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Dylan Casey Sep 2015
wanting to try again
but scared I will hurt you again
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
you're still on my mind,
all the time
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
It seems like you have made your decision,
but what is mine
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
You are the best thing I have ever had.
and I lost you.
#love #will #find #way #back #sorry
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
We sat on a bench in a park,
and cried.
We cried because of how hard life is.
I cried because the space that separated us,
finally affected us.
We swung on the swings together,
Like the best friends we will always be.
We laughed our hearts out,
and we called eachother by our nicknames,
Nachodynamite and Youngsniper.
Dylan Casey Sep 2015
I don't know what happened.
It wasn't your fault.
You are the most perfect being.
I don't know why I feel this way.
I don't want to.
I still care about you and love you.
I am scared.
The thought of never talking to you again,
Haunts me.
The thought of never singing together,
Terrifies me.
The thought of losing our rare connection,
Kills me.
I will still keep the notes you wrote me.
I will still keep the pictures of us.
I love them.
I know I hurt you and I am sorry.
I still love you though.
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