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7.4k · Apr 2016
/<<>>Color Spectrum>><</
Emilie Apr 2016
Life is a  treasure and yet
I was born with pale white skin,
You were born with dark chocolate skin,
Our color distinguishes our features,
Our color does not represent our character.

684 · Mar 2016
Emilie Mar 2016
She was a girl dressed in her leather black pants with a black spaghetti strap shirt,

She was the girl in the back of math class sitting on the brown and grey desk to shy to ask a question,

Light skinned with a hint of glitter,

She had been successful in every class passing with straight A’s,

The big world was in her soft little hands,

Her passion and love for the Earth was enormous!,

She was a girl who thought miracles could happen in times of trouble,

Her life was a series of stories that she had been prepared to share with this world..

642 · Mar 2016
Emilie Mar 2016
She was a rose dying internally,

No one recognized her suffering,

All that mattered to the world was themselves…

My first poem
588 · Mar 2016
Memory Lane
Emilie Mar 2016
/I remember the old times when time was a gift,
/when the words "I love you" was not an over used term that had a sensual feeling,
/I remember when children would enjoy the sunny sunday afternoon outside riding their bikes around the neighborhood,
/I remember when the communication between humans was authentic and genuine but now chattering amongst others is barely existent,
/I remember when little kids would lay on the green grass watching the cotton ball shape shifting clouds,
/I remember when the population was not infatuated with the word "death",
/I remember a time when this world was not crowded on the streets by excessive beings,
/I remember a point in life when glaciers' were not melting off the planet Earth and animals of the Arctic did not question what was happening to them,
/I remember everything that has brought me happiness in this lifetime and I will remember my lifetime...
577 · Jan 2017
Emilie Jan 2017
hey guys! So to all those who use Instagram please make sure to follow me on my photography page @smilie.photographie I will follow back and I want to grow me viewers for my page thankyou so much I love you all <3
505 · Mar 2016
Moon Rise
Emilie Mar 2016
She ran across the sky to watch the sunset,

As her spectators gathered around on the village’s square garden,

Awaiting upon her arrival,

Children and their mothers’ scan the area for a spot to lay away,

As the stars twinkle celestially,

In the dead of night,

With no light pollution in sight,

The star gazers’ eyes bloom in excitement as roses being born in the spring,

Her arrival brings the cluster of heads to a complete pause,

Just her presence in the sea of stars lights up the square garden,

Everyone applauds for the beauty of the moon’s presence…

501 · Mar 2016
Emilie Mar 2016
Captured from our homes,

Stolen from our families,

Kidnapped by these creatures who call themselves “boss”,

Beat until pain,

As we lay on the wet and ****** floors,

Our bruised guts gushing out of our intoxicated bodies,

We live in the nightmares you fear,

Our pain feeds the creature with pleasure…

This is one of my personal favorites because it has a way deeper meaning.
479 · Mar 2016
Emilie Mar 2016
A smile generated by one thousand battery watts,
- Eyes as deep as the North Pacific Ocean which shine brighter than the North star.

- A mouth that blurts out words of authenticity and realism,
- A body sculpted by precise calculations,
- Freckles splattered on his face ranging from the size of Mars to to the size of Pluto.

- A mind absorbed in philosophical thoughts and the idea of love,
- Passion strikes his heart like a train racing on the tracks at the pace of a million miles per hour
461 · Feb 2018
Emilie Feb 2018
I pucker my lips as the feed transfers me into my virtual reality dream,
It feels as if I were stuck in a never ending trance of disturbance.
By the snap of my stubby pale fingers I could be floating in deep outerspace during spring break,
The "Feed" I feel implanted into my brain,
As each day comes to a pass a part of my cerebrum becomes controlled by technology.
Conversing with classmates becomes a more difficult process,
I feel as if the feed erases my memories storing the memories into their databases,
I no longer remember my name nor do I know who I am,
Feed butchered my mind,
Feed murdered the little girl I once was...
435 · Apr 2017
Oh,Grandfather Clock...
Emilie Apr 2017
Change... is inevitable no matter where you stand in your life time,
Change is a scary thing and you feel frozen in time like nothing is possible like a tiny grandfather clock in a small town,
You feel invisible no matter what you do,
Everyone experiences the clock and eventually talks behind its back so much that eventually she becomes worn down,
She craves a new beginning,
Afraid of moving on since the clock is afraid of changing her perspective she is stuck in that one time frame,
Gradually she stops caring about herself, her family, friends, teachers and all the other clocks around her,
She wants to run away,
She wants to put an end to her life as she feels like a worthless ticking time bomb,
She decides to run away to a new city disregarding the change and what may come with it,
The clocks in that city all have their differences,
They show love and affection to the grandfather clock
She does not feel desperate anymore to feel loved,
She finds love within strangers in her new community,
Her true colors are no need to hide behind the scared feelings to be her true self,
Before she put a mask on everyday that she was in a living hell and had to fake happy feelings,
After being in her new community it was no longer a place she dreaded to go rather a place she longed to go everyday and was completely herself no matter what others talked about her,
She knew that their opinions no longer matter,
She began to love herself and rather than cry her self to sleep each night
She began laughing herself to bed and dreaming instead of having nightmares of what the next day would be like,
The Grandfather clock began to feel authentic and became worth it to herself

Change from a small community to a big community can make all the difference
the grand father clock is a metaphor i really am speaking of myself
397 · Mar 2016
C'est la Vie
Emilie Mar 2016
list of life ❤
397 · Mar 2016
Emilie Mar 2016
She wanted to go out of her house and explore the Spanish plains,

She wanted to talk to this boy she liked but she feared the rejection that might come with it,

She wanted to move to another country and begin a new life but she feared that she would get hurt,

She wanted to have a life full of experience and adventure but didn’t want to get lost,

She wanted to pick daisies from the prairie but was too afraid that she would pick the wrong one,

She sees a dog in the far distant and sees that it is injured walks up to him and helps it to the closest hospital,

She hears the good news about the dog that he is going to be okay,

The nurse asks the lady if she would like to adopt the dog and the lady says yes,

And that changed her life…

396 · Mar 2016
Emilie Mar 2016
A community blinded,
Cut off by an eternal dark and hollow alley,
Testaments killing families,
Life these days are not about peace,
Humans mutilating the voiceless,
Where has humanity gone...?
393 · Mar 2016
Emilie Mar 2016
Fear is just a curse casted upon one’s soul,

Eating you alive,

Slowly killing your mind…

374 · Mar 2016
Emilie Mar 2016
If you can be the bigger person when on the other side of the wooden door someone is getting thrown in the red garbage bin,

If you can put on a blue dress with funny words on it and not even care about other people’s opinions,

If you can read a book in French in front of other people and keep your virtue,

If you can go your own path instead of being a follower,

If you can be honest with yourself especially when you’re wrong,

If you can eat Pasta Bolognese in front of your hot crush while he is staring right at you, but keep your cool,

If you can love yourself even with your flaws,

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And which is more you’ll be a woman,

My daughter!


— The End —