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Knowing it hasn’t a cure,
My madness
She lovingly endures.
 Sep 2013 Elise
soul in torment
autumnal fires blaze

as the Phoenix

from woodland ...

The trees beginning to show signs that summer is all but done as reds yellows and gold adorn the tree tops Ash is a play on words ash as in burnt wood and as in the variety of tree
 Sep 2013 Elise
Ann M Johnson
Friends maybe miles apart, yet remain close within our hearts
I dedicate this poem, to those of you that faithfully read my poems, I consider you my friends!
 Sep 2013 Elise
soul in torment
lit a flame ...

in my heart

illuminating my

How much art and poetry has been born of love
 Sep 2013 Elise
soul in torment
You asked

is this love?

I answered...

in a

What other way is there to know it's love than the skipping of ones heart
 Sep 2013 Elise
Anderson M
Fire in a world of ice
Smoldering the heart’s soul
 Sep 2013 Elise
LJ Chaplin
I've crossed paths,
Crossed hearts with no hope to die,
Set fire to the night and watch it burn alive,
Watch it turn to ash and spit smoke into the sky,
So the clocks won't ever stop because they'll never freeze in time.

We will fight to claim our territory back,
Without guns and grenades or vicious attacks,
We'll use our words to forge our own weapons,
Make you surrender and we'll become legends,
The death of a war that has no place in heaven.

They say I look better dressed up in cold misery,
But I prefer armour made from bittersweet victory,
With words like matches that burned for our liberty,
I am Guy Fawkes and blazing on a new page in History.
 Sep 2013 Elise
Left My Heart
 Sep 2013 Elise
It's a weird feeling
Not talking to the one
Who at one point
Meant everything
Used to be a
Potential love
But it was fake
And so was his name
I guess I wish
I could rewind
Maybe we could
Have made it right
But we couldn't
Because I found out
What didn't seem right
I still miss those moments
Even though you
Left my heart
Aching &
© Natali Veronica 2013.
This is a poem I wrote sometime ago.
It's about a person who left you hurting.
I guess it's based on real life.
Not sure why I wanted to post this.
Felt this was the right time to vent & type this up.
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