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 Mar 2016 Dennis Rowling
Joe Cole
My scratchy old pen
And watery ink
I offer you
And just simple words for I am but a simple man
A lesser poet
But none the less a lover of words
In my simple way I a non believer
Give YOU my prayer
Don't hate the man beside you
Though his skin is ebony black
Because when his blood mingles with yours
It's the same deepest red
My muslim brothers in poetry my doors are open to you
I embrace you without judgement
For you are a poet to
I am an Ink pen
In the guidance of someone skilled I can create amazing things
Solve difficult problems, even make the future.
My hard work, blood sweat and tears roll on the paper
Whatever I do will leave a mark.
I strive to make bold lines and make it easy writing for the hands that push me in the right directions.
I am an Ink pen that can erase.
My mistakes will leave a mark, but I won’t let them take up anymore room on my page.
I leave marks that could stand the tests of time, but with just a thought make them unknown
I am an Ink pen
I write to be read and heard not to please.
I will write a piece that’ll last through time etched in this small piece of paper I am given.

— The End —