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Oh what a fight, push shove duck Dodge.

Miss count dance prounce, Oh what a fight.

Bob Weave trick up my sleeve, Oh what a fight.

Toss turn ive awaken, It was just a dream But, Oh what a fight.
I love to dream.
And if i choose you
id be choosing the type of happiness
that comes with the cost of pain
but id choose you forever
again, again and again
 Jan 2014 Elsbeth Poe
I met a girl who couldn’t keep eye contact for more than three seconds;
She puts her palms in front of her face
A bit higher than her nose
So she could see you through her fingers,
So that
Her voice
A bit dim,
Can bounce on the walls she now builds
And reflects back to her,
Giving her time to rethink her words
Over and over and over and over
Until she makes sure that
Every type of person surrounding her
Would not blow bombs under her white sheets
Destroy her heart,
And shatter her soul,
Till she has no strength to carry her hands
And hold her palms as barriers for her protection.
I met a girl with red brown hair,
She had two thin lines of blue under her eyes
Because oceans could draw attention
To their beauty,
And under beauty
Lies her mess,
The doors could open a gate way to the fire that’s inside
While she only reveals sparkles
In the split seconds between every word
That she rambles on,
Because if she stopped talking
It would be silent enough
For her to listen to her inner voice,
And her inner voice is never pleased.
I met a girl with a wide smile and a sense of humor,
But she apologizes after every joke
And freezes after every laughter,
Thinking of how many mistakes she might have made
Thinking of how to fix them
Thinking if anybody noticed
No one ever did.
I met a girl with a silent giggle,
Her bangs strategically lie over her eyes
To cover the curvature of her emotions,
The lines she creates on her forehead
And inside her mind,
The shy lyrics that she sings alone
Swaying her body to a jimmy Hendrix
That broke her security systems
And unchained her
Till it was possible to move.
I met a girl,
Who knows a lot more than she needs to
Who works a lot more than she has to
Who loves a lot more than possible;
She lifts up the world around her
So she can forget how far down she lies,
She runs away from herself
To hide under buses and trains
Making sure everything was okay;
Everything is not okay.
I met a girl,
And she was called confidence
I met a girl,
And she was called insecurity
I met a girl,
Who was called social consciousness;
I met a girl
Who was called society
And that girl was a killer.
I'm looking at you through the glass.
The spectrum is changing; fading.
You're skin, as beautiful as porcelain. The very features that make up your being; chiseled as if by a sculptor. The beauty that once was, and still is, is fading. Not as if to disappear, but enough to morph the simple idea of the person you once were. The glass is the mirror into which  I am staring. I am you. You are me. I am noticing the beginning signs of losing myself. Once more. I can't stop it this time.
 Nov 2013 Elsbeth Poe
This is what I wanted--what I want, right?
To be held close with no escape
Tightly in the night?

With the stars desire burning above,
His once tender kisses turn into something rough.
What use to be soft nipping on his part,
Becomes wild, animalistic bites of love.

He tells me to stop fighting
And give in to his touch.
I yield to his voice,
My own lost in the rush
Of my heart beating against my chest,

My soft flesh against his--
This isn't what I wanted,
But you cannot change what already is.
We spend all our time being jealous
For things that are not really ours
We beg for another perspective
To guide us without leaving scars
But we are the slaves and the martyrs
The ones who will never obtain
A simple oblivion ending
The heightening level of pain
And this be our chosen confession
The one we have kept on our tongues
"I want to be everyone else's"
*"I want to collapse my own lungs"
Breathe in deep, you're still here.
It was one of those mornings, the cold winter air cutting through the silence of the apartment. Cars murmuring in the background, and warm dark coffee making our bellies warm and relaxed. It was time for a cigarette one exclaimed, another shouted " But the fools of cursing cancerous consumption accept your death now. All fell silent blankly staring wondering who will share thoughts next, a burst of laughter was heard in the other room facing the north east. A cute playful women of 34 and 1/4 runs in sharing her new found excitement of such ridiculous poems she has constructed.
                                            " ooh how the dark moon shined,
                                               indeed the lust has become full during my binge of wine
                                               desiring a man of 25
                                               he has been on my mind
                                               to use and Ploy as an intimate *** toy"
she screeched in laughter, the majority of the room was rather confused and yet excited by her "hilarious" Poem. She then pardoned her self and jolted out of the room in some sensationable creative lust.
All was calm and still, the Large old Victorian ceilings resonated the vibrations of silence. They  stood examining each other, forgetting the purpose of their presence.
"Pardon me" a tall slender man of 26 and 1/3,he wore  a tailored suit with a warm and welcoming smile. His words broke the quiet gazes among the  silent crew,All stared at him confused by his need of verbal communication, he was the only sober one of the 15 maybe 20 people who entered and exited the warm apartment with gleaming pleasure and bliss.
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