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 Dec 2019 eccedentesiast
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A poem every day.
Do the flowers mourn when one is picked?
I know that question is kinda morbid and sick.
But I’ve always wondered if they somehow know,
Like for weddings and birthdays that it’s their time to go?

Do they feel sorry for lovestruck dames,
That pull off petals whilst saying their crushes’ names,
That pulled the last petal on “He loves me not”?
Do they feel bad that she’s distraught?

Do they compete on who’s the prettiest?
Each person has an opinion of which flower is the best,
Of their looks are they actually aware,
Do flowers even care?
"Why do you stay even though it hurts?"

He answered:
"Why do you hold a rose even though it hurts?"
I smile and laugh because if the people that cared about me knew my real pain, they would be worried and I cannot burden them with my weakness. I'm the strong one.
I do the saving, I don't get saved, I'm not supposed to be...
 Dec 2019 eccedentesiast
There are no words that rightfully capture this. Not even human poetry....
 Nov 2019 eccedentesiast
so materialistic
I wish you'd find other ways to love me
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