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You are my nights and my days and everything great
I have not seen the sunshine in quite awhile
I also miss your smile
I miss nature walks
I miss long talks
I miss the smell of roses in the park
I miss late night movies after dark
I also miss the laughter, that's in the room when I visit you
I also miss me, because without you, I am not the same and that is a shame
I am not one to make demands
I am not going to command you to forget me not
I just want you to know that I am here if you need me
It starts with an idea, thus it is conceived
It grows over time, forming line after line
It consists of nouns, verbs, adjectives
It sometimes takes minutes or hours, or days ,or years
to fully form, It can be laborious starting with a rough draft
at times several papers pile up in the trash
It can consist of similes and metaphors, or take a short story form
It grows more until it is complete, thus the poem is born, after it arrives like a proud parent you look at the poem and declare it is good and ready to share

The poem can be personified, it can touch human emotion it can invoke sadness  and or happiness or at times touch our funny bone or remind us of a past romance, or the good old days

In the end the effort can be worthwhile especially if it can produce a smile
There are days when I wish I could rewind and start over again
There are days where I wish I could fast forward just to make it through
There are other days when I get to spend with you, on those days I wish I could press pause or freeze frame to make the moment last longer
Those times make life worthwhile and cause me to smile,
You cheer me up with your unique style
My emotions I sometimes stuff deep inside
I hide them pretty well for a while at least
They silently start to swell, my sadness becomes deeper than the deepest well
If you want to reach me don't preach to me, and say just snap out of it, that don't help
I know you just don't understand. I wish you would walk beside me and just be there
so i know you care
My tears overflow on the inside, you can not see them
I feel like I'm in hell, stuck in this deepest well
I'm sorry this is not as positive as my former poems
I struggle with a depressive disorder and this is how i feel in the midst of it.
You came into our lives like a shooting star
You dazzled us with your Amethyst light
You too quickly disappeared into the night
You made an impact on our lives
You remain in our hearts and our memories
We are forever changed because of you
This poem is first of all dedicated to my friend on here Jelly Belly who recently lost her Grandma.
Secondly to my Dad who when he was alive had a February Birthday
I thought I would try life in a bubble safe from the worlds trouble
I also thought the bubble would keep me from germs a double blessing
Life here in the bubble seemed to go at a slower pace
I'm here in the bubble away from the human race
I am protected from crime
I am enjoying time with me, myself and I
I am not watching the news no news is good news right
I am shut out from everyone
I wonder does anyone remember me anymore
I'm starting to feel claustrophobic stuck in the bubble
I did not mean to shut out the ones I love
I would scream but no one would hear me
I am isolated from everything and everyone except my thoughts
I am imprisoned by my thoughts
If you were near, you would hear me say burst this bubble and let me out
I want to live life again  
I want to breathe again, outside the bubble
She thinks me a
springboard. A
project piece to
project to and then
to leave. I've known
more people that
believe in me
then I've known
me's that believe
in me.
 Jul 2014 Dyslexic God
the surgical procedure required to probe into your
skull is way too difficult for me. how difficult is it to
learn how to examine the thoughts you conjure up,
like arithmetic or magic. the stem cutters to pull the
dead roots out of you are dull, like the color of dead
coral or fishes that don't see sunlight. maybe the fishes
just don't swim to the surface too often. if i would have
seen your arsenal and armory before i dedicated every
inch of my pointless existence of a heart to you, every
hour of my life wouldn't hold disdain and regret for you.
the only difference between us and a car crash was that
the shrapnel and glass was our shattered memories.
the hairline fractures that are burned into my wrist's bones
have turned into full blown fragments eradicated from the
ligaments. i've seen fall, winter, spring, and summer meet
all in the same day because of you. you are an impossible
calculation, a lobotomy no pet scanner can recognize.

- kra
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