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 Sep 2023 J Lee
Bo Burnham
I said no to drugs once.
I looked a bag of **** right in the face
and, like a loving but firm father,
I said, "No."
I was really high.
 Sep 2023 J Lee
Ariana Bagley
I love him
I tell myself
I know that
We will be together forever
I don’t believe that
We could be separated
My thoughts tell me that
He’s the love of my life
Sometimes my heart lies and says
I could live an eternity
Without him
Like my friends say
“We’re perfect for each other”
And you can’t tell me
He’s not the one.

Now read from bottom to top.
 Oct 2017 J Lee
I was looking for love
And I lost my peace
The love was above
I was on my knees.

The prayers were lost
The pain was everywhere
What are here those ghosts?
What's doing the fear?
 Sep 2016 J Lee
the following
 Sep 2016 J Lee
you moved with the soft rise and fall of morning tides in the ocean
and, hastily, i followed, even though i couldn't swim
you walked along soft, high grasses shining in the warmth given by light
and, carefully, i followed, even though the sun burned my skin
you spoke words of sugar and might, letting your soul spill in soft twilight
and, slowly, i followed, even though the taste of sugar ran me dry
you were a night sky, glistening with stars and constellations
and, like always, i was a **** enveloped in your carnations
 Aug 2016 J Lee
A heart lost poet
This is my invitational suicide,
My final coup de grace,
I can't handle this anymore,
I stand so close to the edge leaning over thinking about it,
My mind screams yes,
But my heart says no,
To wait...
The thought runs through my mind,
It never fails to stop me at the last moment,
Just when I want to give up,
When self-Immolation and penance seem to be the only answer...
She runs through my mind,
Her deep brown eyes and soft brown hair catch me everytime,
No matter how fast I fall after I jump she catches me,
She tortures me,
She is the reason I live when I wish to die,
She is the reason I know my life is worth living.
 Aug 2016 J Lee
A heart lost poet
The way to her heart,
Is through respect,
You want to love her,
You need to love her friends,
You need to love her family,

Before you ever ask her,
Ask her father,
Show him,
That you are the man that respects him,
That you respect his daughter,

Get his permission to date,
Get his permission to be serious,
Get his permission to marry her,

Wherever life takes you,
Wherever loves takes you,
Respect her,
She is fragile,
She is precious,
She is the most valuable thing that you will ever have.

Love her as if you would never love again,
Kiss her as if it is your last,
Hold her as to comfort her,
Look her in the eyes when you tell her you love her,

Respect the things she says,
Her heart only trusts so many times,
Don't use all your chances to make her happy or she will find someone who will,

As the quote goes,

Protect her like a daughter,
Respect her like a mother,
Love her like a wife.


Empower her,
Support her,
Personalize her problems,
Enrich her life,
Together live life
 Aug 2016 J Lee
A heart lost poet
Do you know what the word fine stands for
Freaked out
Neurotic and

Now I just want you to know before you read any further
I am fine

So let us begin

I am sorry
I am sorry that I was so closed
But I was only closed because I felt like if you saw my demon you'd run
Because the truth is since the day we met I have thought about suicide
You held that demon at bay without knowing it and I never wanted to put that kind of pressure on you

As it was
I was scared to lose you
To fail at a committed relationship
Before you I had never had one
I mean a true commitment not just where I say that a girl and I dating

I'm sorry that I didn't keep you happy
I'm sorry that your family lead me to believe they liked us together.
I'm sorry I wasn't the man your father would want you to marry

I am sorry that I was childish
Sorry you thought I wasn't committed enough
I am sorry that I missed my chance with you

Of all the things I could be sorry for.
And I know how long that list is

I want you to know..
I will never
Be sorry
For the fact that I love you the way I do
I will never be sorry
For that fact that I would fight for you any chance I got

And I will never be sorry
For the fact that I still hold hope for us
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