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 Jun 2013 DieingEmbers
A run down house
filled with garbage and dirt,
and bugs of all sorts
that I didn't know existed,
is where my dream had taken place.
Well, at least I hope it's a dream,
and not reality.
I walked towards that broken, disgusting house
regretting each step
that took me closer
I'm blind to my surroundings
my only focus is that house,
or what is in that house.
The house seems to get bigger
and it looms over me
threatening to crash and smother me
but even with all this danger
and my head telling me to run
I was compelled to move on
to find the purpose of this horrible house,
this awful house.
The wind picked up
and my vision changed
the house changed,
it was still the same house
but this time it was a quaint little house
it sit perfectly in the country setting
and children ran and played
adults were laughing
everyone was happy
and I found myself laughing with them,
As soon as the vision came,
it disappeared,
leaving my frozen
and hesitant.
I no longer wanted to find out what happened to this house.
The walkway was cracked,
the lawn was overgrown
the trees were snapped in two
and darkness was settling in,
the horrible house it was once more
looming over me.
I started to run,
but not away,
much to my dismay
I ran towards that house,
through the dark gaping doorway
right into the garbage filled living room,
dying room more like it.
Everything was dying,
and I watched,
death filled the living room
like a sickness that can not be cured,
it was oppressing,
and once again I felt smothered.
The room swirled before me,
broken tables and chairs flew around the room,
a tornado of broken things
flew towards me,
broken tables and chairs,
sofas and pictures,
hopes and dreams,
Broken souls stopped this rampaging tornado
and stared at me,
their colorless eyes huge,
begging me to save them.
I started walking,
up now,
up old stairs that creaked ominously under my feet.
Every step I thought I was going to fall through.
I turned down the hall and into a room,
now there was a broken crib
and destroyed toys,
the only things intact
were a teddy bear,
and a child.
The child was sick with the fever of death,
and I had to get him out of here
those broken souls were screaming out of fear,
"Get Out!"
The house was going to fall.
I grabbed the child and the bear,
and I ran.
Down those perilous stairs
out the gaping door way
and I ran with the child in my arms
far away from that horrible house
and those broken souls.
I finally stopped running
when I was in a field of frost bitten flowers.
When did it become winter?
That child was shivering,
he gripped his bear
the strength of that child filled me with some sort of hope.
I wrapped up the child and ran.
Now it was spring,
the child was older now,
he still stayed with me
as we ran through the living forest,
this child's cheeks were bright red with the joy of running.
Spring fever wrapped him in warm, gentle, arms.
Then we ran into Summer,
how I do not know.
But that child was older,
and I was older,
he had blue eyes and blond hair,
and I never noticed until now.
We ran along the beach,
he splashed in the water
Summer fever took him up in her raging warmth.
Then it was fall,
and that child changed once again,
no longer happy
he walked instead, alone a lot,
without me.
His blue eyes seemed to darken,
and he was paling,
anyone could see that Autumn fever caught him in weakening arms,
and though he was beautiful,
he was dying.
Then winter came once more,
and we were back at that house.
That horrible house,
that now was just a pile of rubble,
and broken souls.
That child walked up to the house,
fell to his knees,
and died.
I ran up to him
winter trying to hold me back with cold winds,
all that was left
was his teddy bear.
Winter fever had crushed him in her cold grip,
and killed him.
I hugged the teddy bear.
I woke up,
disoriented by my dream,
my heart felt raw,
the death of a child,
something I never want to be reality,
Sorry this was super long and not really organized, dreams never really make sense. Well at least mine don't make sense to me.
I** Have Been Thinking,
Lately, I Just Think Of You,
Lately I Have Thought,
I Have Thought Of Only You,
Have You Been Thinking Of Me?
Me? Smitten?! Who Told You?;)
never knew you
except from
far away

never loved you
except from
far away

except for
in poems and colors

you know

i never wanted to give
you anything more
than what you wanted.

tonight i was thinking
if the moon were one
of the eyes of God

would it rain every night,
or some nights shine so bright
that even the sleepiest birds

couldn't help singing?
i know
you remember.

dear india,
just one

if you're gone, which you are,
and i'm gone, which i am,
gone like refugees,

why do you
keep showing up
in my dreams?
 Jun 2013 DieingEmbers
walk with me, oh sweet soul
oh please, walk with me

walk with me upon this path betwixt dale and brook
you are goddess of the moon, healing night creatures
feel the rustling breeze whisper hopeful prayers to us
don’t condemn your thoughts and feelings, for they guide.

This time, curiosity can be a blessing
Seek not excitement of the night
Yet wait not forever for a life to come
When you have it *right now
; live it well.

Emotions are sometimes borne of selfish needs
Thus, succumbing to easy judgment.... may lead to pain
And not only to yourself, oh no!
Its force can touch your whole being.

Get up thus and walk with me, sweet soul
Get fresh air into your lungs
Lie on beachsand, fully stretched, in clothes
Feel the living sun give to you, selfless.

Encourage not phantoms of ill desire
Place not your heart so precarious
Reach inside, extend a hand
For what seems cursed or bland..may well be ~ your very own blessing.

Oh, what gentle ministry gives she...goddess of the a needy soul

S T, 30 June 2013
written in 2010.

"oh Lord, it's hard to be humble"

read that line somewhere, just forget where now....

hope that Moon-Goddess pops by sometime....soon :)

sub-entry: 'tides'll turn...tides'll turn'

when we least expect
but most need.

wait for it...
tides'll turn....tides'll turn.
A stir in the air,
parakeet helicopters,
silence reigns again.
Over the fields of  ripened rice they fly low, maraud
and vanish quickly beyond the dense green  hills.
 Jun 2013 DieingEmbers
What should I say to cold callers?
"Not interested thank you "
"Yes, that is my name "
"No, actually my computer isn't broken "
"I think you need electrocution lessons, I can hardly understand you."

Or maybe I'll try this;

Mario, we had a deal now Mario
We shook hands ain't that right?
Meet me on the bridge my friend
Same time alone tonight

Bring the dough now Mario
You gotta pay your debt
I'm like that elephant you know
The one who don't forget

I got you covered Mario
I know your family
You gotta learn how to behave
Act responsibly

We're nearly brothers Mario
We share some blood I guess
So let's not spill it over this
Let's clear up this mess

 Jun 2013 DieingEmbers
Sir B
Tell me your secrets.
Don't be afraid
People have done before
Its not hard
We are only going to talk..
about secrets

Everyone is welcome.
Because secret keepers need to.
So stop being a spooked
And talk.
*About secrets
I talk to a friend often, and I just talk myself out. Tell the friend my secrets and the ones that I found, we have a jolly good time, also its late at night
 Jun 2013 DieingEmbers
 Jun 2013 DieingEmbers
As cold as ice.
I still thought i could warm you.
I was wrong.
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