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J Lee Oct 2016
Where the light once showed there is a darkness.
It's grey and cold.
It rains most days.
The sun stops rising.
Cries for help are never heard.
It's you're personal hell
" Am I going insane?"
Locked inside..
Fearing what the future may bring.
Days become nights.. And nights they never end.
back and forth..
Forever a prisoner of my mind.
J Lee Aug 2016
This is no longer just poetry its a lifeline.
I'm afraid too loose this little motivation.
Always on the hunt for a little more time....
searching wandering
looking to the skies
Birds they repeat the lies.
Do you even believe in yourself anymore
Follow the skies, to open your dead eyes.

J Lee Aug 2016
I never thought the world could look so grey,
Or felt this kind of cold before.

I've never wanted to shut the world out,

I never thought love would feel so wrong to me,
Or see a day where music didn't have a meaning.

I've never wanted to hear your empty words,
Or make a promise I couldn't keep.

I never meant to push you away,
Or block the world away with my headphones.

I never would ask you to forgive me,
Or let my self inject your heart with Novocain .

I didn't know I was hurting you.
or myself in the process.

But now I'm out of words to say..
guess I'll put my headphones back on.
J Lee Jun 2016
" Stop asking me questions.
I don't have the answers your looking for. "
" I never have.
And I never will. "
Answer my questions;
Do you love her?
Do you know her heart is beating...
Can you hear her when she screams your name.
No.. You only hear the voices in your head.
Telling you your better off alone.
Telling you, that you don't need her anymore...
To just let her ******* heart rot away till there is only microscopic traces of it left, and watch her as her skies become gray.
Back and forth
Back and forth over and over with meaningless words.
Can you answer my questions?
What of one day she looked into your eyes and returned her pain to you.
Would you answer her then...
J Lee Apr 2016
There it is again.
It plays in your dreams.
In your nightmares,
You've heard this song all your life.
But could never figure out where its coming from.
Is it from emotion
Or maybe your heart...
What about your soul..
J Lee Mar 2016
What defines social.
Is it how many friends you talk to,
Or is it how many followers worship your every word...
Who knows..
Maybe social, is code for be someone else..
Just maybe its hide your every flaw.
Well I say **** the media.
**** the rules that say if your not pretty or dying your no one.
But that leaves it to who I am..
Who am I?
I'm just another person on social media trying not to look any different from you.
J Lee Feb 2016
Me,we stare up at the stars,
We dance to the rhythm of our hearts.
I fall deeper and deeper into love with you.
You,pull away;
I,still swear I watched the light fade from your,eyes..
We,didn't make it to forever.
She was in your smile today.
I felt selfish for wanting one last kiss.
You,told me goodbye
While he told me hello.
Were friends now...
I'm thankful for that..
You,you're still in my life..
Me? Well, ill be ****** if I go anywhere.
So that's it I guess. Were..back to..Us.
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