain cold

makes me feel sick
I'll repeat that still
let it smother my heartbeat
until I believe it
© Erin Mason 2014
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