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I’m missing you like the drought misses rain
A drug that keeps feeding me this bittersweet pain
It lives in my soul, draining me of joy
What once was beautiful has now been destroyed

I’m missing you like the snow misses sun
Where light had once flourished, now there’s just none
A darkness that drowns me in melancholy and sorrow
I was such a fool for giving you my heart to borrow

I’m missing you like the night misses day
But no matter what happens, it’ll always find a way
The world will keep turning; the sun will shine again
A cycle for a billion years, I’ll miss you even then

But this has all been a daydream of strayed and mindless thoughts
I’m reminiscing like a fool, while you’ve probably forgot
Do you even miss me? Do I even want to know?
It wouldn’t be as painful as having to see you go  

And I’ll still be missing you like a beautiful sin
With the guilt inside of me where my heart had once been
You never returned it, don’t know where it might be now
Perhaps destroyed or buried, I’ll love you anyhow
Wrote this on February the 13th of this year. That was a year and two months since I had seen you last.
Deep within the sadness,
                lost in the great abyss,
Fighting for survival, searching for true companionship.

Be gone oh dark passenger,
               you have hitchhiked far too long,
I am no longer the weary soul, I have become too strong.

Once I made friends with you,
               that was a desperate move,
Can’t believe I walked that path, had nothing to prove.

The tears that roll in the silent night,
               are not fueled by the pain,
But by the false hope, the promised sunshine in the rain.

— The End —