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Nov 2019 · 195
Cheyanne Hopkins Nov 2019


1. the loudest point reached in a gradually increasing sound.
"the music rose into a crescendo"

the music swells around us, in this room where our eyes first met. the room i first saw you, i first saw myself.
my breath exits my mouth in short breaths, mesmerised by your soul and the way it greets mine

2. the highest point reached in a progressive increase of intensity.
"the hysteria reached a crescendo around the parade"

the tears block my vision, my voice hoarse with anger. i hear your voice heighten, the temperature in the room rising. your voice is piercing. spitting venom. my breath exits my chest in quick, gasping breaths, fighting to stay together.
your soul stands before me rotting and splintering, hateful words directed at mine. your arm raises in an unfamiliar motion. ready to strike but your soul strikes before your hand can, venom seeping into the wound on my cheek

c.h.h.b end.
May 2019 · 238
will i?
Cheyanne Hopkins May 2019
When the news of your death reaches my ears
How will I mourn?
How will it hurt?
Will it hurt at all?

I'm not sure

When the news of your death reaches me
Will I rejoice?
I never had a choice
except to pretend you didn't hurt me
anger me

When the news of your death reaches me
Will I care?
Will anyone?
why wouldn't we celebrate?
after all your actions
why would I cry?

When the news of your ended existence reaches my ears
how will I react?

not very much at all,
I expect
This is about my father, he *****. This is for you dad, I hate you
Cheyanne Hopkins May 2019
Look away. Don't meet their eyes, don't stare at their face. Just don't.
2. Don't think about them. Rid them from your mind, think of other 'better' things
3. Don't look at them when they are happy. When their eyes are shining and their smile is large. Don't let it make your heart sped up. Refuse.
4. When they are nice, remember that they are not doing it for you. They are polite. That is all.
5. When they talk to people like they talk to you, or they flirt with them. Don't be jealous. They are not yours.
6. You are not right for them. Remember that. Above everything else, you do not deserve such a imperfect masterpiece.
7. Give yourself space. No matter how much you want to be with them. You can't. You need to stop. Make sure you aren't attached. (You are though, you know that. Ignore it)
8. Distract yourself. Whenever you start thinking about doing something. Read a book. Get lost in the pages. (Realise the thought come back after the book is done. Accept that. Start another book. Drink lots of tea.)
9. Convince yourself that you don't care. They aren't that important. Only a friend. Only a peer. Nothing more.
10. You don't care, you can't. There is absolutely nothing that can make you care about them. (But then they smile)
11. Know that it will pass. (It won't)
12. Make sure to never be in same room alone. Your mind will wander, hopes will grow.
13. Make a list. Why are you not compatible what do you hate about them. (The answer: not a lot. Everything you don't like is manageable)
14: Quit. It's hopeless
Cheyanne Hopkins Mar 2019
I think I’ve known you were leaving for a while but
I just didn’t want to admit it

It was 4am
Tuesday 10th of February

You’ve given me a lot of memories
Ones I hope I’ll remember until I leave too

You left awhile ago
A long time since I saw you
I miss you
I wish you were here
Maybe I would be better if you were

It’s been 10 years
Since I saw you last
Since I saw you were here
Since I had a father figure

I was 7
I’m still unsure if the memories of you are real
Are mine
Or if someone told me about these memories I’m supposed to have

I miss you still
I’ll never stop

I don’t like to think of you
It scares me
It makes my eyes water

I like to pretend you’re still here
It makes it easier to breathe
Like every day isn’t my imagination just continuing without you
It makes it easier to cope

This is about my grandfather who died 10 years ago. I love you Deda
Cheyanne Hopkins Feb 2019
I never stopped thinking about how we had to leave because of you
How you got to stay there and we had to escape

I know she was still worried you would come to find us
that you would attack when we were alone

Прекратите, пожалуйста
I still remember what happened when you were drunk
I was young but I see the memories through a fish tank

I still get scared around you
But I never flinch

хаос = chaos, страх = fear, Прекратите, пожалуйста = stop please, Храбрый = brave, Прощай = goodbye
Feb 2019 · 169
Cheyanne Hopkins Feb 2019
hidden looks, touches
shared breaths
stormy eyes


Holding Hands
Sharing Stories, Secrets
Life Lived In Unison

my knowledge of love is limited
the information i thought was true is recondite
Feb 2019 · 228
prison walls
Cheyanne Hopkins Feb 2019
Tomorrow is when we try
So I don’t have to pretend I’m okay today
A shadow guards me
Encasing me in this glass prison
Shallowed out breath
Teardrop filled eyes
But they won’t leak

I have to be careful when I escape this prison
The scars on my arms paled but not yet gone
Memories of blood and tears
empty promises and doubt

A meticulous escape plan must be created
One to let me escape unscathed

Let me leave this prison unbroken
Slight Trigger Warning: Implication of Self Harm
Feb 2019 · 192
I knew you
Cheyanne Hopkins Feb 2019
I knew you before I knew myself.
Before I had truly become myself.
You were always there,
a mere thought in the back of my mind.
I never noticed how much I relied
on seeing your trusting eyes to keep me going,
I still think of you sometimes,
how I clung onto you like a lifeline.
How I never should have done that,
I wasn’t yours to fix
I'm no ones to fix but myself

I have to STOP relying so much
On the breathing of others to save me
I know now that's why you left
Its the only thing I can think of

I think I'm better now
Not completely
But more aware of who I was before
Less selfish maybe
More scared though
Maybe freer
My words still get stuck in my throat
A locking door, deadbolted
But s o  m  e   t   i    m    e     s,
Sometimes I can pick the lock

Its never unlocked for long though

I miss you
I don’t know if I’ve ever missed anyone more
I miss you so much sometimes
I know I shouldn’t
But I thought I could have loved you
And I can’t let that go yet

I don’t hear your name anymore
Unless I’m the one to say it
It doesn’t hurt to say anymore
More of an empty ache
One day I know I won’t need to mention
Want to mention you
One day it won’t still hurt that you left me
Because you did
You left
Without explanation
Refusing to explain
Why didn’t you just tell me
I would have tried to be better

I am better
It took longer than it should of
But no one was telling me what I was doing wrong
Instead, people just left
Why do people always leave

I don’t think I can handle someone else leaving
I need to be perfect
I want to be perfect
I’m not perfect
In any way
I’ll never be perfect

And that’s why people leave
And I just have to deal with it
I have to learn to read the minds of the ones I lost
The ones who left without even a goodbye

Is it because I’m too sad?
Someone said that to me once
That I was too sad
and that it was my fault that they left
That I made them leave
How did I make them leave?
All I wanted was them to stay
I wanted to better for them
Why didn’t they tell me I was wrong?

It's hard to fix your brain when you don’t know what's broken
When you can feel something wrong
but you can’t find the issue

The virus that poisons me
Reaching into my head
My heart
Blackening it
Filling it with hatred
I don’t want to hate
I want to love
And be loved
And I want people to STop leaving
But they never do
People never stop leaving

Some days I want to be left behind
Maybe if I fold into myself
If I leave people first
Then it won’t hurt as bad
But I don’t want to
I want to be happy
Not happy like
A pill that lasts only a few hours
I want my happiness to replaced my sadness
My sadness to replace my happiness let them switch out
Live each other's lives for a while

Maybe then I can learn to be myself
Feb 2019 · 256
distilled time
Cheyanne Hopkins Feb 2019
Sometimes time stands still
in the most excruciating way
and I can't bring my self to take a deep breath
TO let myself be fixed
To admit I can be fixed
Can I be fixed?
AM I broken?
Am I scared?

I am scared that when time stands still
the air becomes stale, harder to swallow
My eyes sting with tears

Deep painful breath
shut eyes
stop tears
don't cry
not here
not now
when I'm safer

when my breath doesn't hurt so much
when time is moving a little faster
Dec 2018 · 151
Cheyanne Hopkins Dec 2018




Nov 2018 · 209
Cheyanne Hopkins Nov 2018
one minute

I've been sitting in the corner for one minute, now I want to leave, need to leave. 60 seconds, 6 0. But now I can't

I'm sitting as far from the door as possible, the doorknob is barely visible.
On top of it is a giant spider. Well not giant, but big in spider proportions. I could see the hair coming from it.

three minutes

I'm not scared of spiders. Really, I'm not. I'm just not fond of them, I don't love them. I don't want to turn the handle when there is a large spider on it.
I have somewhere to be

let me leave

let me

Nov 2018 · 180
Cheyanne Hopkins Nov 2018
Her eyes were darker than I remembered
Emptier too.
I used to find a home in those eyes
Now all I see is a maze
waiting to get lost
waiting to be trapped

Ready to catch me again
But this time I know I'll fall
and i don't know if I can get up this time

They used to be bright green
Emerald flecked with gold
Now they are dull
the spark gone
replaced with


I know you are lost too,
I don't know if you can be found again
I hope you can
you deserve it
Nov 2018 · 145
Cheyanne Hopkins Nov 2018
She sat against the wall
Shoulders sagging
Hopelessness became her
She became it
She wanted
To be fixed
But she wasn't broken
Never broken

She loved me once
When she was well and able to handle us
She isn't anymore
I still see her sometimes
At school
In the halls
In class

Her smile full
Her laugh; paper floating to the floor
Sometimes I saw the cracks
The glimpes of pain
Of sorrow
But I know it is over
I know it is goodbye
Nov 2018 · 613
swingset i
Cheyanne Hopkins Nov 2018
swinging back and forth
low and slow
singing a song under your breath

eyelashes thick and dark
fluttering as you blink
a calming hum fills my ears
I step forward
noise leaving my mouth
you jump

your eyes meet mine
your lips part briefly
breath pushing past them
your mouth lifts in a smile
my heart lifts

Oct 2018 · 192
Another Year
Cheyanne Hopkins Oct 2018
A breath
Eyelids closed
a racing pulse
vibrations felt in your chest
yet, I feel the same
as always
sad and happy
scared and fearless
careful and careless
brave and cowardly
confident and anxious
lost and found

broken and whole

and I take another breath
eyes slowing blinking away the sleep and the nightmares
another year

everything the same
Turned 17 today
Oct 2018 · 217
jamais à moi
Cheyanne Hopkins Oct 2018
Et que faites-vous dans le noir?

Your name was on my lips before I knew why
or what you truly meant to me

J'entends ta voix et sens ton contact dans mes rêves

I pretend what we could have been
What we could have had
I miss you smiling at me
and your hand brushing mine

Tu me manques au clair de lune
Oct 2018 · 159
Cheyanne Hopkins Oct 2018
Sometimes I feel alone
No matter how many people are around
Like no one really understands
Like a real connection can never be made
Even though I know that I should think that way

It builds in brain
threatening to spill out my lips
I have no one
I'm alone
A catastrophe of panic and paranoia fills my head
fills my chest
why am I trapped
in this world
with these people

in myself

there words everywhere
in front of my eyes
when there are no pages present
I read the words of the air
of the wind
of the sky

let me leave this place
Sep 2018 · 300
Cheyanne Hopkins Sep 2018
hahahahah     ahha
hahah hahahah
hha     hahahah
hahaha   ahahahaha hahah   ahahahahah
hah          hahahah
hah             hahahah
haha                  hahahahha
hah          hahahah
ha          hahah
hahaha    hahahh
hahaha    hahaha
hahaha       hahahaha
hahaha           hahahaha
hahaha                 hahaha
Sep 2018 · 131
Cheyanne Hopkins Sep 2018
Light catches the mirror
Eyes meet eyes
You are mine now
Sep 2018 · 153
Cheyanne Hopkins Sep 2018
Everything stops
I stop
Nothing stops
I'm frozen
I can't move

Everything happening around me
I'm stuck
Can't write

I'm falling so far behind
Sinking deeper into the dark
I'm scared
I'm tired
I need to
and write
and try

I'm stuck
My vision is blurring
my focus is failing
The words don't process
I can't
Aug 2018 · 160
Broken Dreams
Cheyanne Hopkins Aug 2018
I see the cracks in your facade
Little frowns before big smiles
Something was taken from you
I don't dare ask what

Your happiness is now false
Your smile is counterfeit
What a crime it's gone
Who stole your joy

I hope you'll be okay
I'll be waiting if you need me
Aug 2018 · 201
The Reprise
Cheyanne Hopkins Aug 2018
In the mirror, I see your eyes
I hate the lies
that you spit, through your cries
I see you look up to the skies
another prize
now I size,
you up. I see the spies
I no longer fantasize
But you can't see through my disguise
Aug 2018 · 139
Cheyanne Hopkins Aug 2018
Wolf-pup, small and innocent
Loud noises make her jump
and whimper
Her teeth are barely sharp,
her growl high pitched and weak

Wolf-pup snuggles tightly against the members of the pack
scared and tired
and cold

Wolf stands tall, eyes dark
ready to pounce
teeth sharp, ready to tear through flesh
growl strong, loud and pulsates through the ground

the wolf-pup is the alpha now
Aug 2018 · 196
Cheyanne Hopkins Aug 2018
I. The first of the many to be taken by him

II. The first one who was intoxicated by his touch and the venomous words tumbling out of his mouth

III. The first one. The first one.

i­. A poor girl. Small and quiet. Shy eyes. Innocent. A dead girl. Small and calculating. Empty eyes. Hypnotising.

ii. A strong boy. Tall and loud. Joyful eyes. Perfect. A sad boy. Tall and hurt. Dark eyes. Broken.

­1. The blood spilled
Aug 2018 · 180
Cheyanne Hopkins Aug 2018
i. time to stop

sometimes I need to run
go somewhere else
where I don't know anyone
where it doesn't matter
where I don't matter
I need to stop for a minute

ii. let me go

sometimes I can't escape
from this trap
this locked room
with bare walls
I'm screaming
and I can't stop
because the sounds never really come out
the room is always quiet
the sounds don't echo

iii. I'm lost

I know that I'm lost
that I don't know
where I'm going
that I'm losing myself
that I'm scattered everywhere
throughout this house
this house is burning down
and I can't leave because I don't remember how to get out
or where I am
Aug 2018 · 203
Cheyanne Hopkins Aug 2018
WINTER is holding hands
and warm breaths mixed together
Pink noses and cheeks

WINTER is muffled voices
sharing the same space

WINTER is brown eyes
that set alight with the fire at their feet
sparks travelling through their eyes,
across their skin, warming them to their bones

WINTER is light blue eyes
fading into the pale sky
soft pale skin icy to the touch
lips chapped and bright pink
Aug 2018 · 394
Cheyanne Hopkins Aug 2018
The stuck together fragments of my body tap against each other
Making a beat that fills my ears, why can no one else hear it?
They click and clack and clap and ding and knock

click, clap, click,
clack, click,
Knock, knock, knock

Whose at the door now?
The noises fill my ears and my brain
and it is hard to think
hard to focus
hard to calm down because the noise never stops
and then it calm
and the world is quiet and look around a dark room and I can focus

click, click,
ding, knock, clap, knock,
ding, click.

why won't the noise stop
just leave me alone

click, clap, knock,
click, ding.

I just wanna sleep
please just be quiet for a while

click, clack, knock,
ding, knock,

I'm going insane
just stop
I'm always on the verge of tears
the dam ready to break at any second

click, clack, ding, clap,

Jul 2018 · 181
i cant breathe
Cheyanne Hopkins Jul 2018
Yesterday everything was fine
But it wasn't,
it just that you forget how you felt yesterday
because it was fine
and today the pain is back
and you don't remember if it is better or worse
because you started to get numb
and it helped you forget
the pain from yesterday

and sometimes you remember the pain from yesterday
and sometimes it isn't as bad
and sometimes it's worse

and I just need to escape
I need to leave
and stop and breathe
and stop shaking
and why can't I stop
why can't I breathe
why can I never breathe
why is my heart jumping in my chest

my therapist always tells me that when I'm panicking
its because I'm worried about something and I just don't know what
but what if I think and think about what I'm worried about and there's just nothing there
I just can't stop panicking
Jul 2018 · 479
La mort c'est toi
Cheyanne Hopkins Jul 2018
Death is a brown-haired boy
with earth coloured eyes which turn
warm in the sun
those eyes coat my skin like the heat of a bonfire
warming me to my core

Death is a boy with a black eye
and a split lip whose words make
me feel safe

Death is a boy who loves me
something new and exciting
who touches my sin, fire left in his wake
until it doesn't

Death is a boy who leaves me
who cares and cares
until one day
n o t h i n g
Jul 2018 · 201
Regret leaves
Cheyanne Hopkins Jul 2018
Regret is her lips on my mouth
swallowing my sadness until it’s gone
until the tears stop
the laughing begins
and I am content
but she is still cracked

Regret is not telling her she meant something
meant more than anyone else
i miss her still

Regret is loving him when you were the one I needed
I chose him and not you and it was a mistake
i regret it everyday
everyday when he kisses me good morning
because i love him, i do, but he’s not you

Regret is lying to you
when you asked me for the truth
Do you love me?
If you really don’t I’ll leave for good.
I don’t love you. Please leave.
i want you back
but i love him too
and i know I can’t have both of you
but i do
i want both of you and I don’t care if that’s greedy
at least I’m not lying anymore, right?

Regret is never saying any of this
This is super gay✌
Jun 2018 · 472
dont run
Cheyanne Hopkins Jun 2018
you say you're fine
you say your good
you stare into their eyes
"I'm fine"
"I'm good"
You probably smile through your lies
fake happiness and safety
I know your pain
I see it in the mirror
I see it when you tell jokes
I know

you need to talk about it
you try to talk about it
you can't hold it in
it's not good for you
its what I did
think of me now
how I hate myself
bottling it all down

don't push it down
don't pretend
I know how hard it is
pretending your okay
keeping a blank or happy face
avoiding eyes
faking smiles

sometimes I still pretend
that I'm still who everyone thinks I am
that i am like everyone else
a whole girl

then I think how scared you were
when you told me
how you tried to pretend it was fine
like I did then
I can't pretend to be 'normal'
when your words came out broken and shaky
one step from breaking

I remember the day I told you
that I was 'different'
how my heart raced
how my hands tremored
my words barely slipping through my lips
you barely reacted

that's how you were
shaking and almost crying and almost backing out
and you told me that sometimes you feel like it isn't real
like you are lying to yourself
I still do that sometimes

a lot
hey Florence. this is for you. Also, cause you almost made me cry in the last poem
Jun 2018 · 190
Made Perfect
Cheyanne Hopkins Jun 2018
He carved him out of marble,
every curve and point

He built him from damaged stone
Chisels at the ready,

Breaking away insecurities and imperfections

He smoothed his skin with tender hands

His caresses whispered words of love and pride

His masterpiece,
created from the magic of his hands

From his subtle movements,
his caring touches

They travelled through the streets at nightfall
hiding from those who disagreed
those who threw stones and venomous words

His life work
Mounted on a pedestal for all to see
For all to touch and damaged and ruin

His celestial man,
made perfect
Jun 2018 · 228
Be Me
Cheyanne Hopkins Jun 2018
I am her
with shoulder-length hair
and sinking eyes

I am him
with shoulder-length hair
and terrible posture
and tired, sinking eyes

I am them
with shoulder-length hair
and splitting headaches
and warm blankets
and shaking hands
and fear

and empty, tired sinking eyes
May 2018 · 211
he knew
Cheyanne Hopkins May 2018
he lies to the heart
he lies of her decisions
her love was true for you
her love was pure

he tricked you
he tricked us all
he spoke the words which spun the lies we believed

he smiled and cared
he plotted in the shadows
waiting to ruin
to break
to raze

we believed him
we all believed him
we are all to blame
she is gone
she is gone now
all because of him

his pride poisoned him
poisoned them all
anger and ****** racing through their veins
swords ready to strike
pillows ready to smother

i am to blame
i am at fault
i gave the handkerchief
i am the one who ruined
who helped
who killed

i am killed
i am dead
based off act 5 scene 2 of Othello
May 2018 · 184
Cheyanne Hopkins May 2018
her arms move
flowing with the wind
soft and gentle movements

her breath leaves her lips
slipping through their soft flesh
her hips swing slowly,
lithe and balletic

her hands run across her abdomen
feather-light and floating

her eyes shine
fire aflame
ready to burn
to attack
to ****

her dress falls across her skin,
like burning embers dying
a small spark still alive

a phoenix, reborn
thriving and naive
beauty incomparable

she steps towards me
the smile of a feline on her lips
she reaches for me
warm and chilling at once
I shiver,
my cold skin
fingerprints carved into my skin
a memory of the forever running girl
May 2018 · 316
promise me
Cheyanne Hopkins May 2018
promise not to leave
remember what I did
I should have been the one to go,
to die
they didn't deserve to die
they wanted me to join them
I refused
they punished them
because of me

I'm dying now
I know it
Soon I'll be gone
be free from the noises in my head
the screams and cries
the shouts of betray

the memories still flash before my eyes
the sadness
the tears that ran down their faces
I still feel the pain
from the broken skin on my hand
from the punches and kicks
from the children's cries
Hey Florence, this is an attempt to base this off The Promise by PETER KOSMINSKY
May 2018 · 205
screaming loud
Cheyanne Hopkins May 2018
The cries can be heard through the walls
Loud and piercing
I can hear through the floor
The groans and swearing
The uttering of death

I have to close my eyes
Tight enough to block out the light
I can't go there
I know we'll fight
I grab a pillow
And cover my head
I beg and pray
To be left alone instead

I want to sleep
I need to sleep
Please let me sleep
Please let me be
Let me see my dreams
I need to sleep
May 2018 · 192
Are you lost?
Cheyanne Hopkins May 2018
I'm waiting for him to leave
Do I want him to go?
He's gone

I'm walking down the rocky street
Sun flaring and blinding me
The trees are thick with dull green leaves
I find a place to sit

I feel the wooden crevices under my hand
The other hand resting on a page
I hear a sigh of frustation

Blonde Hair
Brown Eyes
They huff again

"Excuse me? Are you lost"
I ask, trying to help
They turn, eyes meeting mine
I take an intake of breath
They smile, eyes shining with thanks
They move towards me

Am I lost?
Apr 2018 · 230
years and years and years
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
1 year
a happy laugh
a happy home

2 years
a loud crack
a abandoned home

5 years
the first day anew
a scared but excited smile

8 years
a cute boy with a nice smile
a new dream

9 years
a best friend

12 years
leaving to somewhere new
a new place
new people
hard to breathe

13 years
better friends
nicer days
hard to breathe

14 years
pretty girls
soft hair
bright eyes
losing friendships
spitting words
broken heart
salty tears

15 years
bitter friends
letting go
shaking hands
stuttered breaths

16 years
better friends
more tears
less chance
times passing
ending soon
going out into the world
Apr 2018 · 255
when did you see him last?
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
last week,
that's the last i saw him, sir
that's the last time he climbed through my window

he hugged me goodbye, sir
like normal
maybe a little tighter

i don't know where he went after, sir
home, i assume

where was he found?
Apr 2018 · 265
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
I was here, were you?
You left me here on the floor
What now do I do?
First time writing a haiku, I'm in biolgy this is a bad idea.
Apr 2018 · 566
Lets Go Back
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
Lets go back
Back to where we started
To where I first saw you

You were fire and embers and smoke
Your lips tasted sweet; like candy
Your body moved to the music
Hips swinging, arms swaying

You were love
Setting me alight
Staring into my eyes
Your fingers brushed mine
Static run through me

Let go back
Before what you did
Before him
Before him

You were acid and burns and cuts from a knife
He tasted you lips; inhaling deep
Your body moved like a serpent
Hypnotising and wicked

You were gone
Putting out our flames
Soaked to the bone
Lost - on the floor
Your arms circled him
Knives stabbing at my gut

Lets go back
To before we began
So I can pretend we never met
That your touch didn't set me on fire
That I never fell in love
with your smile, your laugh

Your eyes sweep across the room
Venom on your lips, ready to strike
You catch my eyes, your mouth upturned

I remember last week when you kiss me like that
Then you left; scared and not ready to love me
You chose him, to tortue me
Your mouth dragging him to you
Knowing I couldn't take away my eyes
Knowing I would break

Knowing I loved you
dont know why I wrote this, ive never experienced this but i wrote it hope you like it
Apr 2018 · 187
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
Bruised eyes
Lying, damaged hearts
Screams from violent arguements
Take me from this hell
Away from here
Right now
Pink cheeks
Wide happy smiles
Embraces, comforting and soft
I want to stay here
I don't want
to leave
Blank eyes
I am lost forever
I don't know where to go
Should I stay here
Should i go
I am lost
and I'm
Apr 2018 · 180
Her Eyes
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
Her bright eyes watch

The way the leaves fall, the way the people dance and laugh and love

Her soft eyes watch them

With their harsh movements, and spitting tongues

Spinning, laughing, lying, trying

Her sad eyes stared at mine

Not seeing what I saw

Her smile, her laugh, her love

Her hips swaying with the wind, falling with the leaves, flying with the birds

Her bright eyes are gone
Apr 2018 · 165
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
They burned in the embers

Fast and flammable

Their eyes - bright and broken

Uneven jaws and bruised cheeks

They scorched in the cooling coals

Slow and warm

Their mouths - cracked and bitter

Bloodshot eyes and calloused hands
Apr 2018 · 180
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
Broken jaw

Torn flesh, pulling from the bone

Muscles decaying, fraying at the tendons

Broken wing

Snapped neck, limp and brittle

Feathers fragile, sharp as glass
Apr 2018 · 169
In the night
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
I still love you
I still need you
Do you love her?
Do you need her?
Why did you stop loving, stop needing me?
The morning comes
Head pounding
The light of my phone distracts me
I open it
My messages are open
To her
What the hell did I say?
I scroll up
Knives stabbing at my heart
My fingertips start to tingle
The tingling starts to spread
My mind slows
No no no no no no no no no
I eventually calm

My phone vibrates

Her: Please stop messaging me,
Delete my number
Apr 2018 · 166
A Breaking Mind
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
A girl sits in a room
A laptop in front of her
Her fingers hover over the keys
The light shines through her glasses
Which are smudged from the long day
The tears brim at her eyes
Blinking them away
Trying not to crumble
Trying to stay on track

A girl is touched on the arm by her grandmother
She flinches away
Her arm tingles where she is touched
"What is wrong with you?"
Lingers in the air
"You are crazy,
you are not normal,
there is something wrong with your head"
She stands and walks away
She walks to the stairs and cries

What is wrong with the ******* the stairs
With the bleeding mind
And the stuttering heart
And the twisting stomach
Apr 2018 · 265
Perfect Cracks
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
The ground splinters under her feet
The weight on her shoulders pushing her further into the ground
The ground drops from under her
Falling, her skin flakes
Flaking away with the force of the air
She falls.

She is in her room
Facing her mirror
Eyes brimming with tears
Cracks trailing around her face and body
She turns away
She covers the cracks with hooded jackets and perfect smiles.

She lands.

In the darkness
She feels the cracks covering her
Like a cloak
She crumbles.

She stands.

She's in her room.
Looking in the mirror
The cracks cover her now
The perfect cracks
She smiles and the cracks glow.

She flies.
Apr 2018 · 150
Off With The Head
Cheyanne Hopkins Apr 2018
Off with their heads

A shrill voice rung around the room

Enveloping their ears

Everyone flinched

The Queen, all angered eyes and graceful snarl

The prisoners were taken to the dungeon

Off, off with their heads

Some people flinch

Pushing their shoulders back

Pretending to be poised and unafraid

The prisoners were dragged away

Off with their heads

One person flinched

Off with their head

Everyone's eyes remained open and unfeeling

Not a flinch in sight
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