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Emmennarr Jul 2017
The closer you are to the future
The closer you are to the end
Emmennarr Sep 2017
A new love has sprung,
The roots dive deeper than before
And the beauty of its youth
Fills the empty space with wondrous life
Much unlike the time before.
Emmennarr Aug 2017
There does come a time
In which I question myself
If I should give up
Emmennarr Aug 2017
If I were to die tonight
Would you follow me towards the light
Or sit back and laugh in delight
Because this would be the last night
Emmennarr Aug 2017
today is a day of pain
Emmennarr Apr 2017
The thought I once hefted far above me fell to scatter on the floor,
But glue exists,
And I'm willing to mend it
As long as you're able to help.
Emmennarr Jun 2019
The words that trickle through your gullet,
Just to pour out your mouth,
Either mean absolutely nothing or absolutely everything,
Whether regurgitated or not;
I just hope you find your balance again...

Emmennarr May 2017
Time is the enemy of many,
Scurrying to get to work
While flurries of the day still spurt
From worried smiles of anxious flirts
To elders' curry spiced with dirt,
In a blur the aching time still hurts
My fury that your heart is dead
Or maybe it's all inside my head.
Emmennarr Feb 2018
The rain is not forged
As I would hope your tears would be
Running down your once rosy cheeks
That have been tinted blue
By me
Emmennarr Jun 2019
The sky is aligned
In an array of blues and pinks
Almost like the hue of cotton candy,
But perhaps a more somber tone
Than the sweet I would eat
Under the red and white cone
They called a circus tent.
Emmennarr Jun 2017
I'm not sure why the tides and I don't compromise
Always drowning me in lies and making me despise my presence
My disguise is endless and the time's relentless
But my eyes are etched like shorelines
Sketched like messed up coal mines
The beauty doesn't shine deep enough
But neither does the reef's rough
Forcing me to be tough against the lapping waves of sea stuff
Emmennarr May 2018
Destroy my lungs
The oxygen that each person uses
Abuses each and every day
Heaving away
Breathing until either lung decays
Emmennarr Dec 2017
It was a genuine accident
Give me a chance
And come back to me
Like I could change up the past
And make it so you weren't
Emmennarr Jun 2018
I wish I could just
Fall back
Into something I never
Lived with
To begin with,
And innocent;

But for now
I live my life
With eyes scarred
And heart tight,
Binded by a lie,
Blinded by your lies;

But I've never wanted to die,
Scratch that,
Never wanted to cry
So much
In the life I once felt,
Back when I fell
Into something I never lived with to begin with.
wish to be lifeless
Emmennarr Apr 2018
There was a time when I loved you;
Watched your eyes stroll by,
Throwing smiles back at mine
Through these finite lines
Of words you could describe
Like a day that would define my life;
But I didn't respond in time.
Wed. 2-14-18 14:20

wish that you knew you were one of the two
Emmennarr May 2018
I wish I knew what to say
When you let your mind decay
Betray the things you know
Pick the way you'd never go alone
You could always just stay home
And let that time go on its own
Treat me as your home
Treat me as your own
And know that you're never alone
Emmennarr Sep 2018
I wonder if I wish you knew I liked you...
But I'm too afraid that that would ***** us up
Or that you would get more distant
Or that I would just get drunk, on love,
And maybe we would wear pajamas
Or just our undergarments
As we'd talk on thoughtless topics
With two cups of coffee,
Both of them were black,
We'd be under sheets and covers
And the color we would lack
Would be like back inside the 50's
With our TV old and grey,
And as our slumber slept through summer
We could realize it's day
And as we woke together I might just be able to say
"I love you"...
Emmennarr Jan 2018
It seems that she is gone,
And I, alone;
Yet my heart shall trek on
As if there may be a possible end
For me.
Emmennarr Jul 2018
I dare you.

Get lost in the metaphor
We could consider a relationship;
The upside-down rainbow
Where words escape from,
Cold at the top,
Purple, blue, green,
Yet warmest near the base,
Energy that rises in tidal waves
To eventually find the hot rays of sun
And warm hands of my embrace.

I dare you.

Feel the strangling grip
We could consider a relationship;
The inside-out skull
Where words escaped from,
Cold at the top,
Frozen, dead, seen,
Yet reddest near the base,
Hysteria that rises in tidal waves
To eventually find the rot state of mind
And cold hands of your embrace.

I dared you.

— The End —