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Emmennarr May 2017
Words can't explain the awkward silence
Shed by two pairs of dying eyes.
Broken up
Broken down
Tears are shed
My soul is sound
Emmennarr Apr 2018
It's hard to just
Admire from a distance
When you care so much
That your words can't even
Explain what you feel;

When you're sad,
I sympathize,
When you sing,
I harmonize,
When you stop,
I apologize;

I am in love with you
But you can't say the same
About how you see me,
And it's not unfair,
You have yours
As I lack mine
Yet wish you could fill
This gap of which
I will forever miss
And try to learn each day
That I can adapt,
That I can change,
When I cannot;

My brain can't
Remove my memories,
My desire,
For you;

I wish
You felt
The same.
Part of me hopes you never hear these words.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
I slowly begin to disappear as your memory fades, slowly.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
My heart's lovestruck
Stuck with the stuff she's put me through
And asked to make do
With the falling crumbs of a broken relationship,
Warm and sweet til cold and stale
Or it falls apart completely
And it's like it was never there in the first place.
Kinda related a cookie to love.
Emmennarr Oct 2017
I'm in love
And the love is in me
But if I let it go free
I shall truly be empty
So cautious I must be,

Or else love takes its fee
Makes a lock, keeps the key
Puts me down on one knee
Breaks me so I can't see
So cautious I must be.
She's the best but I've gotta remind myself to slow down sometimes.
Emmennarr Jul 2018
Let the rain trickle down my spine,
Frigid lines that breathe upon my back
And turn from frozen to sweat,
From dryland to wet,
In such a short matter of time.
Emmennarr May 2017
Dusk stirs the breeze of autumn
Spun to a sudden halt as night approaches
Waves of light appear before him
Those of villagers carrying torches
And within little time the morning comes
Dawn settles on top again
And when the sun will settle
Neither Dusk nor Dawn will win.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
There came a night I thought I found love.
The covers warm and the scent of fruit
Lingering where empty space seemed filled.
It mystified me when the next morning
Was as lonesome as the one before
And I sat by myself, waiting for the sun to give me hope.
Emmennarr May 2017
Her silhouette flickers in the moonlit meadows
The draped dress drags behind her
Her cheeks wet with past mistakes' cries
Or maybe the moisture came from the weather
Emmennarr Nov 2017
The glue that attempts
To mend my heart
Is artificial
But I guess
I'm no different
Emmennarr Apr 2017
Her hibernation was a drought.
If I'd known that I would have drowned too,
But now I'm left awake
Thinking of everything I've been put through,
And then I'll fall asleep in my own sort of tomb.
Emmennarr Aug 2018
Let your words linger on your lips
As the wine drips from your pores,
Forming a puddle of blood
Upon the crimson stained floor.

The burning red reeks of love
And acidic sin scalds the rug,
The carpet scorched and house ablaze
But yet you still return his gaze.

And though the embers fall like leaves
With fiery passion amidst the trees,
The night will cease as though your lust
Left nothing more but washed up rust.

Had the ocean swept it all away
So morning could arrive with peace,
You wouldn't let this dream decay
Although it was the last you'd ever feel.
Emmennarr May 2018
I feel so full of something
That will come and go
As though it never existed
But the air it displaces
Will soon evaporate
And soon I will suffocate
Without you
Although we never existed
Emmennarr Feb 2018
Stark starry night
Starts to set
Alongside light
Who retreats in fright
Of the time
Where it shall not shine
Emmennarr Apr 2019
You were the art
I once inhaled slowly
Piece by piece
Until I realized
The puzzle didn't feel whole.
Emmennarr May 2017
My life is stapled into an unending chain,
The whole strand of DNA, a virus.
Emmennarr Oct 2017
Humans have innocence just to be tainted;
Once out of breath, we've already fainted
And the world painted with our display
Will eventually fade away
While we're wasted,
Formed like a molded piece of clay
Crumbling each day.
Emmennarr Aug 2017
Her heart was a clock.
Each second she was able to hear it she kept hoping to not run out of time.
Her toes shook as rattles each time she would pop the joints.
Her eyes closed like wings of a bat flapping to keep from falling.
And her lips smacked like the waves of an ocean hitting the coast.

Rhythm was her life.
Every minute was fifteen measures each as important as the last.

She was a masterpiece.
Emmennarr Nov 2017
Only time can tell the mysteries of the world,
Those unknown to man,
That of both the past and the future,
The beginning and the end.
Emmennarr May 2017
I would always think of her,
Every night we'd cry our pain
And say that we were both dying
But only one of us ever did,
And I never told her
How I felt.
Emmennarr Apr 2017
The cold front reaches my finger tips
I pull tight the silver ****
I embark into the sun
Emmennarr Mar 2018
Ribbons wrap your letters
Left beside my bed side
That will never see the light

Inside their envelopes
Lie words that you would write
Striving to get better

Each line a new rhyme
Scrawled scrolls for my eyes
Transcribed by a scribe

Not trying to make me cry
Or regret all this time
But my cheeks become wetter

Do not pry my fingers
From the last threads of life
Plucked straight from your sweater

It is you who is deader than I
Emmennarr May 2017
There are some times
I wish for independence;
To be able to fly
And leave at any time
And come back at record speed
As if time never mattered at all.
Poem from Florida.
Flying home tomorrow.
Emmennarr Jan 2018
There's a hair stuck in the window
Burning in front, frozen behind
Like the man that stands on the middle of Venus,
Tempted by both fire and ice
To fix the other,
Suffering endlessly
Because there is no void of either,
No escape from pain when
Both sides are fighting,
Emmennarr Sep 2017
I want to love
I want love
I will love
One day
I fall
Emmennarr May 2017
Eerie silence falls over the incognito smiles of broken hearts;
You shudder, aware of what the winter has brought.
Wind brings the news of death;
A single crow creates an encore.
The tomb brings the grins to tears
And cements all false positivity to bedrock.

Your soul floats among the crowd,
Your bread encaptured in stone,
Your face, smiling.

You've been freed.
Emmennarr May 2017
Friends can be as fragile as a bubble,
Sharp as a pin,
Or as hurtful as the needle that pierces my skin
Trying to sew back the delicate petals of a flower.

They can be as dumb as a rock
Or used as a coin
Or a melted block of ice
That fire tried to join.

A match that strikes the box
To turn some wood into ash,
Squeeze you like a sponge
Try to erase all our past.

Chip you like it's golf
Or smack you with a racket in our short game of tennis,
Pelt you with a snowball, pretend you won't feel it happen
Didn't think your building blocks were stagnant.

Mark you with a pencil
Scribble it out with pen,
Rip the leaf that's floating
Shed a teardrop at the end.
Emmennarr Jun 2019
There are some nights I remember you,
Never sure if I want to.
Perhaps if your memory would pass,
Life could elapse at a quicker pace;
Or perhaps that day was always meant to stay
In touch;
I suppose that's why it would matter so much,
But not as much as today,
When I would remember you.
Emmennarr Oct 2017
If I were to emit black clouds
Would it be better to wait
Or to just let it all out?
right now
Emmennarr Feb 2018
Carve my stiff skin
With sticks of lead
My wounds have bled enough
I'm numb so go ahead
And taint me til I'm dead
Emmennarr Apr 2017
Your journey splits into branches
Upon a dirt path of nurtured soil
Where your roots once grew.
Some live and others have passed,
Whether completely buried among a thriving colony
Or still visible, but pitiful.
Your trunk is large and round
But all the details are what make you unique;
The bike it grew through,
The swing bolted to your childhood,
The pests of society crawling all over you.

Your leaves are brown.
All you can remember is her name and yours.
And as time goes on,
I wonder which leaf will fall first.
Emmennarr May 2017
The absence of your second half stalls you,
Your gears screech to a halt
As you cry raindrops into your worn pillow
And await a day that they'll return.

They've left you for another life,
Perhaps it'll be warmer.
Emmennarr Jan 2019
Only time can tell
How long this spell
Will last,
Whether muse rings true
Or gives in to
The past,
And if you believe
That you and me
Would do,
Maybe I could try
To learn to die
With you.
Emmennarr Jan 2018
I'm slipping through the slush
Another day another crush
Down this mountain, wolves will mush
Until eventually I hit a snag
Tumble down and go to crash
Ending my life before I've lived
Frozen, left out in the wind
Born to die in my same sins
Catching colds from winter chills
Killing time while keeping still
Quick, young life, it was a thrill
Spending time with you
Emmennarr Apr 2017
Where did everyone hide?
Did I leave them while they hid?
Remembering lost memories hurts
I'd lost those memories for a reason
They hid
I left them behind
One comes back
Both leave me in tears
Emmennarr Apr 2018
Time slips as sand loses its grip
Upon the surface of glass,
Moving up and down
Through pointed tip,
And with the minute,
Each second will pass.
Emmennarr Sep 2017
Everywhere I go
People's eyes glow
And my pupils shrink
Emmennarr Oct 2017
Can't tell if she still likes me
Or maybe another guy
And if I would confront her
I could stand there and die
Staring at her hair
Til she looks in my eyes
To tell me that it's nothing
With an absent-minded sigh

And If I managed to catch it for just even a minute
Maybe I should disband us rather than just staying in it
Or maybe she loves me but is too afraid to admit it
Because I'm missing her and I'd hope that she gets this
I don't want to end us just to live to regret it
But in the end is it better if we both end up separate
But something so complex would make me feel way more desperate
And then I'd grab for a shorter straw and forget that I ended
Emmennarr Jul 2017
I like to imagine my funeral.
Dreadful eyes that beamed sullenly,
Black suits and gowns of the beaten souls,
And the meeting between rain and ground.

If only water fell from above
Then maybe I would know somebody cried
And the downfall is a cover
In case no one cared at all.
Emmennarr Sep 2017
I know
she doesn't
the same
but the tempo of my heart shifts
from largo to presto
in the matter of seconds
even though my depression's at large
and feeling is hard.

She knows.
Emmennarr Nov 2017
If you ever bothered to ask me,
I'd say the best way to achieve bliss
Is to match two souls with one more kiss much.
Emmennarr Dec 2018
You might be here
But you feel so far gone,
And with each step we took
You pulled forward
And I pulled back,
Neither of us certain
Which way to go;
Only now that it's too late, may I confess,
I wished you forever were my compass rose.
Emmennarr May 2017
Only when you're dead
You'll understand that you've been
Wounded all along
Emmennarr Jun 2018
I guess love is all it's set out to be,
It's just a bit more between you and me
In which we find ourselves
Trapped in this endless oddity,
Emmennarr Aug 2017
Love is the most aggressive of the emotions,
It can always **** any other feeling at any time it likes.
Emmennarr Apr 2018
Sell spells that I'd think
Feathered quill and jars of ink
My mind an ice rink
Telling verses, holding weeks
Getting ready to speak
Emmennarr Apr 2017
I'm more real here,
No fake smiles to hide tears;
Try to find each grin,
Eventually you'll be happy.
Regrets leave and memories form,
Nothing bothers me here;
Everyone notices me,
True tears are shed.
Emmennarr May 2017
It's a blur;

Fifteen years of spiraled thoughts
Multiple strands of DNA
Some have been destroyed,
Others grew stronger
But the present is where the remnants lay.
Emmennarr Oct 2017
I want to feel the need
To let a teardrop roll down my cheek
With all the meaning in the world
Of the love I cannot speak
Emmennarr Apr 2019
You were a facade,
A mask I never saw through
Because you never fit,
A mirage I depended on
For far too long,
Only to reach for the nothingness before me,
Thinking I'd found salvation,
When in the end,
All you ever were
Was a facade.
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