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  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
Ronald J Chapman
It seems forever I found myself loving (loving) a dream,
Been dreaming about you a lot (a lot)
And up in my head I'm your Angel, my dear Angel,
But that's one thing I hope you already know.

You're sweet, sweet like chocolate,

You turn my head when I fly through space and  time, to find you,
Please don't  cover up your Soul from me,
Being the way that you are is enough. The beautiful you. Shining bright!

Princess, you light up my life, like no one else will ever do,
The way that you fly through space and time to me every night,
Gets me overwhelmed.

I want to hold you in my arms in the daylight,
In this time.

Will you grant my wish?
To let me hold you!
To let me love you!

You make my heart run fast,
You make my heart want to kiss you,

How can I possibly find you?

Copyright © 2016 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
Jeffrey Robin

The solitary body

Upon the Earth


( who is your god , really ? )


Christians !
Muslims !
Jews !

FOR MATERIAL ******* !


We are such hypocrites

As the orphan child keeps crying


I know

I am the bad guy

Interrupting your fornicating

With calls for human decency !

Don't worry !

All your blood lust love
Shall be fulfilled

We watch the little orphan girl go down

We approach

( body cams on ! )

Knowing we will be

For the ****


The tired days die


Only the ******* of our souls


In the monstrous movements

Of our crippled beings

In our godless State

  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
Maria Imran
count the ways you are sad on your finger tips
if you stop at ten and need more, close your hand in a fist and count on your knuckles
later you can count on your toes and maybe, one by one, on every other part too
count on your scars, why don't you try that?
count on your purple bruises
count on your two eye bags, swollen lip; count on your sometimes-throbbing-sometimes-weakening heart
then cry on your tears

I am sure they would do.
Doug Potter Sep 2016
Don’t eat chicken noodle soup from a saucepan leaned back in a recliner
because your neighbor could hit his wife in the back of the head
with a cue ball and the cops might siren down your street
causing you to flinch and spill hot broth on your
chest;  I have a bone to pick with the coward.
  Sep 2016 Doug Potter
The sun shines
Skin becomes light
drawing shoulders
towards the earth
dashing lines
One part down
towards the red
One part up
towards the blue
straightening the neck
Fronts well aligned
with the back
While a lift
of this healthy tension
from the middle
out of the hips
Joints know well
How to turn
and sink the distal
fronting a bliss
that welcomes in
a thrill
towards which I remain sober
as the music
softly fills
this temporary
Summer like air
I listen to that all
from an experience while listening to a street musician in a joyful crowd
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