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 Dec 2015 EblenF
I am in love
With the freckles
In your right eye
The islands
That keep me from drowning
In your depths
And ground me to reality

I am in love
With the scars
Across your shoulders
That have no story
And might be burns
Familiar to my fingertips
At a single touch

I am in love
With the blue ink
Across the right of your chest
A quote from some film
About an existential crisis
Printed on skin
You're my favourite book

I am in love
With your love
For clichéd things
Like pictures of moons
And quotes that are lame
But most of all your thoughts
Of moonlit oceans and love

I am in love
With the way
You give without regret
Of the loss of money
Or time spent
Without ever expecting
Anything back

I am in love
With the mess
That you're always in
Your creased clothes
And your car
And the chaos that is
Your daily routine

I am in love
With the curls
In your ***** blonde hair
I like when its short
And looks tidy and good
But I love when its long
So I can run my fingers though it

I am in love
With the smile
You have just for me
The slightest little curve
Of your lips to the left
That makes me smile
Whether I want to or not

I am in love
With the way
That you see me as someone
That I'd like to be
As someone worthy
Of the love
You've given me

I am in love
With your hands
And how they fit every inch
Of my body just right
Like a piece of me
Just wasn't there

I am in love
With your promise
That bloomed out of silver
That you'll stay for a while
Like a drop in the ocean
Caught in a hand that might
Be able to hold onto it

I am in love
With you
Your chaos
Your flaws
Your promise
Your love
 Nov 2015 EblenF
sugar kind
 Nov 2015 EblenF
when the lights go down low
my feet will shake to that sweet sunny glow.

when that good ol' jazzy jazz spurs into my thoughts
my one and only concern will be not to stop.

when I’m taking that kind of high
I swear I don’t, I don’t need to know why

but I know this:
when that feeling of bliss arrive
I'll know for sure why I'm alive.
 Nov 2015 EblenF
Peter Pan
I love it when you kiss me
it ripples across my skin
if my body was the earth
you'd be an earthquake
 Nov 2015 EblenF
maybe lungs were built for floods
and maybe
just maybe
that's enough

maybe hearts were built for flames
and maybe
just maybe
love is tame
 Oct 2015 EblenF
Megan L
My Friends
 Oct 2015 EblenF
Megan L
We're a sad starving bunch

of stupid teenagers

sipping from the sky

an occasional rain drop.

We're a sad starving bunch

of secret-keeping teenagers

shrieking to the sky

the phantom growing pains and all too real slowness of our sappy lives.

We're a sad starving bunch

of sanguinary teenagers

shooting our brains toward the sky

attempting to sacrifice ourselves for something more serene.
Written for my close ones.
 Oct 2015 EblenF
Pearson Bolt
she has eyes like ice
and a mohawk the shade
of bubblegum

she's an artist
and a misfit
outfitted in
ethereal attire
the flows off her
alabaster skin
like wisps of shadow
or tuffs of smoke

she chews on her lower
lip when she thinks you
aren't looking and has
a nervous habit of
biting her nails
the polish is chipped
and cracked in some
places and sorely
needs a new coat

at first glance you
might think her fragile
but the subtle smirk
that tugs at either side
of her mouth belies a
quiet confidence
a take-no-prisoners
a ****-it-all

not grounded in apathy
but nurtured in non-compliance
her lack of conformity is more
than some youthful
stage of defiance

she is disobedient and
everyone says they're afraid of her
that she scares them senseless
but i kissed her once and
we stayed friends after
i think she knows me better
than i know myself

she stands in the corner
of seedy concert halls as
cigarettes leave a haze above
the heads of pre-teens and
old metal-heads nurse their
alcoholic beverages
everyone pretends she is
somewhere—or even

but not me
we stand together
sometimes we hold hands
and i catch her smiling
out of the corner of my eye
from time to time
 Oct 2015 EblenF
having always been afraid
of heights
it makes me happier
than can be explained
that when
I found myself
in love with you
I hadn't fallen
but had been carried
moment by moment
into the deepest
purest love
I have ever known
though in finding
myself in unfamiliar depths
panic crept in
suggesting that
falling might be better
as you land in the shallows
but the sound of panic
could not be heard
over the sound
of a universe
transpiring to lead me into a future
that I have not yet
come to understand
beyond the feeling of finding
my way back home
but I haven't quite grown into this soul
that matches the one that you have
but a ghost of a promise
was made for a time
when I fit into a soul
that belongs with yours
until oblivion sends us searching once more
 Oct 2015 EblenF
Julia Brennan
Falling fast
From high above
The dawning
from Ego
Bitter In Taste
Sweet in Action
And this is
You must
Knowing that
The Ground
Will meet
A STATESMAN is an easy man,
He tells his lies by rote;
A journalist makes up his lies
And takes you by the throat;
So stay at home' and drink your beer
And let the neighbours' vote,
Said the man in the golden breastplate
Under the old stone Cross.
Because this age and the next age
Engender in the ditch,
No man can know a happy man
From any passing wretch;
If Folly link with Elegance
No man knows which is which,
But actors lacking music
Do most excite my spleen,
They say it is more human
To shuffle, grunt and groan,
Not knowing what unearthly stuff
Rounds a mighty scene,
 Oct 2015 EblenF
I am leaving my dear
  one of us has to go
    and I don't think  
I know that it won't be you
  my love
    we are haunting these walls
       with the memories of a beginning
          that has long since passed
I know my angel
  that this hurts
     I know
       that this is tearing a hole in your heart
I know because my own heart
    is moth eaten and
      and if I could find a way
        to rekindle this love again
I would my sweet
   I swear it
      but the nights are too long and we're shackled
    to a love that once was
a fire that burned beyond the obvious
  the obvious
the obvious that we could never keep
      the storm from eventually blowing
and I know I'm rambling on my dove
    but I can't leave until I'm certain
that you understand I am not leaving
    I don't love you anymore
   I am leaving because I believe
that if I steal your essence any longer from the world
    that you shall crumble in my hands
   and I will cease to be
so you see my dear I have to go
    because I believe that we both deserve
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