Don’t tell me you love me
Find a way to say it differently
Don’t say something so cliché
Said every day
Don’t tell me the sun sets and rises for me
Because I know the the rotation and revolution of the earth mixed with the gravitational pull of sun
Tell me you’ll buy me seventeen cats, because you know seventeen is my favorite number
Tell me you’ll paint my house purple, because it matches my hair, and it will make you think of me every time you look at it
Tell me you’ll never let me miss a Metallica concert that comes to Kansas
Tell me that you would take me to the aurora borealis and read me the poem about it
Tell me you will keep a drawer of head phones, so I never run out
Tell me you will take every knife out of the house
Tell me you will hang your clothes according to colour because it makes you feel like I did it for you
Tell me you will never buy me a valentine, you’ll buy me a bottle of ***** instead
Tell me you will hold me even when I’m screaming that I hate you
Tell me you will never try to make me like sports
Tell me you will take me to comicon and cosplay with me
Tell me you will always deal with my friends, even when they hate you
Tell me you will never say a bad thing about my mother, unless I say something first
Tell me you will buy me tampons at two in the morning
Tell me you will think i’m beautiful when I eat
Tell me you will make me feel like I can eat in front of you
Tell me you will watch cheesy disney movies with me
Tell me you will sing songs with me
Tell me you will dye my hair
Tell me you will listen to me even when I don’t make any sense
Don’t you ever say you love me