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 Jun 2014 Donald Jones

If I could come to you ..

be there for you
speak no words,
just hold you
in my arms,
place my hand in yours ..

I would

If I could be there ..

let you know
with my eyes
that all will be well,
just sit with you ..

I would

If I could be at your side

take your pain,
caress the hurt,
kiss your tears
with my hand on your heart ..

I would

 May 2014 Donald Jones
 May 2014 Donald Jones
sometimes i wonder
if the world i live in
is one i made up in my head
that exists only for me

and if that’s true
i don’t mind
because the world i’ve created
is filled with madness
but the best madness i’ve created for myself
is you
 Mar 2014 Donald Jones
To love the dream
More than the man
Isn't love
She waits for you,
Under a blossom tree,
Nestled in the furthest corner,
Of her floral mind.

She waits for you,
Throughout the winter,
And let's the cold,
Seek shelter within her icy veins,
Rooting her limbs to the frozen earth.

She waits for you,
As the rain falls through the wilting leaves,
And is thankful that she,
Is not the only tearful heart.

She waits for you,
Even when the storm grows violent,
And she grows fearful,
That the wind will break her fragile bones,
And tear down her vacant foundations.

She waits for you,
In the summer warmth.

She's waiting for the flowers.

*but they will cease to bloom
Hansel could not see the breadcrumbs,
Gretel was left on her own,
Following the winding trail,
That lead her far away for home.

With only one pair if eyes,
The lurking witch could pass,
Grabbing Gretel with such force,
Her young heart smashed like glass.
 Feb 2014 Donald Jones
You know she’d wait forever
A grin lighting your face
Drop your bag on the front step
Take a deep breath and reach into space

With a knock on the door
You announce your presence
Your finally home
You can taste her essence

The door swings open to reveal a man
Dark hair and light eyes
Can I help you, he says
Confusion sparks to life

I’m sorry I must have the wrong house
You say with a smile
He nods his head and backs away
When you see the tiny child

She grips her mother’s leg
And your eyes climb above
Where you meet her dreamy gaze
And your heart stills with a thud

Her lips parted gently
And her hair laying loose
A hand rises to her throat
And you resist the urge to accuse

The man looks between you two
And asks what is the matter
Silence is his only answer
And your world slowly shatters

Tear your gaze from her tear filled eyes
And shake your head goodbye
Nothing friend, I just miss my love
And turn your back on her cry

Leave the world you knew behind
As her desperate shouts haunt your mind
But keep on walking just the same
And they said love was blind
 Feb 2014 Donald Jones
she never wanted to say
"these are your flaws."
she had always preferred
"but these are your features!"
and she never quite understood
why the people we're closest to
are the most critical creatures.

— The End —