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Jul 2010 · 1.1k
Rebirth of Wayward Self
deanena tierney Jul 2010
The crimson garment has fallen away,
Revealing a cover that's white and sheer.
A simpleness replacing undeserved shame,
A rebirth replacing muddled with clear.

Affected no more by past regrets,
Obscurity abounds no more,
Transformation of wayward self,
Into a soul, authentic and pure.
Jul 2010 · 1.6k
No Resemblance
deanena tierney Jul 2010
There is the house where I used to live.
Where I had so many smiles.
Age and time has distanced me,
Along with many miles.

In the field beside the brook,
A little girl plays, - carefree.
And on closer inspection I find,
She looks a lot like me.

And I wonder if she found my hiding spot,
The one I stashed all my treasures in.
Oh, but she couldn't have, because I see now,
A garage is where that would have been.

And the tree that once held my tire swing,
Appears to have fallen some time ago.
The birdhouse I built with Dad is now gone,
And I wonder just where did it go.

A barn has now taken the place of,
The great oak where I carved my name.
And I wish I had never come back here.
Because nothing seems the same.
Jul 2010 · 434
deanena tierney Jul 2010
The sun, it shone just briefly,
Til shorted by a cloud.
That hung itself so rightly,
Resembling a shroud.

And there it stayed, suspended,
Without a peer in sight.
Clinging , oh so stubborn,
Playing god with light.

And the sun, on fixed eclipse,
Whose course is set just so,
Fell just but a victim to,
The mocking cloud below.

And after waiting in patient tense,
The sun decided to speak.
How is it you have affected me,
When you appear so weak?

Might you drift just a little,
So I may offer solace from the haze.
The seasons are quickly changing, you know?
And short are becoming my days.

Perhaps we are both just unable,
To alter this state, my friend.
Sometimes we must just wait, helpless;
At the mercy of the wind.
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I have seen pictures of beautiful places,
They are just a taste.
Reminding me of how little I've done.
Is my life a waste?

I want to see the geysers,
In Yellowstone National Park.
And walk along the Eastern Shore,
With you after it gets dark.

And I know there is a snowboard,
That somewhere bears my name,
And I have always wanted to go,
To an NFL football game.

I hear that Ireland is beautiful,
What a sight to see.
And I know there is a rustic place.
Where I can write poetry.

I would like to go see Mardi Gras,
And maybe earn a bead or two.
Listen to a great acoustic band,
And sing a line or two.

Hop aboard an airplane
Grab the window seat.
Just drive to a distant city,
To see just who I'd meet.

Swim naked in the ocean,
Surf my way back in.
Make love really crazily,
And then do it again.

Fall in love with the right one,
Find a true soul-mate,
I wish I could do it all right now,
I don't want to wait.
Jul 2010 · 348
Who Do I Listen To?
deanena tierney Jul 2010
My head always seems to tell me one thing,
While my heart  takes the other extreme.
My heart says," This is possible,"
My head says, "It's  a dream."
Jul 2010 · 416
This Is My Day
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Why do we hold so tightly,
To a dying heart?
And to the living oft ignore;
Stay so far apart?
Little time has been granted,
I will waste it not.
Tomorrow is but uncertain,
Past is now forgot.
And I just will not censor,
I will just be free.
And do whatever I so desire;
Because today belongs to me.
Jul 2010 · 598
No Trouble At All
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Trouble can take a stable man,
And make him go quite mad.
Uncertain just why she visited,
Make him wish she never had.

But there is no stopping Trouble.
She waits around every bend.
But once you do get used to her,
You may just call her "friend."

And yes, she may bring chaos,
As Trouble's been known to do,
But there's no avoiding it once,
Trouble's taken a liking to you.

And there is no need to worry,
Please do not worry at all.
Trouble needs your number,
To make an international call.
Jul 2010 · 1.2k
The Noble Pauper
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Pauper prophet stands amid nobility's raucious crowd.
Beckoned forth, mocked for faith, punishingly proud.

Beams are set, noose is hung, gallant dress is donned.
The noble man, on pedestal, is smugly looking on.

Trumpets hasten allotted time; judgement,error-free.
Noble man; mortal witness, of the paupers' eternity.
Jul 2010 · 814
Perfect Tragedy
deanena tierney Jul 2010
The unaffected masses hailed to hillside green.
Ignorant of paramount and of the truth they'd seen.

Urging rod and armor; journey led past city gates.
Mocking of a testament; surrender still abates.

And so a tragedy unfolds - timely in its' hour,
Simple plan, perfected by hand of greater powr'.

Erred judgement; mercy granted, ability to ****.
The soul of man forgiven then..and forgiven still.
Jul 2010 · 2.0k
Dee Tanka
deanena tierney Jul 2010
A new life granted
Glad to be starting over
Better days await
A totally free spirit
No longer so appeasing
Jul 2010 · 875
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Oh my sweet, sweet gentleman,
Who has taught me how to love.
I decided I will run away with you,
And share the stars above.

I thought so very long and hard,
Of the decision I should make.
And realized if I went to Sussex,
It would be a huge mistake.

So I waited until after dusk,
And packed a few small things.
And then I planned that I would leave,
When I heard the church bell rings.

And when they did I tiptoed,
Down the corridor and to the street.
Where there stood my trusted friend,
Who had arranged with me to meet.

We traveled East to the harbor,
The steamer was not hard to miss.
And anxiously I hurried along,
To greet you with a kiss.

Conspicuously I wandered about,
Until I found cabin two- eleven.
And then I pushed the door open a bit,
To steal a sight of heaven.

Instead I saw you lying there,
With a maiden much less fair,
I sauntered up, spit in your face,
And left your sorry *** there!
Jul 2010 · 626
Buried Secrets
deanena tierney Jul 2010
There must be a greater purpose,
For mans' existence on this earth.
Mere epitaph on marble,
No justice to his worth.
After all these many years,
The secret's still unfound.
Or if ever known by any,
Entombed within the ground.
And many men more brilliant than I,
Have searched with no reprieve,
For the answer to the same question,
For a clear reason to believe.
And will I be laid to rest,
As unfulfilled as they?
Or will I discover purpose
On my departing day?
changing the name at some point ... in a  hurry! (note for me)
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Where's the steamer headed, love,
To a land I do not know?
Will the faces of my loved ones be there,
I'm not sure that I should go.

You see this man in Sussex,
Is a good man so I'm told,
And I believe he'll take care of me,
When I grow gray and old.

And true I do not feel the same,
About him as I do you,
If I step into that harbor, love,
I'll lose the life I knew.

Do you think that what we feel,
Might fade passion can, you know.
Or will our love last a lifetime,
Can you guarantee me it will grow?

You see, I'm not the type of girl,
Who gives into affairs of the heart.
I can not board your steamer, love,
To Sussex...I'll carry your heart.

I know once you have heard this,
Your love will seem a lie.
And it hurts me very deeply, love,
But I must say goodbye.
Jul 2010 · 448
Wires Crossed
deanena tierney Jul 2010
If all the feelings within my heart,
Did not have be channeled through,
My brain before I could share them,
They would make more sense to you.
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Would life be that much better,
If we did not feel pain?
Would we even name the sunshine,
If we knew no rain?

Would life be that much better?
If tears just never fell?
Would we even look toward heaven,
Without ever knowing hell?
Jul 2010 · 560
I Earned A Day To Cry
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I guess I should have taken time,
To feel the pain I earned.
Instead I just sent it all away,
And today it all returned.

How could you have chosen,
A mask over a smile,
Can you remember our sons' face?
I know its' been a while.

You traded love for debauchery,
Was it worth so little to you?
We must have made a million memories,
But I can only recall a few.

And part of me is so angry,
That you threw it all away.
Another part just feels pity,
Your life turned out this way.

There is no time for regretting,
I must keep myself on track.
So I'll send this pain away again,
And pray it won't come back.
Jul 2010 · 728
Cleaning Out The Closet
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I cleaned out my closet,
Earlier today,
And with very little thought,
Threw most everything away.

But I found a few lost feelings,
On the top shelf, in a stack,
A pile of old photographs,
Of times I can't get back.

And tears I had already cried,
Returned to me again.
And I foolishly wished things could be,
The way they were back then.

But there is no chance of that,
I shouldn't dwell on it anymore.
You are not the same person at all,
The person I loved before.
Jul 2010 · 620
No Longer Proud
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Ok, here is what you asked for.
For me to speak my mind.
And just say exactly what I feel,
Careless words... they come to mind.

I think of you when I open eyes,
And before I go to bed,
In fact I think of you every moment,
You're always in my head.

I'd neglect everything around me,
For the chance to share with you.
Yet I seem to have another who loves me,
And I don't know what to do.

I am now faced with a lot of decisions,
And how will I ever choose.
I want to follow this feeling recklessly,
But pride is so hard to lose.

But I am so tired from holding it back,
So I'm just going to share it all.
I believe you could be the one for me,
Happily ever after..... after all?
Jul 2010 · 903
Not So Black and White
deanena tierney Jul 2010
There is a man in Sussex,
To whom I will belong.
I have never even met him,
And now it feels so wrong.

And as I stand in the city square,
Searching the crowds for you,
I feel my heart may just stop beating,
For there's nothing I can do.

Promises were made and I was given,
With a nod and firm handshake.
And before I had known you, my love,
I never knew my heart could break.

Part of me wants to risk it all,
Security and even name,
But I just can't disgrace my family
And impress them with that shame.

So let's just spend a day in the park,
And secretly pretend,
That we will always be together,
And this will never end.

Let's discreetly turn the corner,
To that alley on the right,
And kiss with all the longing,
And hold each other tight.

Let me smell the scent of you,
and let me breathe you in.
So I can save that memory,
And bring you back again.

In less than just a fortnight,
My stay here will be ending,
And I will begin my new life,
My life of just pretending.
Jul 2010 · 9.7k
Our Suppressed Society
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Somehow, down through the centuries,
Man discerned it was best to hide.
Conceal their grief and likewise love,
And hoard it all inside.

Emotions we should so easily share,
We choose to temper instead.
And so many things that we want to say,
We just let go...unsaid.
Jul 2010 · 527
The Keeper of Time
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I know that life is testing you, pushing you to the brink,
Stop struggling for just a moment, and take some time to think.
Is this burden within your power?, if not...just let it be.
Bear the weight with faith and know it will ease....... eventually.
It's never more than you can handle and know this too will pass.
Relief will arrive right on time, for God holds the hourglass.
Jul 2010 · 419
The Only One
deanena tierney Jul 2010
God, please make your presence known,
Let your peace just fill my heart.
And relinquish all the pent up pain,
As I make a brand new start.

Take my weakened faith, O Lord,
And make it strong again.
Renew it and give it back to me,
Deeper than its ever been.

Guide me down the cobbled path,
So that I won't trip and fall.
For you have always been the only one,
Who could save me....after all.
Jul 2010 · 489
My Short Thrill
deanena tierney Jul 2010
As soon as any moment comes free,
I jump on Hp...just to see....
If you've been on and just maybe,
Have written a brand new poem for me.
Jul 2010 · 445
Day One
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Today may be the day...
That I give up the fight.
Forgive myself for all the wrongs,
That I never made quite right.

Today may be the day...
I find a sought release.
Remove all blame from my past,
And my soul will fill with peace.

Today may be the day...
I finally, "Breach the dam,"
Let purging tears just fall right down,
And love just who I am.

Today may be the day...
My world begins anew.
And I will call today... "Day One",
With an entirely new view.

Today may be the day...
That I know "carefree" again.
And my smiles will be genuine.
Please let the day begin.
Jul 2010 · 1.5k
Free Time
deanena tierney Jul 2010
My mind is always working,
Down-times are so few.
Now I sit with idle time,
Wondering what to do.

There are so many, many, things,
I have put off for so long,
I should just get up and start them,
Before many more come along.

But yet I feel that I deserve,
Sometime to just restfully be.
And lounge right through this quiet day,
Where my time feels totally free.
Jul 2010 · 380
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Where can I find a Poets' Retreat?
And would it be crowded or bare?
Would I have to bring pencils with me?
Or would they supply them there?

Would there be little desks scattered about?
Would I choose one or be assigned a seat?
Could I come and go just as I please?
How many interesting people would I meet?

When I left would I be that much wiser?
Could I easily strike out a great poem?
Would I come to love the Retreat so much,
That I'd never want to go back home?

Would there be a place with complete silence,
That otherwise is impossible to find?
Would I leave with appreciation for nature?
And could I finally clear my mind?
Jul 2010 · 529
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Sometimes during life's short journey,
When faced with so much grief,
A soul forever impacts our own,
Though the meeting may be brief.

I was broken and lying in pieces,
You picked me up and made me whole,
Wiping tears that fell for forever,
And your imprint is still on my soul.
Jul 2010 · 480
The Web
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Oh, what a tangled life you lead.
Unravel, keep simple and plain.
For if you don't,  folly will follow,
And ensnare you once again.
Jul 2010 · 426
The Twisted Mind
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Throw me a bone, a little one
It's not a big one that I need.
Don't plant me a whole garden
Just plant me one little seed.

Then me and my mind will make the rest
Become just what I want it to be
I will push it and shove and twist it around
Til it resembles what I want to see.
Jul 2010 · 484
deanena tierney Jul 2010
It's so  hard to stop the pen...
I put it down, blink just once
Then pick it up again.

Has complete control over me...
Can't you see what I am doing?
"I'm writing...let me be!"

Writing's what we do.
Won't you a write a poem for me?
And I'll write one for you?
Jul 2010 · 397
Laugh With Me
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I wonder if the poet me, met the poet you,
How would we spend our time?
Could we try to pass the given hours,
Speaking in only rhyme!    

That would make a comedic memory,
That perhaps we would share with none.
You can be the Cat and I will be the Hat,
And we would have soooo much fun!
Jul 2010 · 424
Who Is He?
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I wonder if anyone else on here,
Knows whose space they share.
Afraid they may have overlooked,
The Canadian Poet for whom I care.

His words can cut right through you,
Messages aimed straight for the heart,
No it's not chance nor coincidence,
They may soothe you or tear you apart.

No, I can not give you any directions,
I have given hints enough,
You will stumble upon, then quickly know,
As soon as you read his stuff.

And whoever runs across his poems,
Was guided there by a greater force.
Everything happens as it is planned,
Keep reading, you're right on course.
Jul 2010 · 472
Turned OFF
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I seem to sit alone a lot,
And internalize.
Immune to all the events that are,
Right before my eyes.

Is it choice that makes me,
Not give even a care.
I am my own companion,
I am always there.

Others' miseries, they don't phase me.
Yet neither do my own,
I just accept whatever is,
And reap what I have sown.

What a great ability,
To turn reaction to naught,
Before I remember to forget,
It's already forgot.
Jul 2010 · 1.3k
Make it in Black and White
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Make me a maiden with pale white skin,
With corsets and knickers galore.
By my side, a distinguished gentleman,
One who all of the maidens adore.
Place us in center of the city square,
At nightfall on an autumns eve',
With lantern lights shining bright,
In a carriage that's fixing to leave.
A closed parasol held in my right hand,
My bonnet appearing to sway,
My gentleman with his top hat; smiling,
Thanks me for the wonderful day.

Now that I've created the image.
Go and work your masterful art.
And paint me a beautiful picture,
That mirrors the one in my heart.
Jul 2010 · 1.6k
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Bring back the days of yesteryear,
When all seemed easy, all was free.
Before life had progressed so much,
With all of mans' technology.

Back when most men moved slower,
And their acts were mostly true.
In a world that really believed,
So much could be done with few.

When your neighbor next door to you,
Would wave and ask how you are.
And a father and son could be spied,
Working together to fix an old car.

When mothers tucked their children,
Into their beds every night,
After saying The Lord's Prayer together,
Before turning out the light.

When the festival held in the town,
Caused the businesses to close.
When grandpa's sat with grandchildren,
Under trees to read some prose.

When lemonade was squeezed outside,
Under a big old oak tree.
And honey for the mornings' toast,
Was stolen from the honey bee.

And in church every Sunday,
Man would shake each others' hands.
And forget any differences,
Knowing that God surely understands.

When there was still a clean, crisp, creek,
With a tire swing overlook.
And the teens would find their first love,
A sheepish grin was all it took.

When picnic tables were filled with friends,
And families would still play a game.
And when you went to the five and dime,
Everyone knew your name.

A time when money had less value,
Than the work a man could give.
Bring back the days of yesteryear,
So that I could simply live.
Jul 2010 · 509
The Artists
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Did the songwriter write me a song or verse?
And add a melody in honor of me?
Did an orchestra play before a silenced crowd?
My beauty on display for all to see?

Did the sculptor etch me in his bust?
Exposed to all,  only knowing trust.
Taking care with talented stroke.
With focused eyes and masking cloak.

Did the Canadian poet have me in mind?
In the beautiful words he can easily find.
Whose works, uncensored, like a child at play.
Pen, purely mimics, what my soul wants to say.

I'd like to think I may have inspired,
A great man to do something great.
Even if only to transcend a moment;
And seize eternity before it's too late.
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I will be lying where the butterflies roam.
The place the Monarchs call their home.
And the Brushtails visit etched with blue.
Where the Gossamerwings drink the dew.
The Pieridae will grace me with their art.
Winged paradise stills the beating heart.
Jul 2010 · 622
Not So High Anymore
deanena tierney Jul 2010
A decade hence, he found a love, and offered her his name.
Vowing to honor and cherish, and she vowed to do the same.

Five years later they created a son, and the world seemed bright.
But then one day he took a vice, and there was no more right.

A little pill was offered, and a little pill he tried.
Soon he had to have them, to wife and son ...he lied.

The days went on and on and him it felt like one.
And despite all of the battles...the little pills had won.

Some time later his wife stumbled upon, all  he had tried to hide.
And then she put all the wrongs together, and  sat down and cried.

No, she did not leave him then, she had vowed for better or worse.
And she stood right by his side until...he found salvation in a hearse.

This story is true...though based on a lie,
Addicts? ...they leave without saying goodbye.
Jul 2010 · 404
deanena tierney Jul 2010
The day will be soon be over,
And lead on into night.
A night without any shelter,
He shivers out of fright.
Night eyes they will watch him,
And sleep will just deprive.
His belly, it will be burning.
But no food will arrive.
People will pass and mutter,
Words he never hears.
He knows them all anyway,
He's lived like this for years.
Jul 2010 · 565
deanena tierney Jul 2010
The past has become , again , my present.
And yesterday, once again, today.
gain, I let the world fool me into thinking,
That there could be a different way.
Round and round the carousel goes.
Never leaving the track it's on.
And so on and so on, cycles - me.
'Til eventually the hope is gone.
The scenery changes around us,
People? They don't change at all.
Not their acts, ideas, or opinions.
Once fallen?..then again must fall.
Jul 2010 · 1.2k
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Naivety is a virtue,
Until you first get burned.
It then becomes your enemy,
A difficult lesson learned.
Jul 2010 · 402
Where are you?
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Annie Brown, oh Annie Brown?
Tell me, where are you?
I have been looking all around,
But there's no sign of you!

Annie Brown, oh Annie Brown?
Tell me , where are you?
If I don't find you soon, my dear,
I just don't know what I'll do.
Jul 2010 · 1.2k
Of Villains There Are Plenty
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Could you be another villain?
Like all the ones before.
'Twas not the initial presentation,
But now I see much more.

The way you always say so little,
About what's going on with you.
Then something strange will slip right out,
And you say, "I thought you knew."

And all of the cell text messages,
That you get throughout the day,
And you turn your phone right over,
So I can't see what they say.

How you never make a comment,
About the nice things that I do.
And you seem to want to hide me,
From your publics' view.

Just what secrets are you keeping?
Something just doesn't feel quite right.
And it's always in the back of mind.
Arms of a villain are holding me tight.
Jul 2010 · 495
Let Me Sleep
deanena tierney Jul 2010
I just sit here with weighted limbs,
Blurred and barely able to see.
Head's feeling heavy, still moving slow,
Slumber please come back to me.

I feel that I deserve a break,
Some time to close my eyes.
And let this world just fade away,
And dream of cloud free skies.

Not just the usual 8 hours of rest,
I am in need of so many more.
Waking thoughts have piled up on me,
And I can't handle them like before.

I want to snuggle under my covers,
Pull them right over my head.
And even though I just got out of it.
I want to go back to bed.
Jul 2010 · 423
I Will Be Free
deanena tierney Jul 2010
One day I hope to take trip,
A trip with only me.
And stop, with pen and paper,
At every inspiring place I see.
And then......I will be free.
Jul 2010 · 531
The Canadian Poet
deanena tierney Jul 2010
He was born in the year nineteen sixty nine.
His place of origin, not completely sure.
But he is presently residing in Canada.
In the wrong era, that he must endure.

In the English days of yesteryear,
He would have been deemed so great.
I would love to travel back with him,
For I, also, was born too late.

I may have sat cross-legged,
On a sloping grassy hill,
And listened so intently,
To his amazing skill.

Or perhaps he would be reading,
In a theatre that's oh so grand.
And by carriage they would travel,
To hear the best poet in the land.

But would we know each other,
The way that we now do.
Or would I be just another common,
Hoping for a glance from you.

Would I stand afar so you couldn't see,
The longing in my eyes.
To know you and to have you know me,
My passion in disguise.

There is one thing that's certain,
Whether circa 1700 or 2010.
You are my very special poet,
If breathing now or living then.
Jul 2010 · 441
deanena tierney Jul 2010
How did I let it go this far again?
Knowing it could never last.
I was born for only solitude.
This lesson learned in past.

You made me feel more beautiful
Than I ever had before,
But somehow it still wasn't enough
To open my locked door.

The kisses have grown colder,
And I have backed away.
Not fully sure if fear or indifference,
Has made me feel this way.

Selfishly I just continued on,
It's as unforgivable as a lie.
Partly not wanting to be alone,
Partly because I hate "goodbye."

How will I be able to tell you,
I don't love you the way I should.
After I have spoken the words.
Right now I just wish I could.

I hope your pain is less by far,
Than mine; I'll suffer by shame.
I'd rather be hurt than hurt another,
Slander me, I'll take the blame.

I won't ask you for your pardon,
Or for you to understand.
That I am meant to wander alone,
With no one to hold my hand.

I will never be able to sacrifice,
My defenses,  just on a whim.
And since there are no certainties,
My chance for love is looking grim.
Jul 2010 · 544
Few Quips For MOM
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Family is a shelter,
Come in from the rain.
Family is a healer,
Easing all your pain.
Family is a reminder,
Of smiles from the past.
Family is forever.
And it will always last.

Family is a priceless treasure.
Sharing more than just a name.
It doesn't matter what you do.
They love you just the same.
Jul 2010 · 911
A Poet Knows No Silence
deanena tierney Jul 2010
Ah, the regard, or disregard, of the poets' ever-pressing intention.
Beheld by afar, nobility counts; their works too foolish to mention.
Not acclaimed as skilled,
For not learned in school;
Eyed with disdain,
Slandered a fool,
Never renowned, praised, or appraised, or gainfully held in contention.

Purpose is such, (pure irony), never seeking of fortune or  gain.
But only to expel the catalyst, desperate attempt to feel sane.
Writing merely,
To quiet the soul.
Transferring chaos,
The primary goal.
As with a plan, hastily made;  frantically, frantically plotting in vain.
Jul 2010 · 440
The Little Black Kitten
deanena tierney Jul 2010
My heart dropped quickly to my feet,
When I saw your post tonight.
I could not reach you fast enough,
To make sure you were alright.

I know there's something on your mind,
And when you're ready I am here.
If you choose to spill your heart out,
Or bite your tongue , my dear.

Either way I will be present,
And fully prepared to bear,
The heartache right along with you,
Because I truly care.

And though I can't be with you,
To try to bring you smiles,
You were sent a little black kitten,
Across many, many miles.

Try to remember when times seem bleak,
That we are connected in heart.
And what you feel I will also feel.
Even though we are far apart.
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