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  May 2017 Dipa Rani G
The entire day I spoke to countless mouths
At night I fell short of tales
                                                  To write.
I wonder now what did I have to say in the morning
When no event ever took place?

(Clearly I wasn't even listening).
Now I feel I wasted my words
(And your time).
Dipa Rani G May 2017
On that day,
After a light rain,
I was with coffee,
My dream was wet
So the afternoon.

In between,
Comforting breeze,
Aging afternoon,
Mischievous cloud,
And silent sky,

Suddenly on right-east side,
From the heaven to earth,
Seven colors united,
And spread the sky.
A rainbow.

A mystique being,
Without measure,
Rain’s treasure,
Sky’s lover,
Dream’s color.
A rainbow.
Wrote for a online contest

— The End —