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closed her
eyes and took
a very deep breath,
crossed her fingers then
w  h     i     s    p   e    r     e   d,
"I long to see the   o n l  y
man who made me
shine in his
Your language
  you must constantly mind
  words don't forget you
though you've left them behind
 Dec 2018 eleanor prince
We only talk at midnight
When you can't sleep
and I'm lonely
not a soul in sight

Close all windows
She can't hear a noise

I do everything for them
I ask for nothing in return

Desperate feelings
immediate reactions

I can't bare
to hear
someone's judgement

So I become their perfect person

I belong to this earth
and I have no ground

Lost in a forest
with no sound

I'm a lonely bird

will hear me sing
Let me be a tiny pebble
for your gentle feet to step upon
happily my heart would settle
long after that blissful moment is gone
 Dec 2018 eleanor prince
Some want to redistribute wealth
Perhaps instead we should redistribute love
Then wealth would redistribute itself
A (hopefully non partisan) thought for election day
We will make it just wait and see
Predujice will fail to stop us
From reaching our destiny
Determination will see us through.

You say we will not succeed
We know we will turn out strong
You judge a book by its cover
But you get the story wrong.

You see us through your human eyes
You never stop to talk only  pass us by
So don't look down you will be surprised
For we will rise and stand up high .

So throw away your selfish pride
Help us stand when you see us fall
Because we live together on this earth
Yes all together one and all.
Hopefully atitudes are changing toward
People with special needs, the stigma is somewhat fading away.
Many peaple who have special needs have hidden strengths
Or skills inwich they excel in.So the lesson is we should never be judgemental of others.we all have strengths and weaknesses.
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