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Emmennarr Oct 2017
It's pretty ****** for me to doubt our love
I'm just not sure
Shouldn't it be obvious?
Shouldn't I be able to see her feelings,
Or at least how she feels about me,
Through her words that she tends to never speak.
She's a **** good kisser tho.
Emmennarr Mar 2018
Let not rose petals fall
Just to touch the solid soil
And be tainted from the drop
That the dew of morning
Does not even come close to
In size
Emmennarr May 2017
Illness kills many
It's taken my life as well
But I'm still breathing
Emmennarr Jul 2017
Is a loss of words
A lack of speech or is it
The absence of thought?
Emmennarr Jul 2019
The bitter melancholy
Stings the open wound on my lip,
Bit through the parched skin;
Words which I tartly exhale
Only find their way out
After catching;
Perhaps my mouth would be best
Kept closed.
Emmennarr Nov 2017
I'm sorry I couldn't help us,
Make us better, stronger, more together
But now I'm left to float from your embrace
Like a feather torn from an angel
After enough time.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
Heart gashed from your rusted blade
Infection still spreads
The open wound does not heal
Emmennarr Nov 2017
Doubt is the demon
That drives my heart to the floor
To **** it by dawn
To make our love gone
To capture my pawn
And make my life yawn...
Maybe I do love you more,
But you'd never let on.
Emmennarr Dec 2017
I'm sinking down
Gonna touch the ground
Realize there's no way out
I'm gonna drown
Did you try to save me?
I couldn't tell.
Coulda swore I saw brown hair
But I never knew if you were even there.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
Flowers bloom new hopes that never existed for me
The lone girl contemplates that piece of rope
Pollen falls to cover my body in allergies
She denies me so that all I can do is hope
Emmennarr May 2017
I'm trapped in a realm
That only hell itself would spawn,
That of aching hearts and
Swelling scars and burning parts
Of me that I thought should never hurt;
But I've been pierced,
And it takes a while
For the harpoon to bring me in.
Emmennarr May 2017
There's nothing that I miss more
Than our one last broken kiss.
Emmennarr Apr 2018
Starlit skies
Wondrous eyes
Look up to
Waiting to die
To join the
Likes of you
As a guide
On a lovely
Summer night
Emmennarr Nov 2017
I've remained the same for days,
Haven't changed position,
Still lingering on your last words
And wanting you to stay
But instead you'd said,
"Don't bother on waiting,
I'll be on my way."
Emmennarr Apr 2017
You try to burn your bridges so the ridges don't exist
You try to make it smoother so departure's not at risk
You try to fake you're happy when your world is not in bliss
And the people here around you catch you staring at your wrist
You try to make it seem to me you think you won't be missed
And I wonder if you'd change your mind with one last broken kiss
To Jordan.
Emmennarr Jan 2018
Hearts don't erase,
Like scars on faces
Change from grave to strange
In a matter of days;
They never go away
It's just an endless decay
Emmennarr Dec 2017
Stars descend upon the final night
As tears onto the carpet;
You weren't there as either landed.

Escape was all you had dreamt of,
And now, you are free;
From me.
We ended through a text;
Rather, she ended me.
Emmennarr Sep 2017
Tears drop on the black concrete
The most satisfying lack of rhythm
I wonder why it soothes me
Through both the melancholy
And times of stress that come my way
Emmennarr Apr 2017
A sting hurts for a bit,
It was more like a pinch;
Began thinking about it
Until it didn't exist.
I then forgot about it;
It was gone that quick,
But you I can't forget
Because you're making me sick.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
I do miss you, it's true.

I can't pull myself together.
The situation's kinda dire
And there's no substance
For mending broken hearts
Assuming you could
Even reach that far inside me
Just to see the shade
Match that of a smoker's lungs
And realize a deal with the devil
Is not one you want to break.

I do miss you, it's true,
But I miss us too
And spite destroys the user
Before it even takes its toll
On the corrupted angel's halo
And the being contained within.

Not a legit suicide note, just my mood I guess.
Emmennarr Oct 2017
I'd rather be asleep
Instead of alive
Because being awake makes me question my life.
Trying is useless if happiness is unachievable.
Emmennarr Sep 2018
Shy girl,
Don't run out of sun;
Sky cries as you wilt,
And in the end the day's done;
There's no growing back.
Emmennarr May 2017
Love can be as the world presents it
It can be upon a marvelous marble platter
Or it can be as people most experience it
It will be with you wherever you go
As true love is meant to be
Emmennarr Apr 2017
Death surrounds both options
Your only chance is to wait
To stay where you’re at
Or you’ll never come back
To seal your ultimate fate

They cannot see your true self
With that mask of yours
You use it to hide, for your health
But some see through, that is sure

You will not die for you will hide
But yet they try but cannot find
The answers to why there is nothing here for them

A constant need
From multiple directions
What you can see
Does not have affection

You hallucinate
Smoke figures only dissipate
They are not who come for you
But something else is lurking too

The constant doubt and uneasiness
Is driving you with cowardice
The monsters within are waiting
To attack, and leave you quaking

Your purpose is to distract
Before your fears attack
And make it through the night
Without a surfacing fright

A light tries to guide your way
You shall not be led astray
The fears within are still around
What’s more is they surround

They approach from different angles
Screaming, biting, harming devils
You cannot see what’s killing you
Until the killing’s done and you are too

The stress of fear
The stress of panic
The stress of dread
The stress of terror

Stress is out to get you
And it’s coming quickly too
So prepare for stress
With all your best
Or, then you won’t get through
Emmennarr May 2017
I remove my lioncloth from atop the fireplace
It was meant to dry over the night
But now, like my soul, it is burnt to a crisp
The fire burns like a liquid
As if my heart were being scalded and drowned.
I would plead for a day off
But hell is relentless, as people perceive it
There are no weekends and no time for a break.

For now, it is time to suffer
Until eventually I can escape.
Emmennarr Dec 2017
It's hard just throwing out stares in every direction
Trying to pierce hearts with your eyes
So that eventually one time, you'll hit
And they'll be looking for you,
anything works really,

Emmennarr Jan 2018
My head races,
Spinning endless pirouettes
As I await a response from you,
Or some sort of hint
That you still care...

...As much as I do,

For you.
Emmennarr Oct 2017
I love her;
The way she tends to straighten my hood
Like when I poke her in the back
And her posture fixes,
Or maybe I poke her in the side nearest to me
And that way she would fall into me
So I could swoop my arm around her back
And maybe she'd do the same,
When we hold hands on our daily walk to the bus
And she realizes my request to do so
Without me touching her hand first,
And when we turn into that alley
To forget about the world behind us
To find a new life in each others lips;

If only she used them to speak.
I invert her into an introvert.
Emmennarr Mar 2018
You are not yet gone
But one long, faraway day
I shall stand alone

That, I do not want,
Yet I will not keep you from
Exiting this house

It will be your choice
To leave me, desert my likes,
With wind as your ghost

Without company,
Your presence especially,
I will live to rot

Bones will burn like coal
And my heart will turn to dead,
The flames stoked no more

In ash arises
A new form that I've not seen,

The young phoenix breathes,
No longer heavily heaves,
The fresh oxygen

It is no longer
Afraid of death, conjured as
Sparks amongst their chest

Feathers glistening,
It leaves its birthing mantel
So to fly adrift

And maybe one day
We shall reunite again
But for now I wait
Emmennarr Sep 2017
It was methodical, the way I went through my day,
Up out of bed, right to the dresser, down to the ground,
Pajamas droop to the floor as I await to gather them,
Toss them into the hamper and turn left to leave the room.
I would exit and enter the bathroom, look at the mirror,
Brush my teeth in tiny circles I only hoped to be exact
As if I could control the precision of my existence.
Emmennarr Sep 2017
There's so much I've yet to learn about you
Yet your hook just brings me in.
You tell me of your background
And attract me to your body through your thesis.
I hope this story never concludes
because romantics end with tragedies.
Emmennarr Sep 2017
The hand of my clock turns to people.
Perhaps for a second,
Some for a minute,
But for you, my eyes can stare for hours on end
And dread the second strike of twelve
That ends such a beautiful day
But births such a beautiful newborn.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
Waves of a breezy day in the valley
Slap the banks that pushed them,
Retaliating not too harmfully
Just enough to irritate the land.
The fight spurs between two opposites;
The pure and the old.
Pureness doesn't cleanse a spirit
That's been around too long,
But the old can't ****
Something that's practically innocent.

The rain decides the winner.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
My thoughts aren't perceived,
Mystery shrouded by clouds,
My mind still ponders.
Emmennarr Dec 2018
I'm not literally little,
I'm just figuratively trying
To figure it out,
No doubt,
It's all about the timing
And finding
The whereabouts
Of each and every
Single thing
That tells me why
I'm talking loud
Or wear a crown
Even though I know
That everything
That makes me big
Comes back around
And takes me down
Another route,
Another peg,
Another step
From which I came
Because all I did
Was wander
To some land of fame
And I should just look
Where that's got me now,
Fading out
And shrinking.
Emmennarr Jan 2019
Before I can find myself
Lost in your phrasing and prose,
I'm enchanted by a single symbol:
A rose stained with wine red
That guards the words inside,
Making you precious all the more;
Its design is so simplistic,
Yet so complex,
So you;
I'm sure your words hurt the same.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
That Tic Tac is a mismatch
Fitting inside a few teeth's gap,
Feeling left out when the real teeth
Get to stay there when it's got to leave;
Melting slowly and in agony
Its short life is ending quickly,
Then a few chomps til it's done
Now that Tic Tac sees no one.
Ate a Tic Tac when I wrote this.
Emmennarr May 2017
Time is the capsule that closes around us
As you don't see the gap between
Both times each day that
The clock strikes twelve.

It is the restraint
To deny continuance of progress
And to steal our train of thought
To reverse the train's direction
Until we can turn it around again.

It is temptation of
The sleep we crave
And an attempt
To take away our temptation
Within what seems
Like a few seconds.

I can't track the time
When this capsule constrains my eyes
To the paper ahead of me
Just to tear it up overnight.

This pill is the distraction
To keep me from knowing
When to leave or when to find out
What to do with my life
When all I can ever do
Is learn to restart a day
That will not end.

I am a slave to the time that holds me here
And the only thing keeping me here is time.
Emmennarr Apr 2018
Upon parchment there is no cursor to blink repetitively,
Taunting the author's words out of their skull
As though awaiting a response to the empty request
Of which one should reply most delicately,
Both of thought and of hands,
But hasty one may be;

Words expected like sand dripping through an hourglass
Or silk slipping through the merchant's fingers
Though strong they may hold their grasp;
And once the threads, the grains, run out
They may then begin to feel their mind;

Yet it seems that time has already
Emmennarr Oct 2017
When the lights turn off
My heart does not stop
But merely becomes faster
Because I'm friends with the monsters
That play with my head
And before the night's over
I'm already dead.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
I've got strung up, stuck in the cobwebs of life
As dead as the fly that thinks he has a chance of surviving.
While dying, he's crying out the sights of his dreams;
Nightmares strike his mind like a flood of the sea.
Trying to surf on a tidalwave of tangled emotions
When the ocean still fights him to try to keep him from floating.
Drowning in a master's spindled masterpiece,
Suffocating me through the most perfect technique;
Emma's here.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
There came a time where I despised my presence.
Present on week days only when I gave a ****.
I lived with it and hadn't cared about
What time lunch was or when I had to figure life out.
I was ill.

Someone always stood on the side
To analyze my eyes every time that I cried.
Yes, I'm talking about a teenage crush;
I was stuck and she was able to see who I was.
She was sick.

Our infection grew between us.
We'd seen that it never burst.
And our connection seems to hold strong,
Her love and my endurance.
We are dead.

Emmennarr May 2017
Tonight's midnight lies in darkness.
Light's absence puts cities into chaos
Stringing absent minds with broken time
Just for sun to arise to cause a chaotic demise
Of the chaotic life of tonight's midnight.
Emmennarr Sep 2017
If we could achieve unity
Maybe you and me
Could live happily
Emmennarr Feb 2018
My heart has a cavity.
It's bittersweet,
Getting eaten up
By the monster that it thought it had abolished
So long ago;
Rotting away,
Rotting my heart;
Emmennarr May 2018
What can I do
When sky turns to blue
Where light fades to night
And dies beneath time
Seen through shade's eyes
And I await you
Emmennarr Jul 2018
I wish I had the courage
To ask your name.
Emmennarr Jul 2019
I don't know how you came back in,
Whether you slithered through slits in my skin folds
Or slipped back on the ***** into the same hole
That once upon a time we used to call love,
But is now a void of null emotions,
An "impenetrable bubble" that only one person could ever pop;
But yet you managed to do so twice.

Shame on my optimistic past.
Emmennarr Jun 2017
These words I write will wait to die
And fade out within next day's time
Emmennarr Jun 2017
By the time the next hour strikes
I'll be in the shower
Thinking of lyrics I can't remember to write
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