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379 · Aug 2014
The Traces are in the Water
Dot Maychief Aug 2014
The days of years past
Are like a blurry bit of water
Stained in the paint
From the brush I’ve used to tell my story

I find myself looking at the water,
The colors still ever
But they’re melding together now
Shifting into gray matter
Or maybe
Back into the stardust they started as

I don’t know

But I see it in my feelings too
The gray matter
I feel my anger fade
I feel my glee fade
My happiness
My hate
Of you.

I feel it all fade into gray…
Because all at once,
You took the one thing that could distinguish
All those strong feelings
And smashed it
You took my heart and mistreated it.
So now I’m here.
Looking back on our story,
Not in Color anymore.
I look at it in black and white.

I see no fun.
I see no sadness.
I see what happened.
I see what we started as and what we ended as.
And that…
That is sadder than anything I’d ever felt.

So I look at the water.
I watch and try to hold on to those traces of blue,
Red, and Gold
Before they get swallowed up in Black.

His name was Jonathan.
And he was bright silver.

— The End —