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 Sep 2013 Elise
 Sep 2013 Elise
Alexander is a dream come true
He makes me smile
Like the moon does
At midnight

There is this intense
Yet sweet sensation
That makes it's way
Through my veins
Whenever he says
Or speaks my name

He reminds me
Of my favorite
When he plays
His guitar
I get so captivated
As I sit and listen

He reminds me of my
Favorite photographer
The way he captures
Every beautiful

He reminds me of the sun
That shines on me
When I need peace
And clarity

Alexander brings out
The best in me
He brings joy
Such a perfect
Young man

No one compares
When it comes to him
He is my sunshine
When it rains
On my parade

Waking up next to him
Is the best thing
In the world
He makes me feel
He makes me
Feel proud
To be his girl
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Dedicated to my boyfriend, Alexander.
I love him with all my heart.
Proud to be his girl.
 Sep 2013 Elise
Messed Me Up
 Sep 2013 Elise
Heart malfunctions
When I think
Of the times
We made this

I thought I was insane
This shouldn't be happening
You somehow affected my brain
It left me constantly
Losing my sanity
I shouldn't
Miss you
But I do
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Sep 2013 Elise
Fancy clothes, expensive cars
Big diamonds, fine cigars
Money beyond compare
So many riches everywhere
Perfect family, amazing friends
The blessings never seem to end
But despite having it all
You could easily fall
Money can't buy
That would
Be ridiculous
Money makes
People miserable
Makes you feel
Too powerful
It can make you
An addict
Diet pills
Substance abuse
It can cause
Early deaths
Money, fame
You could have
The full works
But it wouldn't
Make a difference
You'd still be
The fragile shell
Filling yourself
With material things
Silicone, toxins
Baby, take your
Take care of
Your life
Before it
A ****** case
In paradise
A bullet through
Your skull and brain
Because you had
What everyone
Wanted to gain.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Not sure why I wrote this.
I guess I was highly inspired,
by the tragic consequences and problems,
of sometimes having too much of a good thing.
 Sep 2013 Elise
So many familiar faces
Different appearances
I guess it's because
Of all those changes
That occur when we age
When we grow older
Smarter, wiser
We change
All the time
I miss those
Memories though
Those we built
When we
Were carefree
And as calm
As the sunny

We might change how we look
But we are still ourselves
On the inside
Like a book
With different
And covers
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Sep 2013 Elise
 Sep 2013 Elise
The* love of my *life
Calls me his wife
Despite my days
Of being a mess

He buys me diamonds
Says I'm his favorite one
Because I shine bright
Like the sun.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Sep 2013 Elise
Guilt? Nah.
 Sep 2013 Elise
I guess I can admit this
I hate your ******* guts
I never truly loved you
Nothing but silly lust
A way to waste time
A way to forget my ex
And since he's mine again
I can finally confess
I used you like a toy
And I have no regrets
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Sep 2013 Elise
Went Back To Him
 Sep 2013 Elise
tried to see her
as she saw me
but I couldn't feel
the chemistry
there was a lack
of intimacy

never thought of you
as more than a friend
sorry to disappoint you
but I had to step back
in the very end

back together with the guy I left
after realizing my mistake
this girl and I
weren't what I thought

friends with her, I'll gladly be
but I can't forget that one lie
that she had told me

it was only one
but a big one indeed
I thought she was someone else
but that was just a lie
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Sep 2013 Elise
Sia Jane
My beautiful, darling, angelic Isla.
My heart is crying a thousand oceans tonight, and it will for days, weeks, months and years I am sure. For over 12 years you were one of my best friends.
Not a day passed when you did not ask after me, support me, or love me.
If the heavens could ask for a perfect friend, they would choose you.
In all those years we never once fought or argued.
You were only ever the strength that completed my need for a back bone, which enabled us ultimately to both get through and fight through life.
To know, as with Elin, you have taken your life, I bleed for you. I ache. The pain is so deeply embedded in my chest that I find myself gasping to even breathe.
I will probably write to you a million times over, knowing that in your place of safety you are talking back at me, sitting by me, answering my prayers.
I am beyond devastated you took your life, one so young, and yet I also know that, despite endless fighting, your demons would not rest. That was never your fault. Your past was never your choice or fault. I love you with all that I am, and I know, every day, you are with me.
I feel you here as the tears hit my cheeks and drip on to the keyboard.
I could never replace you, change you, or ask more of you.
Thank you.
Thank you for gracing my life and saving my life, many times over.
How will I be without you my darling… with me. With me. That I know. I love you, and may you rest in safety, security and love.
All the things you so desperately craved from this world so cruel to you.
Rest in peace princess.

© Sia Jane
For one of my best friends, who sadly took her own life <3
 Sep 2013 Elise
 Sep 2013 Elise
its too early to think
need a drink
to blank out
of you

you're stuck
in my head
get out

feeling nothing
but dread
© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Sep 2013 Elise
looking at you
staring away
I'm okay

You were art
in my eyes
but now
I rip apart
the canvas
that was once
valuable in time
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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