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149 · Sep 2018
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2018
I'm the broken one,
And I keep breaking with each hi,
I fake my smiles when I tell you bye,
Some nights I barely even get by,
When these tears start to flood my eyes.
Most days I'm barely even sober,
Before those thoughts fly by,

I'm the broken one,
And I keep breaking with each lie that I tell, to make you think I'm okay-
when I'm really not
when I'm really hurt
when the pain becomes too much.

I'm the broken one.
And I'm not trying anymore.
149 · Sep 2018
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2018
My beautiful Ada!!!
When would you agree to be my lover?
When did you say you're coming over?
Don't mind that girl called Deborah.
It was only one night she spent over.
But it is you I want to be with forever.
Adanma why don't you come closer?
Don't be scared, I am not a soldier,
Or are you scared of what I carry under?
Deborah liked it when she came over.
When it's longer it's always sweeter.

Adanma!!! my beautiful Ada!!!
When would you agree to be my lover?
Is it until when there's no strength left under?
Please, Don't do this to me remember,
We're not getting any younger.
137 · Sep 2018
Loving you.
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2018
They say loving someone who doesn't feel the same way is similar to waiting for a ship to dock at an airport. But I've been through many ***** with you and I'm not yet ready to give you up, and despite how many times we've fought, we've only learned how to make up right before it gets out of hand but you start to say you'd like to break up, and i shut
with my lips, and whenever we kiss, there's this immense rush, then I start to touch you in places you'd not want me to stop.

So yeah I'd wait at this airport, and hope your ship takes a u-turn, and hope you don't keep me waiting for too long.
128 · Sep 2018
Uninvited guest.
Emmanuel Coker Sep 2018
The church preceding begins.
I watch from afar as he holds you in your arms,
Holding as though he's scared to let go,
As though he wants the whole world to know.
You can see the love in his eyes,
I can see the content in yours.
Settling for less isn't always a bad idea,
Since you are a woman who's got a very successful career.
You just need a man to truly love you.
A man, who with his ****** prowess can make due.
I watch from a seat as he stares at you,
He sure is very happy to be with a girl like you.
I was happy too.

I'm at your wedding without an invitation.
You are at the door bidding adieu to the whole congregation,
I could see the content in your eyes,
And you now, could see the painful relief in mine.
48 · Jan 2020
The Art of Pretence
Emmanuel Coker Jan 2020
I pretend I'm in love;
when I'm not.
I pretend I'm in love,
when it's lust.
I pretend that I'm numb,
but it hurts.
I pretend that it's found,
but I'm lost.

I pretend to pretend that nothing hurts.
My defence is the art of pretence…
when it all gets too much
47 · Jan 2020
Perfect Imperfections
Emmanuel Coker Jan 2020
Why do you act as though not being normal isn't a normal thing?

The world is not normal,
And to you that's a normal thing.

I'm not normal.
And to me that's perfectly normal
35 · Jan 2020
Simplicity at it's worst
Emmanuel Coker Jan 2020
I've learnt a lot.
You want to test my knowledge?
Then ask me to render a thought.
And if you ask me,

I'd say;
I've learnt to read in-between the lines of everything, just like a blind man reading Braille.

I've seen the black and I've noticed the white,
And so I'd know very much, when you are greying the lines.
34 · Jan 2020
The Grand Performance
Emmanuel Coker Jan 2020
I want to walk with you,
Walk with you on the busy streets of London.
We'd walk hand in hand,
All the way from Trafalgar square,
To the deep end of Oxford circus.
And once in a while we'd waltz to the catchy tune of any street performer stringing out Beethoven or Vivaldi from their scrawny violin.
And we'd not mind the many eyes of onlookers; Onlooking the grand performance of a perfect duo, waltzing to the catchy tune of a street performer.

— The End —