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Apr 2015 · 141
S Apr 2015
people make me feel so empty
Apr 2015 · 144
S Apr 2015
I'm just so complex I find it hard to hold on to the understanding that I have of myself
Apr 2015 · 106
S Apr 2015
****, where will I take myself
Apr 2015 · 148
S Apr 2015
Lust, lustrous....lust....lost
Apr 2015 · 111
S Apr 2015
It'd be nice if more people interacted with me on here
Apr 2015 · 106
S Apr 2015
Everything that I am today, right now, right this second is everything I wasn't
Everything that im not today, right now, right this second is what will make me
Apr 2015 · 184
S Apr 2015
learning that marriage is sometimes like a horror film is hard
You learn it the hard way
Sure there was a an alright environment
But the truth when it was revealed was enough to crack the strain
The injustice that in the moment everything is plausible
But when you look back and realise your mistake, all you can do is apologise
******* go back in time, grab your past self and scream, scream as much as you can because it'll be silent because when you return from the past you'll revert back to old ways. Marriage is hauntingly beautiful and I guess it's just sheer luck
S Apr 2015
I was a little girl, once, blissfully unaware
Hanging on to my fathers leg, wearing a tiara just knowing that life could only be viewed with a rosy hue. And that belief I had as a child has stuck with me to this day but it developed with me as i grew. The pink hue met more people, saw more, felt less and got distorted but still recognisable.
I learnt that happiness could not exist without an opposition and the opposition is the most beautiful thing in existence because it Spurs you on to expand the stretch of your own rosy hue. I'm happy with inconsistent contentment because it represents balance, a fair balance that is neither here nor there, only where it can be when it needs to be and it must be followed through
Apr 2015 · 296
S Apr 2015
Language is unrealistically beautiful,
Its captivating, the way only certain things can be expressed in one language and not the other
This means of communication, so much so like the concrete slab that you place over the gap to save yourself, revives the most insane parts of your mind. You begin to access your own psyche in such a way that is uncomprehendable because your perspective is so widely spread that the possibilities for anything is infinitely limitless. Language, communication, creation and our thoughts are the first and foremost foundations of our outlets, which without, we would cease to exist
Apr 2015 · 192
S Apr 2015
Sharing thoughts with complete strangers to either criticise, chew on, dismiss or appreciate or just an outlet that everyone can find solace in. Whether you are the writer, the reader, the dreamer, the listener.....
Apr 2015 · 111
S Apr 2015
I speak from experience, whether it's to be mentally, physically or a figment of my imagination, I speak from experience.
Apr 2015 · 176
S Apr 2015
The book was left half open
The dream was only dreamt for half a night
The conversation was left unfinished
The thread unravelled
But....the thought of "what if" continued
Don't forget, don't make 'halfway' a habit
For halfway never gave way to anything of worth
Apr 2015 · 128
S Apr 2015
Always, it'll always be you
Always, for now
Apr 2015 · 224
S Apr 2015
i like to play
play games
play with my words
with minds
Apr 2015 · 140
S Apr 2015
i'm a very happy person
i'm just frustrated
that doesn't add up
haha ain't nothin positive about this
Apr 2015 · 277
S Apr 2015
i know why sin feels good
we all do
why wouldn't something bad feel good
it's just how life goes
but it gets repetitive and addictive
maybe not so nice after all
you almost try to break through the surface
but get bored when you break through
so you just immerse yourself deeper
because contentment is boring
Apr 2015 · 173
S Apr 2015
the day i stop having to explain myself may just be the day where i finally breathe in contentment
restriction restriction restriction
i feel trapped
only free to move within boundaries
no explanations
no responsibilities
i just want to create
and do
and make
go out there
i'm working with what i got but i don't need
3 years well nearly 2 to wait....or so help me
Apr 2015 · 336
S Apr 2015
scrolls through phone
forcefully unbuttons jeans
angrily pulls them off
winces in pain
grabs laptop in determination
my mind is drifting....i think of you,
i see you around me, i touch you, i breathe your name, i'm surrounded by a manifestation of you
i can't take you i want you away from me
i can't take you i want you near me
time sure fly's when you come across my mind
in my mind
you are my mind
focusing on us
i played with caution but you and time teamed up together and aimed to tease me, to torture me, to bring me pleasure where i see distress
a sick sense of satisfaction
flows unto my vice
it's a two way street
or maybe a 6 way street
maybe a city
with all these vices collectively linked
i detach
of us
**** us
**** us
**** us again
**** me
i wonder what he wants from me?
i wonder what he feels for me
what he see's in me
what he really thinks of me
does he see inside me or does he just want to be inside me
hah..the feelings faded
back to you being nothing
until the next time
i think of you and smile, gently,appreciating in mock admiration
Apr 2015 · 219
S Apr 2015
inherently creepy please back away *****
i'm just a *******
Apr 2015 · 145
S Apr 2015
i just wanna be your *****
Apr 2015 · 198
S Apr 2015
all I've ever known is a life of luxury
lavish and grand
gold and shiny
sheer darkness and value
it adorns my skin
apparent to all that see me in the way i carry myself
watch me walk past you, you'll be walking next to me if i want you to
it's only a matter of time
Apr 2015 · 132
S Apr 2015
if you catch me with my tongue on my teeth, don't bother looking at me twice
Apr 2015 · 238
S Apr 2015
i'm impatient yet carefully calculated
rash but completely under control
everything moves fast
time, my breathing, my thoughts, sheer motion but it's blurred in complete stillness
it's infiltrating and wondrous
easy to get lost in, hard to complicate
Apr 2015 · 201
S Apr 2015
picture this
i'm bounding through a wood chipped floor forest
in america
everything is a deep green
with a picture of natural brown amalgamated with the black i mistake for brown
i shouldn't be seeing in colour
it's not something my species is used to
i'm only focused on myself
only i matter
animalistic ,
Apr 2015 · 224
S Apr 2015
eyes are so important
but i feel that they're too relevant
but why is it a bad thing for eyes to be relevant
maybe it's the 21st century human nature to lust for irrelevant obscurity, to mask our own relevance
because relevance isn't short lived
and we all hate commitment
Apr 2015 · 155
S Apr 2015
i see your hands as a tree
your fingers being both the branches and the roots
the foundation and the being
your veins, the bark
blood, tree sap
my skin on your hand
soil next to a tree
Apr 2015 · 170
S Apr 2015
please tell me how i've managed to forge a connection like this with you
i'm just screaming on the inside
funny how i don't even know whether im talking about a person or a little habit i can't kick
whatever you are
you make me feel empty, intoxicated, and completely willing to give myself over
a little tilt of the head, maybe i'll throw in some empty eye action
and just hold myself, my arms draped across the most sensitive parts of my body
at most, caressing my neck
Apr 2015 · 162
S Apr 2015
i know just what my eyes look like and i can't even see myself
hell i can't even picture myself
i'm lost in my own wide eyed yet heavy lidded glare
Apr 2015 · 206
S Apr 2015
hah how long till you dump me
i;m yours and only yours, right
wrong, left
hah kidding, unconditional, unsurpassed
wait what
Mar 2015 · 177
S Mar 2015
did you ever wake up and think, i'm going to paint my lips today, i want to sugarcoat them x
Mar 2015 · 180
S Mar 2015
God why are you always in the forefront of my mind. you're so temporary but you just appear to be everything. I want you, sexually, of course. I'm lax with commitment and just a little apprehensive of it since i get bored easily. i want you to be the one. i only catch glimpses of you but this time that's not my only indulgence or limit, i now have a means of communication with you and it's so frustrating. i'll miss you when your gone, i miss you, i miss you every day ugh to be continued
Mar 2015 · 201
S Mar 2015
poems are raw fragments of thoughts or emotion, a chance to indulge in something as frivolous as acknowledging the truth. A poem is singular, to you and only you, because only you matter, to you
Mar 2015 · 289
S Mar 2015
you know, this is something that has really...let's say 'dawned' on me. It may seem obvious but it's something that is practiced with such fluency. The facades we all project, such ease and such guilt-free fun. It's like a sweet lie that you can run alongside in sunny fields with. it's satisfying,highly.
we put on these facades so easily and all it takes is small but effective 'entrances' into your so called life. a little glimpse here and there never did anyone any harm, i mean it's not like it's real.
it's trickery, carried out by the every-man. i'm not who you think i am and you're not who i think you are. we are not multifaceted, we are plain, stripped and devoid of this
Mar 2015 · 511
All she really wants
S Mar 2015
what do we all really want? do we know? is it the unknown? is it familiar to strangers or loved ones and just unbeknownst to us?
an odd thought...well not really but you know
I hold myself in my own self proclaimed aura of power by holding my secrets close to my heart and letting others know, that i know, just exactly what i want. I mean i'm sure that's what we associate with power, right? who wants or even needs someone who has no singular recollection of controlling what the mind sporadically desires. I know what i want but that cancels itself out and leaves me thinking in a disjointed manner, just what do i want? and stemming off that, why? and stemming off that how? and stemming off that, does this ever stop?
careful calculation, artistic determination, a 'so called' higher thought process, and lastly, an urge or a will. the ingredients to creation,success and maybe self fulfillment are so substandard, the faux, as I once lovingly called it. The faux, a careful concealment and fluorescent indicator to all around us. It's absolute ******* but so much fun
Sep 2014 · 146
S Sep 2014
i say writing is one of my ultimate passions and i'm always called out on my ability at English when i'm at college and people who appreciate my work but i struggle to get what's in my mind out and it's the worst struggle ever i mean i'm not exactly shy of expressing myself in fact i might sometimes overly express myself so what's the problem here?
Sep 2014 · 147
S Sep 2014
im seeking something, always searching for that one thing that's is right in front of me
Sep 2014 · 120
S Sep 2014
i've never quite met a mind like mine or yours but i've met many of hers
Sep 2014 · 116
S Sep 2014
the kind of writing that really effects me and makes me feel is writing how i am in this post. talking like you are speaking and just saying anything casually not thought for. it's almost as if i'm truly speaking to you through this website
Jul 2014 · 271
S Jul 2014
We'll dance like they did in old London
Curled hair and elegant dresses
you'll take my arm, twirl me around, then we'll stumble outside
remove your suit jacket and set it aside
you'll show me a world of rough hair and adventures.
You rip off your suit and don a large jacket, you take my arm and twirl me around,whispering in my ear, "there's so much to see..just you and me, come with me I'll take the lead" and off he goes leading me into a love hate life.
He twirled me around and the world and now I can't breathe.He's gone.
Oh what a life he showed me.
Jul 2014 · 132
S Jul 2014
I've lost sight of what's important
Jul 2014 · 206
i can't . work this out .
S Jul 2014
Am I a poet? Do I know it? Am i just waiting for a sonnet? To tuck into my bonnet while I scrub the floors of my Lady's castle? Or am I impatient to receive my Haiku? Just to see it stamped into the pavement or ripped by some man's shoe? Or perhaps a good old story? To brighten my days that are blurry? Maybe a speech will do? To empower my sky to change to a lovely hue? I think I'm just waiting for you? To help me escape from my youth.
Jul 2014 · 203
S Jul 2014
A few day's ago my father took me out and we ended up taking a stroll down the ever famous memory lane.
Thousands, perhaps millions, had stumbled down this very lane, but to me, I alone had only discovered it.
i'll come back to day
Jul 2014 · 194
what is unknown?
S Jul 2014
More.All we ever want is more.All i ever want is just more.Nothing is enough.
More of what though?
I can't keep myself on one subject, I just left 3 other pieces of writing in the space of 10 minutes
to be finished
Jun 2014 · 680
love you not the internet
S Jun 2014
We really are a superficial generation, we rely on the amount of Facebook likes on our profile pictures as a determiner of how popular or pretty we are.
Today I got asked 'How many likes did you get on your profile picture?' Does it matter? My beauty is NOT and never will be indicated by the amount of likes I get. Even if I upload a picture of myself on Facebook and no one 'likes' it, what does that mean? that i'm ugly? that no one likes me?
Jun 2014 · 713
S Jun 2014
it's just something. something about old pictures, something about the way the streets look different and the way those wrinkles on your face now aren't alive yet just waiting to be born,
the way the hues of the image before me are washed out but still shine with the memories you infused into every droplet of ink printed onto the page.
mother and daughter crouched onto the broken cobbled stones.
frilly summer dresses and messy hair for you and for your mother, timeless elegance.
the narrowed streets swallowing you, bring you closer, but closer to what?
the  faded corner shop with the grumbling old man resided in the small city streets.
take a look around, do you remember? tell me about why you took this? when you took this? how did it feel taking this? what had happened before you took this picture?
the small limbed entity crouched cheekily next to her mother, oh i look at you and wonder just how fast time goes.
the time ticks on and so does my heart, that's a second gone, now a minute, suddenly an hour. wait how did 14 years go by.

they trigger something inside of me
not finished and a spontaneous error filled piece, forgive my sins
May 2014 · 175
what happened
S May 2014
I start to internally scream at night?
May 2014 · 201
moon ligh t
S May 2014
i've been wondering if i should write a diary
but is it worth it?
May 2014 · 331
leave maybe?
S May 2014
actually bringing in a sudden twist of thought
when you don't look at things fully then they brighten your mood
but when you see everything bared
well that's a different story in itself
May 2014 · 303
a kind of thanks
S May 2014
it's nice when one word or one person can brighten your insides up and put your mind at ease even if it's temporary
it's just nice
S May 2014
It always intrigues me how things change
change no matter how big or small is significant
change starts off small and builds itself up till it's unrecognizable
change can make or break anything
sometimes when someone changes it's because of you
you've made them into this monster
how do you turn them back?
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