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I fell in Fall
And I was lifted, airborne
In winter
To find the warmth of home 
Within my chest,
Lit by her touch of gold
And once you fall for Fall
It feels like flying
In her embrace of amber


Паднах в есента
и бях издигнат, полетял
във зимата
за да намеря топлина на дом
във моите гърди,
запалена от нейното докосване от злато.
А щом по есента си паднеш
чувстваш че летиш
в прегръдката на кехлибара ѝ.


Fall на английски е падане… но също е и синоним за есента…
А есента е влюбване защото да се влюбиш е falling in love - буквално падане и есенуване във любовта…
The note explains the meanings of the word Fall due to the difficulties in translation.
Her smile glimmered like gold,
With satin hair and porcelain skin,
Radiant in the morning-
And starlight at sunset

Brown eyes like liquid warmth,
Inviting me out to dinner,
An offer I would be daft to refuse-
And now she makes me smile
For those of you who have read most of my work, I know you were expecting a dark turn.  But I am feeling pretty happy today and wanted to concisely highlight how I view a person that is beautiful to me.
These times apart seem such a strain,
a heartfelt emotional loss;
But now we must think of the common good,
and fulfill a worthwhile cause.

People wracked with pain and suffering,
an ominous sign for retreat;
Yet just when we most need intimacy,
this intensity bears repeating.

The smartest move is not to move,
and remain inside for awhile;
We'll see one another soon enough,
when powerful sources quash the fire.

Still our minds take a daily route,
through webs of life's complexities;
And wonderment will fill the ache,
if hope can set our spirits free.
She's a meadow

of wilted flowers

once in bloom

but broke too soon

how quickly

the parched ground


its own
A starless sky wrapped in an empty dream.
I remember the days where your smile was like a fine wine I loved.
Now it's left a bad taste in my mouth.
In my heart hangs a votive wreaths
Of old withered memories.
Your voice no longer shakes the
Ocean of my sleep.
You where a lesson this comic universe wanted to teach me.
Now all I want to do is forget I ever
Loved you.
#learn #lesson #forget
 Jul 2020 eleanor prince
So fresh and free
Joy is spread
Calm is instilled
Heat withdraws
With drops of life
All is cleansed
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