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J Lee Oct 2018
I want to feel all the pain that has built you.
I want to see the memories that break you.
I want to know, what makes your heart race.
I want to know what scares you.

Don't fight it.
I know you want me to destroy you,
If it's honest love you want
Hope will breed eternal misery.
J Lee May 2017
What happened to us.
We destroyed each other.
I miss you..
Did you fall in love?
  Dont forget me.
I wont let you love me.
its hurting both of us.
We love each other.
I think.
You love me more than I love you.
Its not fair to either of us.
J Lee May 2017
I'm not supposed to miss you.
So they say.
But I think of you
Almost everyday.
I keep telling myself that I'm not supposed to love you.
That's why you hold her close.
But here I am.

Heavy hearted
I'm scared that I love you.
I don't want to take your happiness.
But I want to take away your pain.
laugh through your tears.
Even though its all said and done.
You're the one who holds my heart.

I keep telling you not to miss me.
But you still think of me.
I keep telling you not to love me.
I'm too dangerous.
But there you are.

Holding onto a battle you'll never win.
You want to be happy.
but with happiness is new pain.
you're heart isn't done healing from the last time.
And I'm still the one who broke it.

We constantly live in a fantasy where nothings changed.
Its our only comfort.
Nothing bad happens there.
Only love.
a play ground for our hearts,
Where our dreams for the future are still alive.
before our hands turned to ice.
J Lee Mar 2017
Don't speak
all you speak are lies
Just stop and listen to me
understand me
breathe me in and hear me.
Ill keep your secrets as if they were my own.
Bottle my tears for another rainy day.
This was no accident.
You broke my heart.
Maybe its a cruel joke on me.
Am I talking to myself?
You dont ******* care.
J Lee Feb 2017
I cannot hide
I'm drowning inside.
Help me..
Slay me..

My demons are multiplying.
Lips are chapped and faded.
Its grey and cold outside.
I'm a hazard to myself.
Destroying former beauty.  

This is a hell that shouldn't be reckoned with.
Lets never speak again.
So close to being in love.
My heart lives in the coffin I drag behind me.

The truth is you could slit my throat
And with my last breath
I'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt.

Because **** this fading world.
Slay me..
I don’t think about this often.
But when I do..
My god when I do..
I beg you to slay me .
Fade my life line.

Monsters watch me through the windows as I pass by.
Their lips curl into a smile.

Slay me..
Is there no help for me??
The shadows prove I'm alone.

Take my death and use it as a PSA.
I have a terrible fear that I may be loosing it..
Its so unbelievably hard
Wake me up from this nightmare..
Slay me…
J Lee Nov 2016
Who knew a set of eyes could take my breath away.
Who knew her laugh could be so contagious.
Don't even get me started on that smile.

Who knew I could see into my soul.
Shes all I dream about now.
I'm loosing sleep for all the right reasons.
We saved each other from our demons.
they play nicely together.
I wish I could be a better person for you.
But its the hell we dragged ourselves through
that brought us together.

This is not a poem.
I am not a poet.
I am simply a person pouring their love into words.
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